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Announcement Beta Extended for another week

Hello AdeptGamers!

We are glad to receive mostly positive feedback from you.
However, there are a few issues that we want to deal with before the launch of the server, thus we extend the beta for another week (until the end of October 6th) to give us a time cushion in order to deal with bugs. We will let you know whether we will need more time or not.

Thank you for your patience!

Do not forget that we host an 2.4x EXP event this week. Make sure to grab those beta rewards.

Developer Update Text wall update

It's once again been a month since the last update, and as there will be another large patch coming soon, I figured I'd go into (some) detail in what I've been working on.

First and foremost, for the last two months I've been researching the 'Dungeon Ancients' system so that we can make modifications to it (more than what we have so far). This has involved a lot of testing, a lot of research and mostly a lot of screaming and yelling at monitors; no monitors were hurt during the testing of this system. The end result is I've (mostly) been able to do changes that I am satisfied with releasing, though there will be some more changes that we will want to do in the future.

The most obvious, and major change, will be that every dungeon will have it's own exclusive Dragon, though they will not all be Ancients or Fabled Ancients. I've always personally hated that dungeons have the exact same Dragon in a zone (with some exceptions), so it made much more sense to me to give each dungeon it's own Dragon. As far as why we didn't do Ancients and Fabled Ancients... Giving players more variety, and encouraging them to explore is always a good thing in my books.

The change to the dungeon system will wipe all current spawn points, but each dungeon will now individually track their own points. We will also be looking at fixing Nyrol's and Gaesis Roost in the future so that it is inline with the standard system.

Secondly, we will be adding another two Dragons to the game, and these will both be freely available, and not locked to the Marketplace.

The first, Carnelian Warden, is a slightly touched up Duskreaver that was not fully implemented in the game and was lacking some details which Aiden completed.

The second one is a new Halloween Dragon which will be released for the Halloween GM Event, so if you want it you will need to show up and participate. This is another hand-painted and textured Dragon by Aiden, and a lot of work went into getting it the way we wanted it.

I will not be posting a preview of the Dragons for now as I want them to be a surprise, but I may potentially do a preview closer to when they are released.

There is also a third change that may be taking place slightly in the future, and that is a slight client update that we are wishing to try out. When we did beta testing for our source code, we found that there was an issue with the client where (some) players would only have 50% of their usual FPS. This new client should fix a bad piece of code and solve that issue, and allow us to start making progress into some of the requests that players have made that require source code. I've not decided when we will do this update yet, but it should hopefully be soon.

If you would really like to get a sneak peek, you can always support Aiden on AdeptGamer_Aiden is creating game assets | Patreon.

  • Suggestion
Suggestion Guild system idea from Zirothos

This is a old suggestion that i made a long time ago for the Official server and now i will make it here with my new improve idea"s xD i know most of the stuff here sound crazy but this is my vision of what a guild should be in a game like this, Have fun


First of all the guild is a big family, each members of a guild most help each other and help the guild grow.

Q: Why do I want to join a guild?

A: Let see what a guild is all about in this game and then ask this question to yourself and see if joining a guild or making your own guild is worth it.

1- The guild will have a maximum level of 10

2- NPC will be recruit able and will help your guild grow

3- Play with friends and help each other become more powerful and fight stronger monsters together (But I can do that with a party, why would I want to join a guild?)

4- Unique special mission and raid made for the guild

5- Guild wars. (Some mode that can be done in the guild war can also be done in normal PVP so lone wolf player can also enjoy a nice PVP system based on what they want.) The only difference between the normal PVP and the guild PVP is Guild experience point and Guild ranking board base on your guild victory. The only Mode that is exclusive to guild is the Castle War. Every mode will be explained later in the guide.

6- Designed your guild hall like you want it to be.

7- Mini game? Why not small mini game will be added and will only be available in a guild hall. No need to be in a guild to plays those mini game you will need to be invited in the guild hall by guild member

Now let’s talk about the NPC and what can they do.

The Guild manager

This NPC will be available right at the lv 1 and can only be use by the guild master. This NPC can manage the guild rank. Upgrade your guild hall, hire more NPC.

Create your own rank: Give a name to the rank you want to create, Give the permission to this rank and place it in order from higher to lower.

Rank permission

Vice administrator

Can invite players, kick players (below is rank), manage the guild


Can invite players

Remove players

Can kick out players (below is rank)


Can manage the guild vault, take out item or gold


Able to use the Carpenter NPC


Allowed to initiate a guild war


Able to create designed for the guild outfit


Able to edit the guild emblem


Able to open the portal for a guild raid or mission

The Bank NPC

LV max 5

This one is simple it’s a guild vault the higher the lv of the NPC, Bigger the vault will be. Every NPC need gold to be upgraded and the gold from the guild vault will be use, so don’t forget to donate to help the guild grow.


