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Lvl 60

I used th poiton gifted to up one of my character but he stay block at lvl 60, i don't remember how to unlock the next lvl.
When i played on official servers we used to up fast after a new max lvl was deployed and i don't remember which quest is needed.
Someonecan help me please ?

J'ai utilisé la potion sang du dragon divin sur un de mes rerols afin de le faire up lvl 90 mais il est seulement monté au niveau 60.
Lors que je jouais sur officiel comme on atteignait le niveau max avant la sortie des nouvelles maps je ne me rappelle plus quelle quete est nécessaire pour débloquer les niveaux suivants.
Quelqu'un peut il m'éclairer sur ce point ?

New player questions

I've just started playing and I stumbled upon this post for new players in which there are a bunch of tips
my questions are about those
in the beginning, it says that I should PM Seiichi for a starter pack but I never did and my character has an "Adept starter pack" in her backpack, is this it ? is this one par account ?

later in the post it says
After you have finished the tutorial, you will find some items in your mailbox. There are items to unlock two more stable slots and 2 more lair slots along with multiple megaphones for talking in world chat.
I've finished the tutorial and I don't have anything ^^ my question is, is this post still up to date ? did I miss something ?

Each character you create will also receive a gift pack that will appear in your backpack. There are gifts for several different levels all the way up to level 60. You can open it by right clicking on it each time you reach the level of the gift bag. The first time you open it, you will receive a potion for 20% xp for 1 day.
I don't have this either x) how do I get it

Thanks for reading/answering the post ^^ !

  • Article
Game Tips Guide How to Overstat


There are already a few guides out there, but I think it would be good to have a guide where everything is put a bit together. I will mostly focus on overstatting armor and won't get into details about attributes for accessories.

What is overstatting in general?
Overstatting means to improve the attributes of your equipment above the displayed maximum value and get more stats by doing that. If you really want to do damage or survive the end game dungeons, this is mandatory to do.

Attribute Rules
Most of the attributes will have a Roman numeral at the end (for example "IV"). How high it can go depends heavily on the item's level and rarity. These numerals also determine what the value in the parenthesis will be. The stats can vary between items even if their level/rarity are the same, so there's also a bit of RNG behind it.


Soft and Hard Cap
The soft cap of an attribute is the value in the parenthesis. If your stat is equal to or higher than that, the stat will be dyed purple. This is why it is called overstat: because you go over the maximum and enhance it further.
To determine the hard cap, you will have to do a bit of calculation:
(Parenthesis Value) * 1.21 = Hard Cap
If you reach the hard cap of a stat (which is not easily done, in most cases) you cannot get the value of your attribute any higher.
That will look something like this:

Rarity, Types & Level

To start, you will first have to know when it's even possible to overstat and when it's not. There are 2 basic rules which determine if you can use overstatting:
  • The Level of the recieving equipment has to be equal or higher
  • The Rarity of the recieving equipment has to be equal or higher

The game will not allow you to break these two rules and will give you an error message with the exact problem, but it is good to know beforehand.

There are currently 7 different rarities in the game. Depending on the rarity, the maximum amount of stats it can carry is different:


Also added to the rules above, you can only combine items which are the same type. For example, you cannot transfer stats from a Tunic to a Helmet.


Equipment Enhancement

To enhance your armor, you will use the "Equipment Enhancement" menu (shortcut "z" by default). This menu has 4 different tabs. You will only need the last 3.

The most important one will be the Attribute Transfer.

Attribute Transfer

  1. This is the equipment whose stats you want to overwrite or add to, if the maximum amount of stats has not already been reached.
  2. This is the equipment which will be destroyed and where the new stats are coming from.
  3. Here you can see the current stats of your target equipment.
  4. These are the stats you can choose to transfer to the target for overstat (only one stat will be transferred).
  5. To execute the transfer, you will need either Dragon Insignias or Diamonds (there are also items which you can use to substitute for Diamonds, which can be obtained for free).

In the Attribute Transfer, how many stats you select will determine the transferred stat's output:
Levels of Overstatting said:
selection of
1 Stat = new Stat is 80% of the old stat
2 Stats = new Stat is 100% of the old stat
(the same)
3 Stats = new Stat is 110% of the old stat (try to do this every time)
4 Stats = new Stat is still 110% of the old stat (never do that)
5 Stats = new Stat is still 110% of the old stat (never do that)
6 Stats = new Stat is still 110% of the old stat (never do that)

There will be a few examples of the indications and what will happen below. Please do not use this as a reference. You would normally never overstat choosing only one stat (there are exceptions, which I will explain later on).

