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Announcement [Done] [Maintenance] 20/06/2022 Server Maintenance

Hello AdeptGamers,

At 5:00 PM CEST/8:00 AM PDT/3:00 PM UTC, the servers will go down for patch maintenance.

Approximate downtime will be 20 mins.

Thank you for your patience.

Sale Completed Amarok, the Revenant available until 6/24/2022

Amarok will be available for this week until Friday (5/21) at 11:59PM Pacific. This will be the last chance to buy these Dragons until Black Friday or next year.

This Dragon has actually been available since Monday, but I forgot to announce it, so I am extending the sale for an additional week.

  • Locked
  • Suggestion
Suggestion Rejected Filter/Sort items by stats

Whenever source comes and and you figured out what if anything to do with the UI system, it would be great QoL functionality if you could somehow filter or sort items by stats quickly in the backpack and the bank(filters would honestly be prefered as thouse wouldn't mess up your inventory order). This would make maxing a good bit more comfortable e.g. as you wouldn't have to look at each individual item to look for specific stats if you're premaxing some stuff for your weapon while you have a lot of spares in your inventory/bank.

  • Suggestion
Suggestion egg QOL

hi. sorry for asking this. but i was having some anxiety with caring with an unhatched egg so i thought i'ed ask this for an ease of mind at least. but are you planning any quality of life stuff involving with the unhatched eggs after getting the source code thing straighten out?

Play on Linux

Has anyone tried to play/start the game on Linux? (Using emulators)
I had Ubuntu as a second system in 2016, and I can remember, that I started DP on it - so the start itself is not impossible. But I can't remember anything about the playing process?. So maybe it was possible to start, but impossible to play. Has anyone any experience?

  • Suggestion
Suggestion Alpha test Change suggestions

hi everyone and welcome to the Alpha server test. If you notice thing that should be change / fix or just think some skill need some nerf or buff or small change write it on this poste

Class monk/Priest/oracle

Skill that need some adjustment : HP restore > class Priest > need to have a lower MP cost at the moment it get a rise of 5% more MP per lv. a fix MP % for all level would be better 10% MP cost would be fine or < lower the MP cost by 5% per lv and start at 25% and lower it to 5% at lv max.

2nd adjustment that would be needed on the skill is base the skill healing power on % mana and not HP %. since the change on all healing skill (expect healing wave) the skill now used mana % has is healing potency so oracle dont end up a pure meat shield full of HP in combat.

2 skill that need a rework : both skill work the same way mana per sec cost and continu effect until been hit or cancel the skill. Healing Wave and Chain lighting Those 2 skill need a rework and would need to be like all other skill < CD and fix mana, no more continu effect and would need to be ajuste for it.

Chain lighting is a super weak skill that is place at the end of the skill tree, ( I,m not sure if it's ez to do or not but , if you make it a skill like all other ''fix cost with fix CD, it would need a rise of number of target to be hit. and ''IF POSSIBLE a bouncing effect'' Target 1 bounce to target 2 bounce to target 3 and so on.'' to be a useful skill. IF the bounce effect is possible to do. change now many target it can hit per level and make it bounce like ''ryze on league of legend'' '' if there is only 1 target chain lighting would be able to bounce on the player and lower by 1 the number of possible hit on the target so if 4 bounce it would hit the target 2 times since it would need to bounce on somthing that would be the caster.''

For healing Wave it would need to be the same < would be able to bounce between character up to a XX number of bounce per lv > each lv up would add a bounce or 2, ''can bounce multiple time to the same player if no other is there. would need at least 1 player other then the cast to be used, and would be able to bounce to the caster too > so 4 bounce would be 2 Healing effect on the ''other player and 2 on the caster. > random bounce or fix 1-2-3-4-1-2-3-4 design

(if the bounce effect is possible, the only thing left would be to test different possibility of healing power to not make it to strong or to weak, same for chain lighting)

Master mode : box item : possible drop > only gem/secma item/wings/if you need more item to make the RNG higher for wings and gem drop add souls box high number/dust high number if it's fine for the % drop rate then only the item

That it for now. if i think of more stuff that would need adjustment i will write it here.

