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Bug Report Dony's Guild Quest's get some wrong description's

So i wanted to lv. my char and my Guild a bit ... but hey ! it will not be that easy as i thought xD

Well first day i got the 1024th quest and it says: Clear Verglas Ridge with S Rank [Chaos F2].
And i did it ... i did also Verglas chaos with 1-3 maps and tried S-SSS rank and Chaos ridge also if its an name issue.

In the end it didn't worked.

Second day i need to do Dony's 1036th quest and it says in the describtion to Kill 45x Bix at Drakos floor 27.
Well lucky i am its almost right ;D i need to kill the boss at floor 27 twice and the quest pin in top left corner says Bix 0/2 so i wonder how many are actualy wrong bc there are many quests xD

Im lv.68 btw if it helps who knows ^^

Dankeschön/thank you

Hallo, liebe Osira,

als Erstes sei gesagt. Nein, ich verlasse "leider" nicht Dragons Prophet.

Ich wollte mich einfach mal bei der Community von Dragons Prophet bedanken. Ich habe viele interessante Persönlichkeiten kennenlernen dürfen. Viele Spieler haben mich durch die Zeit, von nun 6 Jahren, gebracht. Einige haben leider einen anderen Weg eingeschlagen, als ich es tat. Manchen trauere ich hinterher einigen wiederum nicht so sehr.

Trotzdem möchte ich mich bei euch allen bedanken. Leider kann ich das Geschenk, was ihr mir gebt, nicht erwidern oder es aufwiegen. Kein Splitter, kein Drache, kein Item kommt an das Geschenk ran, was ihr mir schenkt.

Ich versuch es dennoch, euch dasselbe Gefühl zu geben, dieselben schönen Momente zu bereiten, die ich in empfang nehmen durfte. Sei es durch Taten, durch Items oder durch Worte.

Danke euch allen für diese wunderbare Zeit und auf weitere schöne Momente in Dragons Prophet.

Mein Danke gilt auch an das Adept-Team, die mir die Chance gegeben haben, weitere wundervolle Momente in Dragons Prophet zu erleben.


Helping Hand

in english (google translater, sry but my english is not the yellow from the egg)

Hello, dear Osira,

First of all, let me say. No, "unfortunately" I am not leaving Dragons Prophet.

I just wanted to say thank you to the Dragons Prophet community. I got to know a lot of interesting personalities. Many players have brought me through the time, now 6 years. Unfortunately, some have taken a different path than I did. For some I don't mourn so much afterwards.

Nevertheless, I would like to thank you all. Unfortunately, I cannot return or make up for the gift you give me. No splinter, no dragon, no item comes close to the gift you give me.

I still try to give you the same feeling, to create the same beautiful moments that I was allowed to receive. Be it through actions, through items or through words.

Thank you all for this wonderful time and for more wonderful moments in Dragons Prophet.

Thanks also to the Adept team for giving me the chance to experience more wonderful moments in Dragon's Prophet.

Helping Hand

  • Question
Bug Report Solved Dragon Tournament Banner keeps going and going....

One hour before and at the start of the Dragon Tournament, there's a banner which remembers everyone to participate.
But in the last 2 weeks it seems to be a bit buggy and keeps showing up like 15 mins non stop. Would it be possible to fix this, that it only shows 2-3 Times each?

This can really distract you and due to the UI being crap, it also starts lagging.

The only workaround for that right now, is reloging.


  • Question
Bug Report Dragon Partner only contributing to mountbuff after a short time

When mounting my razor i recently noticed that sometimes my mountbuff was broken and sometimes it wasn't and it took a while until i noticed that if i just mounted fast on it (either by pressing tab or by summoning it and mounting on it instantly) my mount buff broke because it didn't apply the attributes from my dragon partner yet. Would be cool if this could be fixed so the dragon partner would apply right before the mount buff? Just wanted to throw it out for info pretty much

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Bug Report Solved Marktplace Exclusives title bonus???


idk if its rly buggy maybe ? but the exclusive Sailfins have a title bonus of 1.5 on all stats and Dragon influence +3 compared to the Sylvaran Exclusive they have +3 on all stats and +9 on dragon affinity ?
the old ones likes Nyssilth and galactic storm have +3 too.

so Why sailfins dont have +3 ? after they all cost 7500 diamonds ? I can´t see any sense in that sorry for saying that ... ;C

  • Question
Bug Report Solved Spawn Calender, missing zones and dragons


im not sure if this was reported yet, but the website connected to all dragon captures on channel 1 is not working properly anymore. I scanned thorugh it and all zones below Korhala are missing.

For sure someone asked for it: But it would be very useful if you could add the other channels aswell and include if the dragon was killed. Whenever you have to do something to fix the site.

Announcement "Missing" Shop Packages

This is a known issue that has to deal with permission on the category packages are in; if the category is set to not be visible, the packages in that category will not be visible in the inventory. This was different on a previous version of the shop software we run, and we are hoping that the developer will give us a workaround.

For now I have set it up so that all packages are visible, but you can only purchase the non-sale packages. You will actually have to click into shop categories to make sure you see the proper price point.

Here are the appropriate package categories:

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  • Question
Bug Report Solved Game Crash on Character Select

Hello, not really sure if anyone will be able to help me, but I will attach the Crash Reports and talk about what happened and maybe we might be able to figure it out. The first time the game crashed for me both of my monitors went black and I was unable to use them for about 5ish minutes. At the time of the crash I was using discord and streaming to some buddies to show them the game. The next time I tried to open up the game, after I selected my character and I was loading in the game crashed.
i-7 7700k
gtx 1070
16gb ram


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  • Suggestion
Suggestion Implemented Loot Pet Conversion

I'll be taking requests for loot pets here. I'm not going to guarantee all Dragons, NPC or mobs will be made into loot pets, but I'll at least consider most of them.

I'll also only be doing this when I have free time, and when I feel like doing it as it's tedious and boring and is a bit time consuming to do only one, so I would likely do them in batches spread out over time.

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Announcement Completed PSA: All Exclusive Dragons Available This Monday

To end the year on a high note, we will be making all Marketplace Exclusive Dragons available until Friday (New Years). This will include all previously sold exclusives, the new Christmas exclusives, and all the unreleased exclusives.

There currently is a 50% Bonus Diamond Sale going on, so it is best if you stock up now before these go on the market.

If you have not seen all of the exclusive Dragons I have recently made an album that contains all of them: Exclusive AdeptGamer Dragons













Syvaenir and Tiagara will only be available on the marketplace around the end of the year, otherwise they will be implemented as free Dragons in different ways in a future update.

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Announcement Issues Redeeming Purchases *Resolved*

There are some reports from players having issue redeeming some purchases currently, either that they are getting an error or that their account does not have enough play time to redeem the purchase. We are going to be looking at the issue and hopefully releasing an update later today to resolve the issue.

I'll update this thread when the issue has resolved.

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Announcement Potential Ongoing Connection Issues

We cannot ensure the quality of connection today as our data centers upstream provider has been getting hammered by a newly discovered Citrix exploit allowing for large scale DDoS attacks with little effort. The upstream provider is currently undergoing a large scale attack due to other services (Blizzard, Activision, and other large scale services) being targeted.

Because this is affecting the upstream provider, there is nothing we can do at our end currently.


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