If you select a stat you already have on your equipment, it will indicate that it will be overwritten like in this example. Normally you would do this with 3 stats to get the 10% bonus:


If you select a stat which is not yet on your equipment but it also already has the maximum amount of stats it can carry, it will overwrite the one at the top. Check carefully if you really want that.


In this example, it indicates that the empty slot will be overwritten with the stat you chose on the right side. This is also something you normally want (of course again, with 3 stats normally):


This is a little example of how it may look, depending on how many stats you choose:


drawing by Corv

Attribute Switch


  1. Put your equipment piece here to overwrite with the newly-selected attributes. Only the attributes which you have selected will remain on the equipment after the transfer. Old attributes will be deleted.
  2. Here is the equipment from which you want to take the new attributes. After transfer, this item will be destroyed.
  3. There are two different ways to select the way the stats transfer:

    a) In the left pic, you will be able to select up to 3 attributes to transfer. *Keep in mind, this costs a lot of Dragon Insignias (the free currency and alternative to Diamonds).
    b) In the right pic, you will transfer all attributes from the equipment. *See point 2

Attribute Removal


In this menu, you can just select one or more attributes to delete and pay either with Dragons Insignias or Diamonds. The amount of Dragon Insignias will depend on the number of selected attributes.


Different armor pieces are able to hold different attributes. For example, you will not be able to use Ferocity on your Gloves. Instead there are other stats you can put on them.

You may have seen stats like Elemental-, Natural- or Dragon Spell Resistance. These stats are not in the table. In most cases, you will not use them (if you're building a tank set you could consider it) because you have Full Resistance. With this Full Resistance, you will get a bit of all three.

These are the most common attributes which people use on their armor:

Helmet, TunicStrengthIntelligenceToughnessFerocity
Full Resistance
Full Resistance
Physical DamageMagic DamageConstitutionCritical Hit Chance
FocusDragon AffinityFull ResistanceCritical Hit Power
HealthCritical Hit Chance
Full Resistance
ConstitutionCritical Hit Chance
Full Resistance

Attribute Stones IV

Attribute Stones can be obtained by slaying monsters up to lvl 105 or by buying them from an Adventurer Insignia Merchant. There are a few types and levels of Attribute Stones. Only use Attribute Stones with levels for items that are above level 103 and are higher than blue rarity.


Now you probably think: Why do I need this?
That's easy to answer. Ferocity and Toughness! These two stats are essential in doing damage or reducing damage from mobs. There is a possibility you get these stats randomly on your 105 armor pieces from trading them in Unapu Fortress or at a Racmon Grotto Boss Drop.

So how do we use them?
To use an attribute stone you right click it, and then click on the armor piece you want to apply it to. Keep in mind that, like the description says, the equipment will only have this one stat after using the stone on it. So please do not use it on your orange gear without thinking.

Getting Started

This chapter is mostly for people who got their 105 Armor set and do not know how to get the best out of it.

First try to get Ferocity and Toughness on your armor. You can do this with the Attribute Stones.

Method 1
Most people do this by using the purple armor, which drops in RG (Racmon Grotto). With these, you can put the stat on your orange armor with the least gold cost. With this method, it's possible to choose only 1 stat from the "crap armor" because you will need to use 2 other attributes as filler on the "purple armor". This is because at least 3 attributes are needed to get the 110% bonus on the new stat (see the example below).


Here is an example of how it may look like (more or less):

As you can see, we only have one stat, which we really want. However, since this is so cheap it's no problem. If it fails, we just try again. You could also try to transfer it to another purple piece to get it higher:


I would first advise to do it at least once on every piece before trying to get it really high. Make sure to not select and transfer the same stats as what's on the armor you want to keep. If you do, you will overwrite the other stats if Ferocity doesn't transfer.

Method 2
Of course, there's also an expensive (gold) but also quite effective way. Here you will not use the purple armor which drops in RG, but rather transfer directly from another orange set. With this method, you have the advantage where you can improve your other stats even if Ferocity or Toughness won't transfer.


Here is an example of how it may look like (more or less):

I got Ferocity and Toughness
With the basics done, make sure that you have all the stats that you need on your equipment and try to further improve the stats by farming Blood-Devil's Heart in Racmon Grotto.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments.
Also, if you find anything unclear then let me know and I will try to explain it better.


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Attribute Transfer

There is one thing in this game that I don't seem to be able to figure out, I sort of know but there isn't really enough info out there about it, I have experimented with rubbish stuff jewellery and some blue stuff a few bits of purple gear (messed that up) but all I want to do is transfer attributes over without losing all the other ones and get them as high as possible.
can someone explain the process a bit so I can get my 105 gear sorted out with the attributes I would prefer, I know what I need on my armour just don't want to mess it all up again?
I am also not sure if overstating is ok so if it is then please explain.

