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Event Crystalline Chaos Contest Winners

Originally we had planned for only doing 5 winners, however with expanding the deadline and with the submissions that we got towards the end we ended up expanding the amount of winning submissions to 10.

First Place

Second Place

Third Place

Fourth Place

Fifth Place

Sixth Place

Seventh Place

Eighth Place

Ninth Place

Tenth Place

Here are the honorary mentions that either got edged out of the final selection, or were secondary choices for people who had winning submissions. We've only included one honorary mention per person (even if they won) as listing all the concepts we may put in game would be a long list.

We're currently considering what the next model/family we will do is, though we are possibly thinking the Otanyvie model, Iron Hide or maybe something else.

Patch Note Completed Dragon's Prophet Weekly Maintenance 5/17/2021

We will be having our weekly routine maintenance at 7 PM PST Monday evening. During the maintenance we will be doing the following:
  • Fixed an issue with some exclusive Dragon titles that mistakenly gave 9 Dragon Affinity instead of the intended 3.
  • All exclusive titles (including male/female duo titles) will now give the same stats.
    • Original male/female titles were split because one method of giving titles can be abused by re-egging the Dragon, but I had forgotten we had changed how we give out titles so that this was not possible.
    • In the future, we may look at just adding both titles and using the previously split 50% stats per title.
  • Because the exclusive Dragons were purchased by many just for the increased Dragon Affinity, I will be releasing a new title: Damage Fanatic. This will be available to everyone through the shell shop once it is released, and it will have 20 to all stats, similar to the custom title (which will be coming back).
  • I will also be adding the Adept Supporter title to the shell shop, as it was only available for a small period of time through a mail. This will also be on the shell shop.
  • All new free Dragons (like the upcoming phantoms) will have half the stats of exclusive Dragons, and are planned to be implemented in an expanded wild/roaming Dragon system. I will also update dragons that we have implemented (Midnight Massacre, Obsidian Thunder etc) with the new stat values.
Maintenance generally lasts between 1-2 hours, though we will announce in the Discord if it will take longer. You can join our Discord by going here: Join the AdeptGamer Discord Server!

  • Suggestion
Suggestion Guild Technology - Dragon for Hire

if you start a dragon process in the dragon lair, you can use only the highest level of your guild technology for flute- or napo- extraction, which makes sense.
But for the gold search (dragon for hire) as well as the dragon training you need to scroll down all levels beginning with 1 - this makes no sense and is kind of annoying.

is it possible to show only the highest level, just like flute- and napo- extraction?
or even better - would it be possible to remember the last choice, and just have to press the add-button to start again the same process you chose before?

  • Locked
  • Suggestion
Suggestion Rejected Adjust Reverberation's crit chance

So, I know it is most likely not possible to change this at the current stage of developement, so this is moreso a reference to look back at when we can adjust things that are further into the meat of the code. Furthermore I'm not actually sure if this is a bug or intentional, so i put it in the suggested area just in case. So reverberation is a pretty weird skill in terms of crits. Where heals like divine blessing consistently crit and seem to line up with your crit chance in game, reverb does not at all. From the little bit of testing that i did (spamming the skill about a hundred timees and dividing things) i could estimate the crit chance of the skill to be around 19% with my characters crit chance of 82%. This makes the skill really unreliable wich is really bad as it is the only god heal skill that physical classes have access to (besides guardian in mastery stuff wich doesn't really count in this matter since they would need to sacrafice dragon energy sills if they wanteed to use those efficiently as well). This makes Sorthina especially mostly a case of praying to RNGsus for the skill to crit unless you want to waste time mounting your heal drake every now and then wich only makes the fight unnessecarily annoying. I'm not saying to straightup buff the skills crit an leave it like that, but either making it not crit and boost the base ratios (like oracle heal basically) or just lowering its base numbers but boosting its crit to more reliable numbers like in the case of divine blessing so you end up with roughly the same effective healing would be a great QoL change in the future. It's not really a big deal since just boosting base numbers until you just don't care if it crits or not is always an option, but it would at least make phy classes a bit more playable and could even bring a bit more diversity since having a more reliable heal could mean that you're not forced to go with physical shards for survival (or at least less so).


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Unable to enter the apartment

lm not sure whats up with it but whenever i try to enter my apartment it just constantly gives me the ''unable to enter apartment'' thing on the yellown chat bar when i press the home button

lm not at all sure if its a bug or something's going on with me but since i dont know i wont bug report it, i just wanted to know if its also happening to others or maybe something broke about apartments?

thank you for giving time to read my post

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Patch Note Completed Dragon's Prophet Weekly Maintenance 5/10/2021

We will be having our weekly routine maintenance at 7 PM PST Monday evening. During the maintenance we will be doing the following:
Maintenance generally lasts between 1-2 hours, though we will announce in the Discord if it will take longer. You can join our Discord by going here: Join the AdeptGamer Discord Server!

Announcement [Maintenance] 01/05/2021 Server Maintenance

Hello AdeptGamers,

In about 20 minutes from now, at 9:45 AM CEST, the servers will go down for maintenance. During the maintenance, the bloody hunter event will be terminated.

Approximate downtime: 15-25 minutes

Thank you for your patience.

  • Question
Bug Report Solved Sorthina reward chest being buggy

the sorthina reward chest is kinda bugged, i ran it with 2 other people just now and only one of us could get the loot every round eventhough the party was on round robin (it was the whole time, we didn't switch it at any point). It happened twice and the one who was the only one to see all of the rewards was different people and it wasn't the party leader so the setting also couldn't just have been bugged to free for all. There are screens attached to show how the rewards showed up for me.


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