LV max 10

You don’t see that offend in a MMO but yes your guild will have the possibility to sell item that is in your vault. All players will be able to see those items and buy them.

Q: Why use the guild market and not the normal market.

A: Item sold from the Guild market will go directly to the guild vault. The higher the level of this NPC, More space will be available for item. And this shop is always open, compare to the Players shop that needs to be online to be working.

Emblem Creator

LV max 1 (but)

Able to create and edit the guild emblem. Guilds need a nice emblem to look good. Unlock able designed will be done while playing. Some designed will require item that can be drop in the Guild raid and mission zone. Unlock and use all the possibility to make the best looking emblem possible. Your guild will look bad ass with a good emblem.


Level max 5

Create item for the guild members, Weapons / Armors and enchanting item.

Just like a normal in game Blacksmith, but the Cost of a high level one will be lower than the basic one you found in cities. All success rates will be shown if you want to enchant item.

Special option from this NPC: able to create Metal designed item that can be use to upgrade the guild Hall look.

Magic Infusion

Level max 5

Just like the blacksmith this NPC will work the same. Guild version one will cost less base on is levels. Able to infuse magic power in to an item to unlock is true potential.


Level max 10

The carpenter. Able to create wood designed item to edit the guild hall look

War Master

Level max 1

Only used for Guild wars. Any guild members with the permission to use this NPC will be able to initiate a war between guilds. Some restriction will be done so guild can fight each other without missing some fire power.

When a player Initiate a war, the guild will be added to the board base on the war selection taken between the modes. More info on the Guild WAR section.

Gate Keeper

Level max 10

The gate keeper can open a portal to another world. Guild raid and mission can be done. More info on the Portal ZONE.

Guild Wars

1- Pure Brawl: Rules are simple 1 to 5 player on each team. Multiple possible maps big to small depending on the size of the team fight

2- Domination: this Objective PVP matches it not to complicate. With a 10 players on each team. The objective is to capture and hold the zone in the map. There will be 5 neutral zones to capture 2 close to each team base and one in the center. Each zone will give 1 point per min killing an enemy in a zone that is yours will give 1 point. Killing an enemy in a zone that is not yours will give 0.5 point. The first team to reach 100 point wins.

3- Capture the Flag 5-10 man fight: you all know what this is. 1 flag on each side and the objective is to bring it on your side and have your flag in the base to get a point. If a holder of the flag dies, the flag will stay on the ground for 20 sec. if it’s your flag you can stay on it for 10 sec to make it respawn in to your base. Good luck to stay on it for 10 sec in a wild fight. The first team to have 5 point win, or the team who has the most point after 10 min win

4- Castle war: there is one castle on each side with one leader that will be chosen at random.

Each zone has 3 bases to be able to enter the enemy castle you need to destroy the Core of each base. And then the bridge of the castle will lower. Your objective is to take down the enemy leader.

In the center of the map there will be a ballistic that will do long range damage to an enemy core. It will shoot a rock every min to do 10% damage on a random base Core

Until all the cores are destroyed.

The Portal

Those gates can only be open if a member is able to find a Gate Key. Those keys can be drop in any mission zone or raid on any boss.

When you got a key you can start a random generated zone, based on the Keeper levels. Those random generated zone will drop item that will be used for upgrading the guild. And will reward you with rank point. And guild exp.

Before opening a gate, the leader of the group will need to choose between the difficulty the type of zone and the type of monster them when to fight.

Each type of monster will drop specific item that will be needed by the blacksmith/carpenter/emblem creator or the tailor NPC.

The Difficulty : easy, normal, hard, legendary , chaotic and Lunatic.

Each difficulty will change the stat of monster you will face. You will fight back monster that you already seen or new monster that are completely new for you. It’s not because you know the monster combat style that the fight will goes how you want it to be. The higher the difficulty the more guild exp you will get or rank point, if you manage to complete the challenge.

Now for the type, there is Mission zone, 8 man raid and 16 man raid.

Now are you willing to test you might against them. Only time will tell.

