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  • Question
Dragon X Bonus Rate on Dragons

How big of a difference does the X Bonus Rate on dragons actually make for a max level dragon? EX: I just rejoined the game. Got all of those little rewards to signing up and all that. It gave me Soul Guide, who is a STR based dragon. He got a 6.00 attribute bonus and a 6.96 constitution bonus rate, as well as 10 skill slots. If I level him to 100 and build him as a damage dragon (focusing on strength, then ferocity and putting whatever is left over into CONS), how much of a damage difference would there be between him and another dragon built the same way but with a strength bonus rate instead of constitution?

It's been a very long time since I've played this game (haven't played since Sony or whoever it was ran things), and I've sadly forgotten most of what I knew about the game.. So, any tips, like what skills to use, stats to focus on ect, would be greatly appreciated!

  • Suggestion
Suggestion Planned IOLS- grind

as it is, not enough players are running ILOS. and the grind will take a few good months grinding the Rutheless Essences even solo is too hard. out player base is very low for these kinda raids.
maybe we can make the drop rate of them a little higher from the green bags, so players will be able to grind it and it wont take a year.
thank you

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  • Suggestion
Suggestion Rejected Make Ridingpoints transferable

It would be great if we would be able to transfer the riding points we accumulated on our dragons. This is probably a problem that next to no one will have, but there are situations where it could be very useful to be able to extract the riding points spent on one dragon with an item like dagon essence extractors for dragon skills or through whatever means really. This could come in handy when you get a suboptimal mount dragon, for example when an oracle accumulates a lot of points on a windrider to get a lot of intelligence from the Wisdom accumulation skill early on in the game, but they got a Fabled Ancient as a dragon partner, wich doesn't scale well with magic attributes on the dragon. Most people in this situation will just take it as it is in that situation because the chance to get any better partner soon, is very small, so once they build a second windrider to try to get a perfect partner for the stat boost, they end up losing the riding points they gained with no way of transfering them. This would be one example, another one would be the same situation with gunblade rangers and Razorspines. Not even just if they want to perfect their stats, but also if they want a decent looking mount dragon as the few good looking ones aren't really easily available early game. Pretty neiche, but it would help if riding points would be more flexible like the dragon skills in general.

Announcement Completed Dragon's Prophet Weekly Maintenance 10/25/2021

We will be having our weekly routine maintenance at 7 PM PST Monday evening. During the maintenance we will be doing the following:
  • Timezone changed so that Dragon Tournament is back to it's old time.
Maintenance generally lasts between 1-2 hours, though we will announce in the Discord if it will take longer. You can join our Discord by going here: Join the AdeptGamer Discord Server!

  • Suggestion
Suggestion Planned Pets buyable for Housing Zone?

Do you think Buyable pets could be buyed into Shop, and placed after into the Housing Zone?
Like they would be able to walk free arrount into it?

The Idea came across as I has seen the Guild Room cat whos walking freely arround.

Was würdet Ihr von Kaufbaren Haustieren halten welche frei in der eigenen Housing Zone herumlaufen könnten nach Platzierung?
Beispielsweise gibt es solch eine Katze im Heiligtum welche dort frei herumlaufen tut, die Idee auf das eigene Grundstück bezogen, würde vielleicht etwas her machen.

Neue Zeit für Beginn der Drachenmeisterschafft / New time for the beginning of the dragon mastery

Hallo Seiichi , hallo Freunde ^^

Wie ich gestern feststellte wurden die Zeiten für Refresch (Server) und Drachenmeisterschafft um eine Stunde nach hinten verschoben ! Demnach beginnen die Vorbereitungen zur DM hier in Europa nicht wie gehabt um 23:00h sondern erst um 0:00h . Das ist sehr späth und für mich dann nicht mehr machbar .
Man hat ja auch noch ein Realleben , welches dann aber für 2 Tage jede Woche nicht mehr machbar ist .
Gab es einen besonderen Grund für diese Zeitumstellung ?
Wie dem auch sei , mir wird das viel zu späth - schade ich habe gerne an der Drachenmeisterschafft teilgenommen !

