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Patch Note Completed Dragon's Prophet Weekly Maintenance 2/8/2021

We will be having our weekly routine maintenance at 7 PM PST Monday evening. During the maintenance we will be doing the following:
  • Enabled Chinese New Years Event
  • Enabled Creation Festival Event
  • Routine Database Maintenance
  • Zuo Ran and Yan Yu have been delayed due to having to work out an issue with the texture, but should be coming next week if all goes as planned.
Maintenance generally lasts between 1-2 hours, though we will announce in the Discord if it will take longer. You can join our Discord by going here: Join the AdeptGamer Discord Server!

  • Article
Guide Ways to organize and segment your guides

We have added a few different tools for organizing guides, and for segmenting content within your post.

Thread Catalog

The thread catalog is a feature that can be used by utilizing the heading options under paragraph format; to display a different section you use the largest setting. To display sub-sections under the main section you would use the consecutively smaller headings. When using a heading a table of contents will be automatically generated, using the text of the heading tag that you used.

You can see an example of Thread Catalog here: Guide - All the new dragons and how to get them.

Thread Chapters

Thread chapters are a way of separating content within a guide to display things separately on individual "pages" within the first post (and only the first post).

To use Thread Chapters, you will need to use the BBCode [chapter]Chapter Name[/chapter]. Note, you cannot have any BBCode, and it should just be the title you wish to display.

You can see an example of Thread Chapters here: Patch Note - Dragon's Prophet Changelog

Collaborative Threads

This works in conjunction with other options, but this is a way for allowing multiple people or multiple groups to edit or maintain the same thread. I highly recommend this for guides, especially ones that are prone to having updated data.

This is enabled by selecting "Allow edits from collaborators" when posting a thread (or when editing it). You will then need to use the thread options to add collaborators, which can be done by selecting it from the dropdown to the right of the watch button.

  • Question
Bug Report Solved Corzine Affluent Aristocrat and Wealthy Villager can't be killed

I've encountered 2 Affluent Aristocrats in Corzine that I'm only able to kill if I one-shot kill them. Otherwise, they run around still attacking while my attacks do nothing to them. They do this for a couple seconds and then run off and disappear. This isn't an issue that's really affecting anything, just a bit of a weird bug to be noted. There are some other NPCs that run off quite quickly after being attacked, but they are so quick I haven't caught any screenshots of them.

I've attached screenshots of the Affluent Aristocrat who is near the bottom of the stairs before the final room. First shot is before I attack him. Second shot is after an attack that nearly killed him. Third shot is just before he disappears up the stairs.
Affluent Aristocrat (1).jpg

Affluent Aristocrat (2).jpg
Affluent Aristocrat (3).jpg

I've attached screenshots of the Wealthy Villager who is on the landing half-way up the stairs before the final room. First shot is before I attack him. Second shot is after a weak attack. Third shot is just before he disappears on the second flight of stairs.
Wealthy Villager (1).jpg
Wealthy Villager (2).jpg
Wealthy Villager (3).jpg

  • Locked
  • Suggestion
Suggestion Rejected New ways to get a dragon

Hello, I would like to suggest a free dragon egg for example once a month, containing a few dragon species to choose from, as a form of login rewards or in different way. In my opinion people like to have a choice and to have an element of a surprise. Or it can be a reward for login every day of a month, that leads to idea of a special dragon for those who are able to log in for whole 1-2-...-12 months. Or special dragon to choose as a form of achievement, time spent in game, anniversary since first log in, yearly, 1st, 2nd etc anniversary in game. There could also be an option of adding birthday date and receiving a dragon this day.

  • Question
Bug Report Solved Marktplatz-Item Drachenessenz-Extraktor defekt ?

