I have a few suggestions and they are as following:
-Add a guild "inactive" member check system, so forexample if you hover mouse cursor over player name you can see the last conenct date, or do as Official and add a coloring on name depending on their activity (this is extxremly convinient for guild leaders to see what memebr that's been connected lately (if they have diffrent timezones)
-Remove the cutscenes from dungeons such as Anukus, Kundura, Verdorous, Akia cave and such so we can press ESC and get right into the boss fights
- Possible to have an Item database for all the in-game items here on the forum? so we can easily search up the items to know how to get them? (kinda like a Dragon Saga Adept exclusive item database)
-add maybe a small "discord" button near the mini map so when players click it, they get redirected to join the AdeptGamer discord (could be quite convinient)
-Add discord Rich pressence to the game (so players can highlight when they play the game, and it will display, character name, Map, channel, and maybe even if they are in a party?
-Add a new chat area to the game, diffrent from normal, party, guild and trade called "Discord" pretty much a "cross commmunication chat" where players on discord can chat to players in-game in a sepertate chat channel section on the discord.
In example of this, all the in-game characters will be dispalyed as seperate "bot's" in the channel, and ofcourse add a small cooldown to the chat there, maybe like every 30 seconds like trade chat?
like this:
it would be really nice since there's no real "World chat" in-game aside from megaphones
One of the big appealing aspects of Dragon Saga to me always was the fact that mostly every single piece of gear has its own model , so you can see your character actually wearing it.
Which is why I am baffled to see that there is no transmog system in place, after all the devs already had all the work of modelling every piece of gear.
So my suggestion is: How about an item mall article that lets you transform any given piece of equipment into a cosmetic version of it?
Now that we can buy higher potion I think it would only be fair for Kyros (lvl 60 content) to stop dropping Lvl 30 potions already
So suggestion: Revisit potion drops and readjust them to be suited to the content's level
First of all let me preface this by saying this is just my opinion as a newcomer. I'll be largely comparing the gear progression ( mostly Soul Crafting, in part Enchantment ) system of Dragon Saga Adept to Maplestory 2 as this is the last Korean MMO I've played and the similarities don't end at the game engine, trust me.
Also keep in mind that in my opinion the game would be more fun if the PvE content would be balanced in a way to be challenging even to players with min-maxed gear.
I feel like there is too many layers of RNG in the way we perfect a piece of equipment at the moment:
We first need to obtain the item, then we need to Soul Craft and Enchant it and finally we need to reroll the additional stats (type and range).
This is 5 layers of RNG you have to get through in comparision in Maplestory 2 you had to: Obtain the item , enchant it and reroll the stats on it (also type and range). This equates to 4 layers of RNG (+ Socketing which is something I haven't seen in DSaga Adpet) so pretty similar to DSaga Adept
The big difference comes on the how we do said tasks, in DSaga Adept all of the above is pure RNG whilst in Maplestory 2 which orignially was the exact same way, they implemented alot of fail safes.
For example:
>Instead of trying to RNG enchant you could slowly gather materials to do a guaranteed upgrades
>Even if you'd attempt an RNG enchant you would accumulate Fail Stacks which would guarantee an upgrade if you gathered enough of them
>Socketing required Additional copies of said items (accessories) to unlock sockets and they changed it so it was set to 26 copies to unlock all sockets instead of beeing an RNG chances between 7 and infinity
>Instead of having to hit stat types and ranges you could lock individual stats to not change and also split rerolling stat types and ranges
This is still far from perfect as it heavily time gated players and still wasn't a guarantee to ever hit the perfect or at least near perfect stats, but at this point after having used over 2000 Soul Craft Rerollers I gotta say, I don't see myself ever trying to perfect any stats in DSaga Adept as the chance of hitting that elusive combination of stats and having high enough rolls just is not feasable.
As to what I would change about the way we progress our gear, I have some ideas:
1. Enchantment Bonuses
I believe Enchantment Bonuses in general should be shaped like a bell curve.
This means the amount of stat increases per Enchantment should rise until a certain Milestone Enchantment is hit and afterwards it should decrease again, this would enable you to balance the content ATK power wise around said Milestone while still rewarding people who want to push further.
2. Enchant Rates
I think no matter what upgrade level you should always have a fail safe similar to the fail stacks in Maple Story 2 which accumulate till you hit a 100% upgrade, it's just not fun beeing stuck at a certain level forever
3. Rasing Soul Force
Change raising the Soul force to require a static one time cost that rises per level. Maybe require an additional copy of said gear for higher soul force?
4. Soul Crafted Stats
Let players freely choose the stats they have on their gear, but tie the power of those to the Enchantment level. In all honesty though I see this as not possible to implement as it would take way too much time but since I thought it would still be interesting to share I put it here.
So how about giving us the option to lock certain lines from beeing rerolled? This would enable you to freely choose what lines to drop and to keep making it a thousand times easier to reached good stat combinations.
I hope you enjoyed this write up which I did to sort out some ideas I had floating around in my head and keep me awake.
I am sadly forced to give anyone involved with party runs to B25 using scroll a warning due to the source of these runs being from scroll abuse/exploits.
Be more careful with who you party up with in the future, if you know someone is abusing something please report it otherwise you may end up guilty by association.
Only the following users are receiving punishments:
Noctis: Char removed from account and is no longer eligible for the beta rewards.
Meredith/Silver: Must level a new character from 0 to 60 to be eligible for the beta rewards.
Noctis has received harsher punishment due to the excessive use of the exploit.
Despite this being a beta we do not tolerate our users exploiting / abusing any part of the game or its mechanics, we will be changing the way scrolls are consumed before release to avoid this happening in the future.
It is sad that people would choose to even abuse things during a beta test.
List of dates and users who exploited:
24th Noctis (132 Logged Attempts)
23rd Noctis (686 Logged Attempts)
22nd None
21st None
20th Silver (33 Logged Attempts)
19th Silver (15 Logged Attempts)
18th None
17th None
16th None
15th None
I will craft furniture you are looking for at a modest price. I have quite a lot of recipes so check this link to see what you are interested in, and contact me and I will see what I can do for you. :3
Hey, as everyone know we will eventually have to farm gold to buy stuff and upgrade our gear. However, it's annoying to get exp while farming because at some point you'll have to move locations.
Hi, it's the second time now that one of my hero quest's count is bugged. The first one being "Tomb Raider (3)" at Athoo and the second one being "Unexpected Enemy (2)" at Pine Cone Hills (Kundara Questline).
These quests ask you to kill/drop multiple things off monsters but at a certain point they just stop counting even when you kill 200+ of the monsters.
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