korean to english google traduction

About ten years ago, I was on a special mission to refuel.
Stopped by Hydron Core. But the Guardians of this Hydron
They recognized me as an intruder because of a mechanical problem!!%%
I was held captive like that for ten years. Then I infiltrated this place.
Two human boys rescued me like this. Besides, the teacher
He took me to the energy source, so I was greatly indebted.%%
I have to pay this debt right away, but...
I'm currently on a mission... I have some urgent work to do.
It is to restore the dimensional balance.%%
In the world, under Ea-nim's protection, each dimension system has its own way.
We are harmonizing. But at some point, the dark abyss
There is a problem with the dimension.%%
Originally, the dimension of the Black Abyss is a place like the spirit realm. the souls of the dead
You will stay forever in this world of deep, deep darkness.
Simply put, it is a place with an entrance but no exit.%%
However, one powerful thought body sealed in the dimension of the black abyss
Through some occasion, he combined with a human mage who was well versed in super magic,
We broke down the wall of the black abyss and came to this earthly world.%%
It was a being named First Child who did that...
Created by combining dragon and god genes with the power of omnipotent EA.
It was a super-life - that is, the origin.
Post automatically merged:

my only problem with this is

''It was a being named First Child who did that...
Created by combining dragon and god genes with the power of omnipotent EA.''

the OG introduction said the GOD slept < they never said he woke up or anything > but in the text they say the first child is a combination of dragon and god genes < and created the super life < it seem to be the Origin story of the Drakan race

Announcement Patch Note [Patch 1.0.31] Bounty buffs and F7 fix

Hello AdeptGamers,

Here are the current patch notes:

  • Fixed the base wait time to next stage on F7 from 60s to 10s
  • Fixed the max level entry for F7 rokko (unlimited now)
  • Enabled remote quest completion on account quests
  • Removed trash items from missions when using Gada coins (should only be set parts now)
  • Changed the official Adept guild's icon. The guild is open to all players to test, play and communicate together (request join on guild board)
  • A note forgotten last patch: F7 fatigue was disabled (you will always be at max and get max exp)
  • A note forgotten last patch: CD are not reset anymore on death and revive (future ultimates buff).
  • Shortened monster kill quests in the aram questlines (generally reduced those quests's required kill count from 40 to 10 per quest that require it)
  • Increased rewards on Bounty quests:
    • Farell: 50 dust, 50g, 3 enchant scrolls
      Endairon: 50 dust, 50g, 3 enchant scrolls
      Specters: 50 dust, 50g, 3 enchant scrolls
      Anukus: 50 dust, 50g, 3 enchant scrolls
      Lavalon: 100 dust, 100g, 5 enchant scrolls
      Akanai: 100 dust, 100g, 5 enchant scrolls
      Ryvius: 100 dust, 100g, 5 enchant scrolls
      Mutisha: 100 dust, 150g, 5 enchant scrolls
      Cetirus: 100 dust, 150g, 5 enchant scrolls
      Bone: 150 wdust, 200g, 7 enchant scrolls, 3 adv enchant scrolls (wdust only because it would be too many rewards with the gacha boxes)
      Paris: 150 wdust, 200g, 7 enchant scrolls, 3 adv enchant scrolls
      Elga: 200 dust, 500g, 10 enchant scrolls, 5 adv enchant scrolls

    • Paris and Bone gacha boxes have been increased to 4

Thank you for your patience.

Announcement [Completed] [Maintenance] 13/06/2022 Server Maintenance

Hello AdeptGamers,

At 3:30 PM CEST/6:30 AM PDT/1:30 PM UTC, the servers are going down for patch maintenance.

Approximate downtime will be about 30 minutes.

Thank you for your patience.

  • Question
Bug Report Juno's Gallery Keeps DCing or Crashing Second Battle

I can't get past Juno's Gallery due to it constantly either DCing or crashing halfway through the second fight, no other dungeons do this to me, especially not consistently. Anytime I crash or DC I get spawned outside of the dungeon too, so it makes it really frustrating to try completing it. This issue only happens on the 3rd level of difficulty for me so far, someone else on server mentioned they've been having the same issue.
Post automatically merged:

Update; I relogged after the crash and I was spawned in front of the apartment section with the 'whose apartment do you want to go to' pop up? Am I facing somehow a rollback issue to where my toon was before or,.. what?

