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Announcement [Done] [Maintenance] 05-6/03/2021 Weekly Server Maintenance

Hello AdeptGamers,

In about 20 minutes, 3:00 AM CET, the servers will go down for server maintenance.
Approximate downtime: 30 minutes, possibly more depending on how smoothly things go

Thank you for your patience

An entire new wiki of this private server

hello, as i see this server has many dragons added in the game that no other kind of dragon's prophet or savage hunt kind of wiki has information of, i know there might be guides in this website but perhaps a wiki of this server would be nice? with all the new dragons, where to get them, all that jazz, and as for the unchanged information perhaps just looking at the wiki and taking the information from there?

i understand it is a huge thing to ask for and would take months to get most of the information in it but perhaps it could be done?

im just suggesting, if it doesnt happen then im glad someone even gave this post some attention

have a great day and thanks for reading my small post

  • Question
Bug Report Solved Character recreation issue

Hallo Freunde ^^
Ich habe folgenes Problem !
Wenn ich meinen 6. und damit letzten Charakterplatz nutzen will geht es nicht richtig !
Es ist nun zum 2. mal hintereinander das sich das Spiel aufhängt wenn die "Einführungs-Quest" zu den "Käfermanipulatoren" kommt !
Quest : besiege 3 Käfermainpulatoren
Sowie der erste Manipulator erscheint friert das Spiel ein - im Video-Stream .
Das Spiel läßt sich dann nur noch "hart" abbrechen weil nix mehr reagiert !
Man kann zwar noch den Char in Arteicia starten aber nur unter Verzicht auf sämtliche Willkommens-Geschenke (darunter auch den Level-60 Boost und die Level 60-Erstausstattung).
Ich stand dann im Level 3 in Arteicia und konnte von dort zurück nach Bakra reisen was aber den Willkommens-Bonus auch nicht brachte ^^
Einzig der Beginner-Drache , der ja Acc-weit ist , war vorhanden , ansonsten war der Rucksack komplett leer !
Ich habe beim 1. mal vermutet das ich irgendetwas falsch gemacht hab , daraufhin den Char gelöscht - 2 Tage gewartet und den nächsten erstellt - mit dem selben Ergebnis .
Beide Erstellungen waren in Bakra ! Ich muß noch einen Tag warten ehe die Löschung fertig ist und werde den nächsten in Puertia erstellen , vielleicht ist ja dort irgendein Problem ^^
Wenn es geklappt hat werde ich hier Bescheidt geben ^^

Bis dahin LG Ruhloser ^^

  • Suggestion
Suggestion Summoner damage buff / Rework

Hello there. Im nobody.
Summoner dmg needs a little buff atm as its really underperforming in Elga or general boss content and struggles on fast clearing floors on drakos compared to other classes:
So after the introduction here is my suggestion:

If possible either cut the animations of skills like - Dragon tooth
, Rolling Stone
, Earthquake
,Meteor Rain
, Megaspike wave, Inferno
/ Mega Inferno
, Impact Presser

Then buff the skills that are heavily underperforming - Earthquake
, Meteor Rain
, Megaspike wave
and reducing a bit of cooldowns on stuff like Mega spike wave
and normal spike wave
would probably help too.

For singletarget DPS the animation cut with a slight buff to Dragon tooth
would overshadow X spam finaly making Spell summoner a viable class for PvE.

That would probably be a temporary fix for summoner struggles on f1 and boss dmg till full rework eXDe

k bye.

Announcement [Restart] 24/02/21 Weekly Server Restart

Hello AdeptGamers,

As already announced, there will be a server restart tonight.

Servers will go down in about 50 minutes, 22:00 CET/10PM CET for a server restart.

Approximate downtime will be 10 minutes.

Thank you for your patience.

Announcement Developer Update Maintenance Interval Change

Hello AdeptGamers,

I am here to inform you about a little change in our maintenance and patch patterns.

We have decided to switch to a bi-weekly update interval as it provides more time to implement more changes and is more convenient for our staff time wise. The next maintenance is expected to take place next week on thursday in the evening (March 4th). After that maintenance, all further maintenances will be scheduled on fridays.

However, there will still be a weekly restart. A restart will take place today and afterwards the restarts will be scheduled on fridays as well.

If there are any temporary or permanent changes to this, it will be announced.

Thank you for your patience.

  • Question
Bug Report Character change crash

Part 1 : log in the game, select your character > some time after selecting the character the game will start trying to load the map where the character is and close the client without warning

Part 2: it happened 3 min ago > 23/02/2021 > 13h33 ET > i was in the game with my main character and opened the menu and clicked on Character change and then i crash during the loading to reach the character selection menu.

it is totally random. but the game will always crash at some point if you keep spamming character change> log in and click on character change again. not really sure for me... the max i can go before crashing is like 5 time.
it seem to be the loading sequence that crash not the menu it self, i never crashed in game ( unless i was playing for a long time or in the character selection zone

  • Locked
  • Suggestion
Suggestion Rejected Newbie level dungeon ancients

Hello there, id like to suggest to remove the ''you're 5 levels above the dungeon level so cannot gain ancient points'' thing
İ do understand some ancients might be in eggs but what if i used the dragon gods blood and skipped basically every starter dungeon then regretted it?

Perhaps removing the ''5 levels above'' rule could be good for people who might want the lower level dungeon ancients for their dragon collection without bothering to try and find them in an egg

İ understand that getting 300 + points for an ancient just to collect it might take lots of time but what if that ancient isnt in an egg?

