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  • Suggestion
Suggestion Suggestion to improve PvP

Hello Seiichi, I'm here to know if it would be possible to do something to improve the game's pvp, I have an idea but I don't know how it would be possible to do it, it would be possible to do something similar to CoP but related to pvp, some Battleground ranking or some event of dominating a specific island and placing unique prizes, maybe this is impossible but it is an idea that could work.

Beta Testers Needed

We are going to be testing feature parity and some of the performance increases on the source update, and need players who are willing to actively test.

I am only selecting people who are likely to do thorough testing, and also am only going to select people who are able to mostly solo content as we are not going to be selecting a lot of players.

Patch Note Completed Dragon's Prophet Weekly Maintenance 11/16/2020 *UPDATE YOUR CLIENT*

We will be having our weekly routine maintenance at 7 PM PST Monday evening. During the maintenance we will be doing the following:
  • Migration to new server hardware. You must run the launcher so that you are using the new configuration. I will be updating the DNS so it points to the new server, but that can take up to 48-72 hours to update for slower ISP.
Maintenance generally lasts between 1-2 hours, though we will announce in the Discord if it will take longer. You can join our Discord by going here: Join the AdeptGamer Discord Server!

Announcement Small DB Rollback

There was an issue with the database configuration, so I had to rollback the database by around 6 hours. If there were any posts made in that period of time, you will need to remake them.

The issue shouldn't happen again, so this is probably a one time thing. I am also going to setup a more consistent backup for the database just in case.

Event Completed Dragon's Prophet Coloring Event: Pony aka Mythical


To enter this event you can digitally color the either White Stallion or Frightmare (we will include a full canvas, or a PSD). There are no maximum number of entries for people to submit, but you can only win one reward.

We will be accepting submissions until December 1st, and afterwards we will choose the winners from all the submissions. Due to how long it takes to create the textures it may be a few months until they're ready for release in the game. We also may bring more than the three winning concepts in game.

When submitting your colored concept keep the following points in mind:
  • Try to be clean as possible with your coloring
  • Be careful with the colors you use (do not do very subtle changes in shade or hues)
  • Do not go over the top on patterns, or get overly complicated with them
  • Do not make additions to the model itself as we currently cannot do customization of the model (no additional horns, spikes or anything else of the sort)
  • Original concepts that are different from existing Mythical, or different from existing Dragons are more likely to stand out
  • Please try to include a color swatch of colors used so we can sample when doing the texture
To enter the event add your entries into this album on the gallery: Dragon's Prophet Coloring Event: Mythical


  • WhiteStallion.psd
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  • WhiteStallion_Transparent.png
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  • WhiteStallion_RegionMapped.psd
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  • Frightmare.png
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  • Frightmare.psd
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  • Frightmare_RegionMapped.psd
    2.7 MB · Views: 362
  • Frightmare_Transparent.png
    117 KB · Views: 334

  • Locked
Announcement Removing the Xsolla payment option

We will be removing the option to pay with Xsolla after this weekend. This has been a discussion between myself and @Stealth who deals with the company side of things since we re-enabled them. There are a few reasons why we are removing the option:
  1. They are extremely slow to pay out. While it is not as bad as we have experienced in the past where we waited months for a payout, it will sometimes takes weeks to months to get after our payout request to be completed. This is on top of the wait time for their minimal payout, so if it takes 3 months to meet that amount and it takes 2-3 more months after we can go 6 months without all the available funds needed to run the servers, or to pay staff for their work.
  2. We lose about 30% of all income by using them due to the percentage they take, and the percentage of the payment processor (depending on which one). This wouldn't be an issue if they provided a service we actually needed (like chargeback protection), but we have do not deal with those often, and due to how things are handled for purchases we rarely lose those anyways.
  3. They require a lot of paperwork that other providers do not require. Signing paperwork to get funds released potentially every month gets tiresome, especially when there is a lot going on or if @Stealth is travelling for his own business.
We are looking at a few alternatives, and will try to replace it soon. Paypal is honestly the best way to purchase due to how quick they are to process and due to cheaper fees.

  • Locked
  • Question
Bug Report Solved Academy skill crystal

Hello Dear Support Team!

Lately I've discovered, that filled "academy skill crystals" are stored in the "normal" backpack instead of the marketplace backpack.
So, I have 7 filled crystals in the "marketplace backpack" and 9 in the "normal" backpack.

Could you please check this out?

Thanks a lot

Looking for a love

Hello everyone, looking for a 35+ year old girl in Dragons prophet game. My nickname is KarateL, add

Hallo allerseits, auf der Suche nach einem über 35-jährigen Mädchen in Dragons Prophetenspiel. Mein Spitzname ist KarateL, füge hinzu

Bonjour à tous, à la recherche d'une fille de 35 ans et plus dans le jeu de prophète Dragons. Mon surnom est KarateL, ajoutez

discord: ruslan#3607


  • ruslan.jpg
    156.2 KB · Views: 194

  • Locked
  • Question
Bug Report Solved Diamond exchange fail ?!

Hello everyone ^^

I have a problem buying diamonds!
Today at 7.45pm I exchanged 2000 Platinum for 6000 DP Diamonds, but they have not yet been credited to my in-game account!
Is this just a time problem or is my investment lost?
Please let me know what will happen next!
The conversion is confirmed in my account journal - only in the game the diamonds have not yet arrived. I've restarted the game several times so it can't be that.

Thank you in advance, LG Ruhloser (ingame Tantulus)

  • Question
Bug Report Fortunate Potion Buff; Temp-Negation (Low)

Bug: Disagreement between the Fortunate Potion buff and the Character Selection option from the menu.