Announcement [Client problem] Alternative download link

Hello Adeptgamers,

As some of you might have noticed, the client downloaded from the website crashes when starting the game.
Until this is resolved, I have uploaded an alternative link to a working client: Google Drive Adept Client 1.0.30

Make sure to make the patcher an exception (or the entire folder) to your antivirus as its being flagged as a false positive.

Thank you for your patience

Announcement Patch Note [Patch Notes] Experimental Alpha 1.0.29 Notes

Hello AdeptGamers,

Before we get into the patch notes a quick disclaimer: The server is experimental. IT MAY EVEN CRASH. In case I do not notice, feel free to notify me on Discord. For bugs and feedback, please use the forum, we will not process any bug reports on Discord.

All characters have been wiped. Remember that the eventual relaunch carries another wipe with it.

We begin our notes with the 2 new features that need to be tested

Account quests

A quick introduction to account quests:
Account quests are quests that are shared across all your characters. Accepting one account quest on a character and logging onto another, will result in the account quest to also be displayed on the other character. At the same time, an account quest can be completed and will not be available again on that account (and currently there is no daily account quest). This is very ideal for first time completion rewards for bosses and other interesting things.

Here is a list of currently available account quests and their rewards:

  • Farell 1st completion (complete quest): 100 dust (weapon and armor), 50 bounty tokens, 5 Enchant Insurance Scrolls, 50 gold
  • Lavalon 1st completion: +11 Enchant changer, 100 dust, 10 Enchant Insurance Scrolls, 100 gold
  • Aram 1st completion: +11 Enchant changer, 200 dust, 15 Enchant Insurance Scrolls, 500 gold
  • Bone 1st completion: +11 Enchant changer, 500 dust, 30 Enchant Insurance Scrolls, 20 Advanced Enchant Insurance Scrolls, 1000 gold
  • Paris 1st completion: +11 Enchant changer, 1000 dust, 30 Enchant Insurance Scrolls, 30 Advanced Enchant Insurance Scrolls, 2000 gold
  • Elga 1st completion: +16 Enchant changer, 2000 dust, 50 Enchant Insurance Scrolls, 40 Advanced Enchant Insurance Scrolls, 4000 gold
  • Lavalon Heart quest (defeat Lavalon 3 times for a full heart, requires lava quest)
  • Aram Eye quest (defeat Mutisha 3 times, requires aram quest)
  • Bone 3 Crystal & Diamond quest (10 runs)
  • Paris Truth gem & 3 curse gems (20 runs)
  • Paris Wings (!) (50 runs)
  • Elga Black Dragon Bloody Crystal (!!!!!) (50 runs)
  • F7 unlock quest (for your entire account). Unlocks after completing Lavalon (quest). (oh and F7 rokko is going to be enabled)
All account quests are located on the bulletin board in port of the wind south (same npc where aqua quest starts)

Master Mode (Drakos only)

Master mode is the fourth mode (on our server we only had normal) for dungeons. Master Mode features way tankier monsters (scaling with your level), 8 drops per run, a higher chance on rare items (wings and gems) as well as a limit on item usage. Currently, there is only one application of master mode which is Drakos. In this mode, you can only use MP Potions Lv. 60+ and paris feathers. NO HP POTIONS are allowed. (consider taking a healer with you). There are free Master Mode scrolls on the cash shop for the duration of the experimental server.

We are looking forward to your feedback of these features. Currently, this implementation mainly aims so the foundation of it is tested on bugs. Many other implementations will come at one point.