Thanks for reading this and giving it your valuable time, İ hope my idea atleast gets considered

Game Tips Guide LV 21-40 +JC

''This is the Chain quest guide to reach and unlock the last quest needed to do the Job change''
Purple quest only (hero quest needed to reach the job change lv 40 quest
PS: if you can’t get the quest yet it’s because you don’t have the level requirement yet, the quest might be with a grey’’!’’ or dragon form’’!’’
The best way to level up from 20-40 is to do all hero quest red and purple and yellow quest. Or spam mission zone F1 in loop. Up to you.

(Bearded Whale Coast/Steven Trading Port)​

Hero quest 44: Seagull!!​

: Talk to jess in Bearded Whale Coast

Hero quest 45: Jess’ Information!​

: Talk to colin > so go back in port of the wind to talk to him

Hero Quest 46: Slay Pirates Captain!​

:do a F5 mission zone scenario (so clear a f1 to unlock the F5) and report back to Colin



Hero quest 47: Another Chasing!​

: Talk with Sijin in Steven Trading Port

Hero quest 48: Emergency!​

: clear F5 Alvida, so just like with Hooka clear the F1 to be able to enter F5. This F5 can be quickly skip if you only take down the ‘’Bomb, no need to slay every monster, after killing all the bomb on the first map you will be able to pass to the 2nd map. But if you want the exp you can still kill all the monster it’s up to you (5 on each map) and talk back to Sijin when you’re done

Hero Quest 49: Talking back Dr. Farrell’s Diary is completed​

: Go back to port of the wind again and talk to Colin

Hero quest 50: Lord’s complimentary​

: Talk to Steven Jr the NPC to the left of Colin

(Moonlight shore/Milkyway Sanctuary/Skypie Sanctuary)​

Hero quest 51 For the New journey​


Talk to Larell at moonlight shore
First go back to Steven Trading Port and go to the top left to enter Kalygon

Hero quest 52: Farrell’s Diary???​

: talk back to Larell

Hero quest 53: Can’t Sleep!​

: enter the graveyard lv 30 and clear it (have fun, it can be long and annoying in solo. Better to have a party for this) go back to Larell when your done

Hero quest 54: I need a Sleeping peel​

: go back to the level 30 graveyard and slay some monster to collect Mandrake root (10) and Gravegrass Leaf (30) go back to Larell when your done

Hero Quest 55: May the peace be with you​

: free talking quest you don’t even need to talk back to him the dialog make will do it, him self.

Hero Quest 56: It’s time to interpret​

: more talking quest with Larell

Hero quest 57: Noticeable Tombstone​

: more talking quest with Larell

Hero quest 58: Forgotten Knight’s leader​


: Clear 2-time chaos mode 3 map (Milkyway sanctuary) to collect 2 Glove of Artis, and talk to the ‘’noticeable Tombstone’’ when you’re done

PS: just like F5 you will need to clear a f1 run before you can open the chaos mode, and the chaos scroll can be drop from the boss of the mission zone.

if you have hard time getting the chaos scroll, you can always go to a hidden zone (nautilus wrath) and farm from DSS ‘’Dark souls stone’’ from monster and trade them at the Elga head in moonlight shore (you will need 3*2 DSS) to get the 2 chaos scroll)


Hero quest 59: Knight of the Knight​

Just like with artis you need to clear multiple time the Chaos 3 map and this time it’s 3 times, to get “Broken Knife (3)
Those chaos scroll cost 3 DSS to so 9 more DSS if you don’t want to spam the mission zone to drop the scroll from the boss

Libra / Valid Reath /(Job change) Lavalon​

Hero quest 60: The First Diary of Dr. Farrell​


Hero quest 61: Farrell’s Diary – Second Part​

: Clear F5 Roko mission zone in Valid Raeth to get the key. And go back to Pablo

Hero quest 62: Fight to the death against Drake!​

: enter Magma dungeon and defeat Lavalon the Fire Drake

For this dungeon you can always try to solo it, but lavalon is a heavy hitter so you will know how to dodge every mode he to.

They are not hard to dodge. Just follow is head for every Fire breath attack don’t stay in the line of is head position.

The other attack he can do is floor smash, AOE symbol will show on the ground and just don’t be on it when he smashes the ground or just jump at the same time and do an air born skill/animation to stay in the air longer.

The last thing that can kill you is totally random and can be annoying during the full boss length some meteor will fall from the sky and will hit a random place.

Now how to kill Lavalon: it’s pretty simple. Kill the ‘’adds’ monster in the zone and they will drop a mana bubble. When one of the members have one, they just need to run to the mana canon and charging it by pressing ‘’Z’’ and HOLD it until the canon is full charge. When it is attack it and it will release a mana shot and Lavalon will fall on the ground. Use all your skill to lower is hp. And Repeat until he dies

Go back to Pablo to finish the job change and congratulation you have now completed the 2nd job change

Hero quest 63 ( the name can vary between class)​



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  • Suggestion
Suggestion Implemented New skytouched dragon

Could you create a new skytouched dragon..
You always offer dragons with strength as main attribute. I have a mage and it would be nice to train a new dragon. I like dragons with glimmer effekt.
I like dragons like Samael and the new purple chinese dragon, but they don't have int as main attribute

Thx a lot

Ps: dragons like "Brilliatglut" are to agressive with their color (in my opinion)


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