Severity: Low

When the drop buff from a Fortunate Potion is active, the drop rate goes up as expected. However, if a user logs their character out via the Character Select option on the top menu (eg. to get their login reward) and re-enters the game from the character selection screen, the buff seems to no longer work. Visually, the buff is still present and acknowledged by the game with a normal countdown, but the effect does not seem to apply. This can be fixed by exiting the game application and restarting it through the executable or launcher, as normal. (Complete account log out/in without restarting the application is currently untested. Will try later.)

I've managed to get it to happen twice, but admit that I'm not 100% sure if there are additional factors to trigger this that I don't see. Verified with two trips into Dunar, ended up with 5 pages of loot fewer than when the buff is properly active. The extra 5 pages of loot dropped normally on the next run upon applying the fix. It's not a huge issue, but it seems prudent to put it here both for development purposes and for any confused players experiencing something similar.

Steps To Reproduce:
Apply the drop buff from a Fortunate Potion.
2) "Log out" using the Character Select option.
3) Re-enter game from the character selection.
4) ???
5) Decreased profit!

Announcement Unscheduled Maintenance

At the request of our data center, we were asked to do an unscheduled maintenance. The server will be back online after a quick restart and once all the zones have loaded back up again.

Sorry for the inconvenience. I will be spawning James Brown in Laedis (Not at Dungeons) after the maintenance is over, or at the very least later tonight.

  • Locked
  • Suggestion
Suggestion Rejected A realistic breeding system using current game UI

A breeding system was one of the many systems that during the inception of Dragon's Prophet, was a goal of Runewaker themselves. This thread explores and consults various methods this discarded mechanic can be implemented into the game, exploring potential pros and cons of each method that is approached. Suggestions to add to this idea are welcome, as extra perspectives could shine a light on anything that was potentially missed here.

Upon exploring Dragon Training one weekend, I had an epiphany. Ignoring the fact that dragon training transfers skills, it does a couple of things.
  • You place two dragons of your choosing here.
  • Item based rewards are received, placing them in your lair storage.
  • The training screen has daily restrictions on how often you can perform the action.

A moderately modified version of this UI could be copied and edited in such a way to introduce an egg breeding system.


The current egg system greatly undermines the value of wild captured ancient dragons, where 3-4 day respawn timers are averted over egg fragment trading and dungeon drops - that are superior to the harder earned dragon in every way. While this system is too deeply rooted to be resolved in its current state, breeding would allow extra interactions between dragons for bonus acquisition of rarer egg loot with some limitations.


So without further ado, enjoy my crappy mockup hypothetical window for breeding dragons

First I must confess if this UI is disappointing for you, and you would rather have a more materialistic non UI version of this system, I'd say it's probably not very possible/likely. However, this at least attempts to introduce the system in a more realistic, post Runewaker way. This would be accessed through the Dragon Lair NPC, as it would make little sense having access to a feature in the field.

Training attempts left is exchanged for Breeding Attempts, using a similar daily limitation with training. The value would not be shared of course as so you don't actually *lose* your training attempts by interacting with this UI. I've kept it at 3 per day just to keep things simple, but this could be altered. Honestly, I couldn't see it exceeding 3 per day in my opinion.

Possible Rewards could be expanded to display more eggs, but there are a lot of tiny nuances to how the rewards system could be executed. Personally, there could be a few ways to employ it, and I don't have the marketing data on what rates would feel 'right' in a game like this. However, here's a couple of ways it could work:-

  • A Kind of Simple Way:- The eggs are selected from a pool of eggs permittable by this system, regardless of what two dragons are actually used.
  • A More Annoying Way:- Using some kind of internal flag to distinguish family or rarity, purple eggs are selected to more closely match the two dragons used in the breed system. Marketplace dragons are skipped and in the case both are marketplace dragons, the pool selected is default.
In terms of how the eggs themselves are brought out by the system, this is an example of hypothetical chances:-
Let's say in theory 10% for a random purple egg, 30% for a blue egg, 40% for a green egg and 20% for just dragon experience. Note that this is not a definitive statistic, but merely a theorized one as an example.
The results can be modified at will to determine how many eggs are introduced into the game through this method per day.

Pros and Cons
The potential pros and cons of introducing a system like this are fairly lengthy and even in its simple presentation, would be a headache to make function.

  • CON: - Factoring exploitation of the system and because of the way dragons themselves are not tradeable, should drastically limit how many eggs can be produced per day. However character rerolling could pose a problem, especially for dragons obtained through the Gacha system as there is nothing preventing a player deleting a character after trading produced eggs and rerolling. If limitations account wide could be posed, it would be preferable, but probably not as easy to do.

  • PRO: - Players can still get rare dragons and 'trade' them in this way, so long as they are sufficiently rare enough to not destroy the market value. Dragons not normally occurring in the game in an egg form (Such as gacha recoloured fables) could be obtained this way, with a very, very low chance (Significantly lower than anything else), allowing other players to potentially hatch something with heightened stats.

  • CON: - The system does not introduce any bonding system of the sort. Nothing is really gained by the dragons themselves due to the limitations of the system presented. Feedback would be necessary to refine the idea.

  • PRO: - Additional reasons for the player to log in daily and interact with the lair, possibly encouraging the use of other systems the lair also offers, such as Dragon Training and gathering.

TLDR; Just note that this system would not be a replacement to get ultra rare dragons or special marketplace dragons, as that's not the point of it. This would be a way to introduce a form of dragon breeding, with eggs as a reward for nests. This wouldn't solve other long standing issues the egg system has, like waiting around in artecia for eggs to max out.


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