These conclude the 2 features, here are other patch notes:

  • F7 is now enabled on rokko. The account quest is unlocked after completing the Lavalon quest. Entering F7 will still require you to be Lv. 40
  • F7 waiting time has been reduced to 10 seconds from 60
  • F7 bombs can now be targeted by towers for full damage
  • F7 bombs receive normal damage again (one hit)
  • EXP Rate of the server has been increased to 12x
  • Added Normal Drakos Scroll Fl. 47 to cash shop (free)
  • Added Van Cliff Job Change scrolls to cash shop (free)
  • An unlimited Character Jump Event has been intiated (from the get go)
    • Jumps your character to Lv. 20 with basic equipment and Farell quest completed (instant reward)
  • Added more staff emotes
Quest changes:

  • Fellowship Entry test begins prequest is removed. Requires Lv. 20 to accept
  • Farrell's diary second part prequest is removed. Requires Lv. 40
  • Where the traces point to (Ash mist - baron) prequest was removed. Requires Lv. 60
  • Top of Drakos prequest removed. Requires Lv. 70
  • Fight Black Dragon Lord Elga prequest was changed to Top of Drakos.

These are all changes for now. Adjustments will be made here and there if necessary and more implementations may be made. We will closely monitor of how things go and implement new features that require testing that are currently being worked on.

The servers will soon go up after the patch notes are released, stay tuned! The patch will be made available soon to your clients.

Thank you for your patience.

Announcement [Complete] [Maintenance] 10.06.2022 Switch to Experimental Test Server Maintenance

Hello AdeptGamers,

At 2:30 pm CEST ( 5:30 am PDT, 12:30 pm UTC), the servers will go down for maintenance switching from the hiatus to a public experimental state as announced here: Announcement - Developer Update - Moving on from hiatus to experimental alpha

During the maintenance, all characters will be wiped.

Approximate downtime will be 2 to 6 hours. If this is not enough time, a notice will be posted on the forum and this thread will be edited.

Please also keep in mind that when testing is started, all feedback and bug reports MUST be posted on the forum. Discord posts will be ignored and my dms are closed.

Thank you for your patience.

  • Question
Bug Report Warehouse Item Retrieval Broken

A long time ago, I bought a 1000x1000 plot. It has been years since I played the server so of course rent ran out and the plot is now owned by someone else. The main issue is I had storage containers and nests on the plot. I cannot remove these items from the Warehouse because they have items/eggs in them. Just keep getting the following errors:

"You must clear up your storage bin to proceed"
"You must empty dragon egg incubator before you can move it"
"Please withdraw all furniture first"

Items are in the Warehouse on Baerton Darkshroud Isle.

Maxing out eggs

I was just wondering how everyone is doing on maxing out eggs. I have eggs at my house, and currently one in the egg circle. I am having trouble getting enough dancers. I made my sub accounts, and dance/care for myself, so I get at least 10 cares a day. I am wondering if I am going to have to make more characters on my sub accounts, so I can get enough cares.

I have been asking daily for friends, and people to dance for. I also started advertising for dancers before I put my eggs up, saying when they would be ready. I play about 8 to 10 hours a day on most days, so should be reaching a range of players, but am lucky to get one new add a week. I have added 16 people to my friends so far (not including my alts), but notice a lot of them are rarely on.

I want to make it clear, I'm not complaining here. I love the game and am so glad I am able to play again. I am simply trying to get an idea of what is my best course of action to get max eggs. Did anyone else make enough characters on their sub accounts to just care for their eggs themselves?

  • Locked
  • Suggestion
Suggestion Rejected Secret Apartment Travel

I love the secret apartment because of the fact you can build up on the rocks, and make some pretty cool things. The issue is, dancers hate them because of the 2 extra steps, and loading times, to get into them. Is there any way you guys can make it so that when players are using the button to teleport from house to house, that it takes them directly to the secret apartment, instead of the housing building?

Thanks for reading :)

Yep, Game's Still Alive! Forums just quiet

For anyone lurking and curious, yeah the game's still alive with a healthy amount of players on the server! Posting this in case folks are making the mistake of judging the amount of alive-ness of the game based off of the activity of the forums.

Tho there seems to be a few connection issues that's not on Adept's end, should resolve soon :eek:

But I'm also curious if there's anything that could be done to help encourage the forums to be more alive? idk it seems fun to chatter about stuff related to the game, I really wanna see more fanart in particular aa,..