Announcement Patch Note [Patch 1.0.28] Huge Paris and Elga nerfs, Bloody drop increase

Hello AdeptGamers, here are the current Patch Notes:

  • Drastically reduced the HP of Drakos mobs
  • Reduced Paris (both forms) HP
  • Drastically reduced all offensive stats of Elga (all forms)
  • Drastically reduced HP of all Elga Forms (~54-56 first two forms, ~119m 3rd)
  • Increased Bloody drop rate
  • Increased Server EXP from 1.2 to 4.0

Thank you for your patience and have fun

Announcement [Maintenance] 21.08.2021 Server Maintenance (patch)

Hello AdeptGamers,

In about 13 minutes, at 8:50 PM CEST/11:50 AM PDT, the servers will go down for patch maintenance.

Downtime will be approximately 15 minutes.

Thank you for your patience.

Announcement [Done] [Maintenance] 20/08/2021 Server Maintenance

Hello AdeptGamers,

In about 31 minutes, at 6 PM CEST, the servers will go down for server maintenance.
During this maintenance, the server will be moved to another location which is easier to sustain and a little more cheaper during the hiatus until the server is shut down for an eventual restart at one point.
Nothing will be changed during ingame, thus there won't be any patch notes.

Maintenance will be expected to last at least 1 to 3 hours.

Thank you for your patience.

Dragon Tournament: Selection of home advantage Dragon family

Hello everybody^^

after more than a years time on this server and having watched or taken part in most of the tournaments I would like to start a little discussion an/or get an explanation for the selection process or datafile base which influences the selection of the advances family.

On the server that I played before the family was more or less chosen random, which means kind of lottery with 17 classes all treated equal. So all families appeared every once and again and there were no kind of "favorites" that would turn up every fortnight.^^

I doubt very much that on this server all families are treated equal.

Orientals and skytouched had advantage I would guess in at least 40% of the tournaments during the last year.

Swiftfoot, Hydra, Mystics and Phantom as well appear with higher probability than the remaining 13 classes.

Paragons havent had advantage at all, which is absolutely strange. The probability for this to happen in 15 months is about 0,4 per mill.

May be as I am "new" on this server in the past has been made the decission to "adjust" the family selection a little bit. I dont know.^^

In my opinion however its a shame as f,e, the orientals that are one hitters anyway get advantage so often. the tournament doesnt reflect dragon fighting knowledge or skils of the players. Its just reduced to a kind of lottery that the one with the first triple tornado will win.

I would like to kondly ask the GNs to check selection process and(or to write a little statement in case that there had beel made a decision to manipulate the probabilties of the selection on this server in the past. As well I would like other players that are interested in the subject to state their opinion.

Thanks a lot in advance to everybody

Joining Looking for guild


I am a fresh player on this server with 41lvl char right now and I am looking for chill EU guild/group of friends to roam around, catch some dragons and just talk to.
I am playing Guardian rn and I plan to make her my main. I speak English, some German and Polish. The guild should have active discord, since I use it every day and it's just convenient. That's the only requirement from me.
My discord is Sherinae#9988. Feel free to contact me, if you have any questions.


Joining Looking for a guild

Hello! I haven't played this game in a long, long time. I recently got back into it, thanks to a friend who mentioned that this game still existed and was being handled by the community(?)

Anyway! I was wondering, are there any active-social guilds recruiting? I'm not really a hardcore gamer, I'm pretty laid back and go the slow route with things! I'm pretty chill and laid back, and just go with the flow ?

If there's any guilds open, you can contact me in-game, under: Hagith
Or my Discord: Eien#8894

Thanks! <3

Dragon Better Mounted Combat Skills for certain dragon types

Hello, have you guys ever went to the Dragon Riding Skill Manager and got your first Mount Combat skills, only to find out that the mounted skills you got aren't as cool or fun as you thought they would be? That's what happened to me with Skytouched and Phantom dragon families. I'm always big sucker for the more wyvern-like dragon designs and seeing the two coolest dragon families having the least impressive skills is rather disappointing. I wish the current DEVs could update the game and add more useful and cool skills, Like a three hit combo skill that involve the dragons slashing their wing talons at enemies, a close range attack that involve the dragons jumping and unleashing a flurry of slashing kicks, and a short range fireball attack that leaves and explosion dealing great damage. I honestly don't think the current server managers could pull off such a feat, but what do you guys think, is it possible to make these dreams a reality?


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