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Questions from a noob

Hello all, it's good to be here.

I played Dragon's Prophet waaaaaay back when Sony first launched it, and loved it. Then Sony dropped it, and it took me a while to learn that I can play on the Euro servers. And then those dropped like, a month later. I'm hoping that I'll have more luck here. :)

I am wondering what grouping and end-game looks like. I am currently doing it the slow way and skipping the level 60 potion, at least on my first character.

What does grouping look like, and when do groups start to form?
Is endgame "fun", or is it a case of max out, then either chill in the city or make an alt, or is there cool stuff to do at max level?

Thanks for any answers, I appreciate them, and hope to see you in game.

  • Question
Bug Report Guardian 2hand Piersar assassination bug

Well this is an old issues since god skills came out not really expecting this to be fixed just putting it out there. Just wondering if its possible to finnally fix the guardian skill assassination. Its suppose to Regen Soul points on hit and never worked as intended since 102 cap SOE acknowledged the issue but kind of just swept under the rug and moved on just wondering if ts possible here.

no worries if its not lol


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  • assasination soul point recovery.PNG
    assasination soul point recovery.PNG
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Legal Scripts and Macros

Not Sure if this is a good place for this thread, but i thought a place for players to post scripts/macros to share would be nice. this first post will be including a rundown on AutoIt and 1 scripts made in AutoIt

Download Link:
you will be able to copy and paste the text for the scripts in a new '.txt' file and rename it so the extension is '.au3'
or create a new AutoIt v3 script from your context menu after installing the program
inside the instalation folder is a '.exe' called 'Au3Info.exe' which you can use to readjust the mouse coordinates if yours don't match with mine

Please Note: this script tests for a window that has a title that starts with: "Dragon", so if your title is in a different language you may need to adjust it in the code, and then maximizes it (DP may need to be in windowed mode)
#cs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

 AutoIt Version:
 Author:         log163

 Script Function:
    Use a specific powder a specific number of times on an egg

#ce ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

; Script Start - Add your code below here
#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>
#include <AutoItConstants.au3>
#include <Constants.au3>
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include <UpDownConstants.au3>
Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1)
   global const $xArray[3] = [393, 440, 490]; the screen x coordinates for the first,second,and third row on powder pane
   global const $xbutton = 442; the screen x coordinates for the confirm button on the powder pane
   global const $yArray[3] = [330, 374, 416]; the screen y coordinates for the first,second,and third column on powder pane
   global const $ybutton = 447; the screen y coordinates for the confirm button on the powder pane
   global const $DragonTitle = "Dragon"; the start of the title for the Dragon's Prohpet window
   global const $mouseSpeed = 5
   global $repeats = 1
   global $powder = 1

Func _Main()
    ;Initialize variables
   Local const $iGUIWidth = 300, $iGUIHeight = 100
   global const $windowTitle = "Egg Powderizer"
   Local $idOK_Btn, $idCancel_Btn
   Local $idRepeat, $idPowder

    ;Create window
    GUICreate($windowTitle, $iGUIWidth, $iGUIHeight)

    ;Create an edit box with no text in it
   GUICtrlCreateLabel("Number of Repeats", 10, 10)
   $idRepeat = GUICtrlCreateInput("1", 120, 10, 50, 20)
   GUICtrlSetOnEvent($idRepeat, "OnUpDown")
   GUICtrlCreateLabel("Powder Slot", 10, 40)
   $idPowder = GUICtrlCreateInput("1", 120, 40, 50, 20)
   GUICtrlSetOnEvent($idPowder, "OnUpDown2")

    ;Create an "OK" button
    $idOK_Btn = GUICtrlCreateButton("Run", 75, 70, 70, 25)
    GUICtrlSetOnEvent($idOK_Btn, "OnYes")

    ;Create a "CANCEL" button
    $idCancel_Btn = GUICtrlCreateButton("Cancel", 165, 70, 70, 25)
    GUICtrlSetOnEvent($idCancel_Btn, "OnExit")
    GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "OnExit")

    ;Show window/Make the window visible

    While 1
 EndFunc   ;==>_Main

 ; --------------- Functions ---------------
 Func OnExit()
 EndFunc   ;==>OnExit
 Func OnUpDown()
    $repeats = GUICtrlRead (@GUI_CtrlId)
 EndFunc   ;==>OnUpDown
 Func OnUpDown2()
    $powder = GUICtrlRead (@GUI_CtrlId)
 EndFunc   ;==>OnUpDown2
 Func OnYes()
   local $i = 0
   local $x = 0
   local $y = 0
   Switch $powder
            Case 1
               $x = $xArray[0]
               $y = $yArray[0]
            Case 2
               $x = $xArray[1]
               $y = $yArray[0]
            Case 3
               $x = $xArray[2]
               $y = $yArray[0]
            Case 4
               $x = $xArray[0]
               $y = $yArray[1]
            Case 5
               $x = $xArray[1]
               $y = $yArray[1]
            Case 6
               $x = $xArray[2]
               $y = $yArray[1]
            Case 7
               $x = $xArray[0]
               $y = $yArray[2]
            Case 8
               $x = $xArray[1]
               $y = $yArray[2]
            Case 9
               $x = $xArray[2]
               $y = $yArray[2]
            Case Else
               ;$sMsg = "Error"