Hallo zusammen ^^

Ich habe folgenes Problem mit dem Marktplatzitem Drachenessenz-Extraktor !
Dieses Item ist doch dafür da , das man die gesammelten Skill-Exp von einem Skill auf ein anderen Skill des selben Drachen übertragen kann !!!
Mit anderen Worten , wenn ich einen Skill hab (in meinem Fall Eisatem Stufe 8 und gesammelten 7580Exp) und ich diesen Skill wechseln möchte , extraiere ich mit dem Marktplatzitem Drachenessenz-Extraktor die Exp durch Rechtsklick (Vorgehensweise ist ja bekannt) auf das Item und Linksklick auf den Skill - dann sollte im Rucksack ein Item erscheinen in dem die Exp gespeichert sind - dieses wiederum kann man auf einen anderen Skill des selben Drachen benutzen (sofern genug Platz für die Exp vorhanden ist) !!! Nur leider erscheint kein Item oder sonst irgend Etwas im Rucksack , die Exp verschwinden im Nirwana - der benutzte Skill ist leer (auf stufe 1 und 0 Exp) und die gesammelten Exp sind weg !!!
Das ist ziemlich ärgerlich da es doch sehr lange dauert ehe man so einen Skill wieder voll gesammelt hat !
Mir ist das zum Glück auf meinem Twink (Flitzy) passiert aber nun traue ich mir nicht dieses Item auf meinem Main zu benutzen , ich möchte mir nicht durch dieses fehlerhafte Item meine Drachen in ihrer Stärke mindern !
Frage :
Ist dieses Problem schon bekannt oder ein neues Problem ?
Ich selber weiß das dieses Item vor ca 5-6 Monaten noch funktionierte - habe es mehrere Male schon benutzt !
Nun wollte ich es neuerlich benutzen und bin total verunsichert !

Für Nachkontrolle
Char. Flitzy
1. Drache Himmelshammer-Patriarch (Rüsty) Spenderskill Drachenzauber-Resistenz Stufe 6 + 8130Exp
2. Drache Herbstwind (Monsun) Spenderskill Eisatem Stufe 8 + 7580Exp

Bei Herbstwind habe ich den Skill gelöscht und dann vergeblich im Rucksack (in allen Fächern - Allgemein. Marktplatz ect.) nach dem Item mit den Exp gesucht. Daraufhin habe ich beim Himmelshammer-Patriarch getestet ob es ein Einzelfall ist - nein mit dem selben Ergebnis = die Exp sind weg !

  • Article
Announcement Small Shop & Registration Update

We've fixed some issues that players have been having, so I figured I would make a network announcement about them.
  • Purchases will remain visible in the inventory even after a sale has ended.
    • This was intended behavior of the system we use, and was changed from how it worked before we did the large update in December. We have now changed it so that I can force purchases to remain visible in the inventory regardless of other permissions.
  • Account passwords can once again contain symbols.
    • This was due to passwords using the same validation rules as username, and not their own validator.
  • Fixed the Game Accounts link directing you to the profile, rather to game accounts.
  • I now have more power than I should have ever had, and can ban any game account from the website, or ban all accounts when banning someone from the website. This is potentially a sign of the apocalypse, and bodes terribly for every player.
This update is mostly to just let those people who have had issues with passwords, or have banked Diamond/Cash packages that they've not redeemed yet to know that the issues have now been resolved.

  • Article
Announcement Platinum Trading has been fixed

For a few weeks the trade system that is part of our shop has been broken due to a problem when updating. The developer got back to me yesterday and has fixed the problem, so it is now possible to trade Platinum again. I have also disabled the ability to trade Credits, as that was not suppose to be possible in the first place.

I have also changed it that players will only be able to use the trade system once they have gone through a behind the scenes usergroup promotion; this does not affect any current players, but it will affect new players for about the first week that they are signed up.

We are also looking at making a change to how the permissions work so that inactive sale products will show properly in inventory after they have been purchased. Currently they use the same permission to view the product in the shop, which is why you cannot see them if those products are currently disabled. If you need to redeem products that are not currently active, create a ticket and I will help you with that.

Multiclienting and why I'm against it

This topic would probably don't need much explanation so I'll keep it brief.

I still don't understand why multiclienting is even allowed.
I get the fact that dragonica community got considerably smaller nowadays and having an extra set of loot after each dungeon could be time saving since there are not many players to farm with in the present time (referring to adept server only, other servers excluded).

That being said, I'm just thinking long-term and try to understand that ''if'' adept dragonica gets populated in the future, how are 1 account users supposed to compete against 2 account users? Even with the low base of players that we have right now, the people who are able to use 2 accounts at the same time are already being in advantage mainly loot wise. They get the double amount of items with the passing of time and could easily run the server economy or relatively easier than 1 pc users.
Using 2 accounts at the same time could result in boost farming, using 1 character to protect your second character in difficult dungeons, creating confusion when seeing afk characters laying around in different maps with minimum to 0 engagement. Since pvp is not a thing on Adept yet, the other issues regarding multiclienting are irrelevant and I'm sure there will be rules for that anyways.

Additionally, it only ruins the game engagement, parties should be made by different people grinding together, chatting and growing as communities. By allowing multiclienting, half of a regular 4 man party is filled by the same person. Not to mention the fact that most of 2 account users farm alone with 2 or more characters.


Judging from a fair for everyone point of view, multiclienting results in 2 major aspects: less engagement with other players & economical and character progress advantages.


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