  • Question
Bug Report Lv 58 red quest missing / wrong quest placement


There is 4 quest before that.i don't remember the name that should be place at >lv 54 (those quest are done at vartika hill, but the quest is given at 60 or 61 not sure.

the game said 54. and i notice from lv 54 to 57 (58 have no quest at all) it's hard to lvl up since all those quest are just place later on at lv 60-61 at the moment


  • upload_2019-9-22_20-41-41.png
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  • Question
Bug Report Map Crash

To track down the cause of the map crash when switching zones, we need to gather a bit of information. If you've crashed, please fill out the quoted information below:

Starting Zone: The zone that you were in before attempting to switch zones.
Target Zone: Obviously the zone that you are attempting to switch too.
Play Time: An estimated amount of time that you were playing before the crash occurred.

Starting Zone:
Target Zone:
Play Time:

  • Suggestion
Suggestion Add Items to the Token Exchange Board

Hi, as you all know we have an Exchange Board in POW where we can use Bounty Tokens to get stuff. Unfortunately, right now this EB has only half of it useful (Feathers are useless if you play correctly, Gadas can be farmed and Insurance Scrolls can be directly bought at the Potion NPC)
So I thought of adding "all" the OLD Items in there for a different price and maybe other rare/unique items like Vagabond Boots for a high price.

  • Question
Bug Report Fix Bone Dragons Attacks

Since everyone is already used to how the fight goes I thought I'd offer some fresh insight as someone that literally killed the guy for the first time today.

Overall I'd say the encounter is fairly balanced but most of his physical attacks are insanely broken , since they apply Damage BEFORE you can react to it as most likely the Damage is applied immediatly on start of the animation.

My Suggestion to this is to if possible delay the Damage so it actually fits the attacks , I'd assume latency will surely apply aswell but the way it is now and as I'm suprising to hear always has been it apparently is just straight up stupid and unreasonable.

Also look at this meme I made that summons this shit up nicely

Announcement Patch Note [Patch Notes] 0.0.16 Patch Notes

Hello AdeptGamers!

Here are the Patch Notes of today's maintenance:

  • Macro attack option has been added and can be found in the chain combo section of the skill tree (it only applies to classes with artificial delays, mage,archer,summoner and also only effects chain combo when moving / canceling animation, regular attacks are also affected)

  • Aurora and HEALSLUTS guildlogos have been updated

  • added Japanese Suit costume to cash shop

  • added Ragnarok Novice costume to cash shop

  • added new icon to identify costume items (this is a pink equipment icon in the bottom left corner)

  • Converted paris set to uni-race (Now 1 set fits all)

  • Increased soul box drop in chaos missions (again)

  • modified various quests exp rewards
  • Level 50/60/70/80 potions are fixed

  • The login screens discord link is fixed

  • The patcher progress bars have been fixed from now on you will know how far your patch is done

  • deleted stats from discord balloon and ragnarok novice sets

  • Question
Bug Report Bugs or Suggestions I found/noticed

  • - When doing Emotes (like /dance2, alt+8 to sit, etc.) the emote gets canceled when starting to type in chat. This does not happen immediately but around 5 seconds after starting the Emote. It occurs in Normal, Party, Guild and Trade Chat.

  • - Shootdown bug has already been mentioned in another post.

  • - The Quest "Test from the Earth (1) - Kill Zaro in F5" can't be done until the Quest "Paradise (8) - Zaro F5" is finished.

  • Mana Bullets in Lavalon either appear in multiple numbers at the beginning when killing the monsters, or not at all for a longer period of time, stretching the bossfight unnecessarily.

What to do after you use starter pack to get to lvl 60?

I used to play original DP back in the days and now my nostalgic brought me to this server.

I started playing and got one fabled dragon and starter pack got me to lvl 60...for further lvling do I do now normal questing, pe and road quest or is there some faster way to get to higher lvls?

What should be the first things I should focus on now?

Whats the best and most efficient way to build useful combat dragon?

Ty you all in advance :D

Announcement Patch Note [Patch Notes] 0.0.15 Patch Notes

Hello AdeptGamers!

Here are the Patch Notes of today's maintenance:

  • Raised server exp rate to 1.2x from 1.0x.
  • We have new SoulCraft rates: 80/30/18/5%
  • Sorcerer tree skills Blizzard, Fire Emblem, Magic Missile, Snow Blues, Chilli now add more groggy points
  • Bone Dragon damage and HP buffed
  • Increased bone rare drops
  • Decreased aram eye drop rate
  • Buffed Lavalon HP
  • Slightly nerfed Mutisha Exp
  • Added Costume paris wings (both colors)
  • Added Lv. 50-80 potions (not yet functional)
  • Added Aurora guild icon
  • Nerfed Paris mobs HP

  • Fixed some quests


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