As I noticed yesterday, the times for refresh (server) and dragon mastery have been postponed by an hour! Accordingly, the preparations for the DM here in Europe do not start at 11 p.m. as usual, but only at 0 a.m. It's very late and then no longer feasible for me.
You also have a real life, which is then no longer feasible for 2 days every week.
Was there a special reason for this time change?
Be that as it may, it's going to be way too late for me - what a shame I enjoyed taking part in the Dragon Mastery !

LG Ruhloser

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Announcement Completed Dragon's Prophet Server Migration (10/18/2021)

We have the new server hardware prepared at the new data center, and have provisioned it so we are going to be migrating to it during todays maintenance. Maintenance may run longer than usual tomorrow, and there also may be issues with connecting to the server after maintenance depending on the DNS propagation of your ISP.

If you run into issues with DNS propagation, you can use the following server address in the client.ini to connect to the new server immediately, rather than waiting on your DNS. Do not change to this new server address until Maintenance starts, or you will not be able to connect to current server.


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Announcement Moving Servers

We are provisioning the new web server, and are likely going to move to it within the next few days in preparation for moving the Dragon's Prophet server within the next week or so.

If you are having issues connecting to Dragon's Prophet you will need to check your client.ini and see what server it is connecting to.

If it is using dp.adept.llc change that to server.dragonsprophet.online; this is only needed until the other DNS setting propogates.

  • Question
Bug Report Elemental Res buff for full laedis disappearing every now and then

So this is a pretty minor thing as it only happens every minute or so for like a second at a time, but the 7 piece set effect for ele Res from the Laedis 102 set seems to disappear. I can't confirm if it really does disappear or if the UI just doesn't catch up with the stats in game when the game refreshes the buff as it's pretty hard to test. Also I'm not sure if that issue only appears with ranger Laedis set. I'm just adding this as a "for the record" type of thing though as it's nothing major.

Forumanzeigen - Datum und Weiterleitung nicht korrekt / Forum ads - date and forwarding incorrect

Hallo Seichii ^^

Ich weiß nicht was ihr da gemacht habt aber seit der Umstellung / Neugestaltung dieses Forums komm ich mir irgendwie veralbert vor (nicht bös gemeint) !
Da geht man auf einen Beitrag , der einen interessiert - mit Datum vom selben Tag oder einem Tag zuvor und wird dann auf einen Beitrag der schon Jahre alt ist verschoben !!
Ich denke mal das ist doch nicht im Sinne des Erfinders oder ? Zumal dann dieser "Uralt-Beitrag" nicht das behandelt was mich dazu veranlaßt hatte darauf zu klicken !
Auch die folgenen Beiträge sind dann nicht in cronologischer Reihenfolge sondern wirr durcheinander gewürfelt !
Vorher mit dem alten Forum war es wesendlich übersichtlicher - in Bezug auf die Weiterleitung !
Die Gestaltung ist mir eigendlich nicht so wichtig aber das man erst x Seiten durchblättern muß ehe man zu dem aktuellen Beitrag kommt , ist sehr nervig und unpraktisch !
Es kann auch sein das es ein verstecktes Tool zur Einstellung gibt - welches ich bisher noch nicht gefunden hab - dann sei doch bitte so nett und erkläre mir kurz wo es sich befindet ^^

I do not know what you did there but since the conversion / redesign of this forum I feel kind of ridiculous (not meant to be angry)!
You go to a post that interests you - with the date of the same day or the day before and is then moved to a post that is already years old!
I guess that's not what the inventor wanted, right? Especially since this "ancient post" doesn't deal with what made me click on it!
The following posts are then not in cronological order, but rather jumbled together! Before with the old forum it was much clearer - in terms of forwarding!
The design is actually not that important to me, but the fact that you have to leaf through x pages before you get to the current post is very annoying and impractical!
It can also be that there is a hidden tool for setting - which I have not yet found - then please be so kind and briefly explain to me where it is ^^

LG Ruhloser ^^

  • Suggestion
Suggestion Planned Silia for 2?

Hey Seiichi,

would it be possible to change silia in a way players could duo it?
idk if it would be "easy" to reduce the cooldown of the dissolving cores low enough - if thats possible it would already be fine i guess.
if not, would you consider tolerating the bug way again?

i´m asking because its really hard with the actual player base to find groups strong and motivated enough.
with the change it would be motivation for the strong ones to farm it more on the one hand, and easier to help new or weaker players on the other hand, so they dont need to beg all the time or already give up before beginning.

any chance for that?


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