Announcement Developer Update Moving on from hiatus to experimental alpha

Hello AdeptGamers,

It has been over a year since we put our server on hiatus. That decision was made after considering many factors, but primarily the following:
  • What we delivered did not meet our expectations, or the expectations of our players
  • Unexpected changes in team structure led to planned features or tasks needing to be rethought or cancelled, many of which affected the final vision of the server
  • Real life events preventing a focus on developing, as well as affecting my mental and physical health
While there has been some planning and work done since the hiatus was announced, for the last few months development has properly resumed. Because we will need players to test experimental features and ideas, we will be moving from supporting the server while on hiatus to running the server as an experimental test server. This change will be coming about in the coming days and will require a character wipe; however, we will be keeping a backup for anything information we need from the prior server iteration. This coming server change will bring two new experimental features that we will need to test:
  • Adjustment to the quest system to allow account wide quests that allow for quest criteria to be tracked across all characters on account, and completed on any character
  • A new Master Mode option for Dungeons that provides scaling levels, mobs with harder difficulty, item use restrictions, better drops and an increase to 8 drops
The primary focus of the experimental phase of our server will be to focus on foundational features that will be used for future development.

This will not be the final release or wipe, and there is guaranteed to be a wipe before the server is officially relaunched. This means that cash purchases will still be disabled, however Daisy will be available for buying Cash with gold until the final wipe and release of the game.

Thanks for your continued patience and support, and I will hopefully have more to share soon.

Developer Update File system changes and backwards compatibility

Since the last development update, Dragon has been working hard on redesigning the file system. We originally had planned against this but after running into an issue with one of our final tasks found it was unavoidable, and that we would need to start from the ground up.

Here are the points we had to consider while weighing our options:
  • Packed vs unpacked regarding performance, security, and patch generation
  • Size optimization vs speed optimization
  • Backward compatibility
The biggest bottleneck in Dragon's Prophet is how it accesses and manages the packed data format it currently uses in the client. In most cases, the use of packed data with index files leads to better performance by allowing faster access to CPUs/GPUs. This is not the case with how Dragon's Prophet is developed as it leads to a significant bottleneck, especially when the user interface is involved. Examples of this are the map or any interface that has a significant amount of data which leads to lower FPS, poor loading times or stalling. Going with an unpacked system would alleviate this bottleneck but introduces issues with security as well as slower accessing of files (primarily textures) especially with older or slower hardware. Dragon was able to find a solution that alleviates the bottleneck while also supporting good overall performance. It also allowed us to keep the usage of crunch, a texture compression library, that we have found is needed for players who experience high latency or use older hardware.

With the new system decided we now had to choose whether we would focus on performance, or a higher level of compression. Higher compression would decrease the footprint of the client but would also bring higher CPU load which could affect performance given how Dragon's Prophet is designed. Our first test resulted in a 20% increase in packed data size (about 3.5GB) with almost no impact on performance. After playing with our implementation and options we were able to lower that down to a 7.6% increase in packed data size (about 1.4GB) with no impact on performance. All this testing was primarily done on HDD as that will be one of the primary bottleneck's players will experience; switching to an SSD could lead to a significant increase in performance.

The final decision we had to make was on supporting backwards compatibility, and how far back we are logically able to support. Dragon's Prophet was designed to work best with Windows 7 and hardware between 2008-2012, which is why there are performance issues with anything more modern. After consideration we decided to drop support for any CPU that is older than Intel: Sandy Bridge or AMD: Bulldozer, both of which were released in late 2011 but supply access to the AVX instruction set. From all that I have seen, most if not all the players should be unaffected.

Because there are going to be significant changes to the file system and how data is going to be packed and managed, we are also having to rework our patching system (again) as well as develop a new launcher. The first version of the launcher will be basic, but it will be based off Microsoft's WebView2 platform allowing us to build a web page and use that for the interface, which makes it extremely easy to make changes or adjustments as needed. It will also let us incorporate a first-run system to allow us to decouple data from the installer so that we can move to an actual installer and then download data from the launcher properly.

We are still completing changes to our patching process, the launcher, and other miscellaneous tasks. When these are completed, we will be releasing the update to our testers and hopefully moving on to a public beta. A new client will be needed for the update due to the major differences between them, as well as a client specifically for the test server.

The news background was made by @Vipera.


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