         If WinExists($DragonTitle) Then
            WinSetState($DragonTitle, "", @SW_MAXIMIZE)

            For $i = 1 To $repeats
               MouseClick($MOUSE_CLICK_PRIMARY, $x, $y, 1, $mouseSpeed)
               MouseClick($MOUSE_CLICK_PRIMARY, $xbutton, $ybutton, 1, $mouseSpeed)
EndFunc   ;==>OnYes

  • Question
Bug Report Solved Teleport under the map in Shrine of Handras

If you already killed the last boss in Shrine of Handras and then get cought by a tornado you are teleportet to the long corridor. Instead of beeing teleported back to the normal way at the end of the corridor you get teleportet under the map. After waiting a few seconds you die and can revive at the beginning of the dungeon.


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  • Question
Bug Report port bug from dungeons to island

when you are in a dungeon and want to leave it or leave group, it often happens you get ported to your island - is there something you can do about it to fix it?

i know its a very old bug, but it seems to happen more often here than it did on eu, and even worse - ive been ported to island after i had dc, though i have still been in group and should have been somewhere in the middle of the dungeon.
this is quite annoying when everyone else has to wait for you till you are back in :(

  • Suggestion
Suggestion Selling options / Verkaufsoptionen

The game offers the possibility to have 21 pages with backpack slots. Of course, many have not yet unlocked the mass of pages, but slowly they are getting more and more. This offers the possibility to actually take the mass of the loot and not have to sell it after 2 minutes of fighting. Nevertheless, the mass of pickable items is large and the sale is limited to the fact that you have to sell each occupied backpack slot separately. It would certainly be a great idea if there was the possibility to sell several items at once. Maybe there is the possibility to implement the option to select items by their rarity. So you could sell all grey, blue, green items with one or two clicks. Maybe a multiple selection would also be possible.
Of course I don't know how good and if this is possible at all, but it would be a great new option.

Das Spiel bietet die Möglichkeit 21 Seiten mit Rucksackslots zu haben. Natürlich haben viele die Masse an Seiten noch nicht freigeschalten, aber nach und nach werden es immer mehr. Dies bietet die Möglichkeit, die Masse des Loots tatsächlich aufzunehmen und nicht nach 2 Minuten Kampf schon verkaufen zu müssen. Dennoch ist die Masse an an aufnehmbaren Items groß und der Verkauf darauf beschränkt, dass man jeden belegten Rucksackslot eigenständig verkaufen muss. Es wäre sicher auch hier eine tolle Idee, wenn es die Möglichkeit gäbe, mehrere Items gleichzeitig zu verkaufen. Vielleicht gibt es die Möglichkeit zu implementieren, dass man nach Seltenheit der Items auswählen kann. So könnte man mit ein bis zwei Klicks alle grauen, blauen, grünen Items verkaufen. Vielleicht wäre auch eine Mehrfachauswahl möglich.
Wie gut und ob das überhaupt umsetzbar ist, weiß ich natürlich nicht, aber es wäre schon eine tolle neue Option.

  • Suggestion
Suggestion Planned Loot-Settings

(Sorry for bad english XD :)

When I go farming, I often find that I only want to farm certain things. For example, I would like to collect only blue items and dragon shards, or if I farm in a lower area, I would not like to collect shards, because I have to sell them at the end and they don't bring much gold. So it would be great if the lootpet gets some settings or the char itself, so you can filter by rarity and/or shards. This would also give you the possibility to farm shards and to set that you only collect defensive shards or damage shards or only special damage shards.

Wenn ich farmen gehe, stelle ich oft fest, dass ich ja nur bestimmte Sachen farmen möchte. Zum Beispiel würde ich gern nur blaue Items und Drachensplitter sammeln oder wenn ich in einem niedrigeren Bereich farme, würde ich gern keine Splitter mit aufsammeln, da ich die am Ende wieder verkaufen muss und sie nicht viel Gold einbringen. Daher wäre es toll, wenn das Lootpet Einstellungsmöglichkeiten bekommt, oder auch der Char an sich, so dass man nach Seltenheit und/ oder Splitter filtern kann. Somit wäre auch die Möglichkeit gegeben, dass man Splitter farmen geht und vorher einstellen könnte, dass man nur Abwehr-Splitter oder Schaden-Splitter oder nur spezielle Schaden-Splitter aufsammelt.


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