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Patch Note Completed Weekly Maintenance 9/9/2019

We will be having our weekly routine maintenance at 7 PM PST Monday evening. During the maintenance we will be doing the following:
  • Fixed Compendium for Galactic Storm
  • Other miscellaneous fixes
Maintenance generally lasts between 1-2 hours, though we will announce in the Discord if it will take longer. You can join our Discord by going here: Join the AdeptGamer Discord Server!

  • Suggestion

So...... I really want an achievement that comes with a title for collecting all of the pillow dragons in game.

so like you would have to collect Whirlmoon, Fleeting Darkness, Fleeting snow, Fleeting dream, Froyo, lemon drop, blueberry, and spearmint...... can that be a thing?

i know its silly, i just really love the pillow dragons and i want a title for collecting them all.

Announcement Galactic Storm Official Release

Galactic Storm has officially been released to the market; due to me being unable to read a calendar and due to a short delay it will be available until Monday (the 9th) until Midnight.

The Dragon is available as a package that includes the following items:
  • 1x Galactic Storm Egg
  • 100x Laedis Academy Provisions
  • 20000x Dragon Provisions
  • 5x Academy Training Whips
  • 3x Academy Skill Crystal
  • 2x Academy Dragon Soul Crystal
  • 1x Sealed Lair Manager Flute (7 day)
  • 1x Unchained Energy Learning Crystal (temporary)
Thanks to @Aiden for doing the texture, and @Heroine for doing the compendium and the video.

Patch Note Completed *Large Patch* Weekly Maintenance 9/2/2019

We will be having our weekly routine maintenance at 7 PM PST Monday evening. During the maintenance we will be doing the following:

Due to the large size of this patch (3.3GB), we will be splitting the patch into parts, a data and launcher patch, and a texture patch.

The data patch will update the launcher so that new patches and data will be pulled from a new CDN so that download speeds should hopefully be (hopefully) faster.

The texture patch will be the patch that includes Galactic Storm.
  • Added Galactic Storm
  • Added new Adept Starter Pack which replaces the old level 5+ newbie box, Starter Pack, and mails given to each character. This pack should overall give more than all of the above options, and be hopefully be less abused.
  • Modified items that were commonly abused through housing storage to not be transferrable, or made alternative items which will be used in the above Starter Pack. This includes Expansion items, and two alternative items for Master Repair Hammer and Underworld Flute.
  • Finished implementation of Dragon Gacha.
  • Modified Living Statue to have 100 Furniture Space instead of 200.
  • Other changes that will be used in the next large update.
Here is the full list of what you get for each newbie box:

1x Dragon God's Blood
1x Fabled: Traditional Gacha
999x Server Megaphones
2x Dragon Lair Expansion
2x Dragon Stable Expansion
2x Sealed Master Hammer (7 Day)
3x Dragon Drive Potion
5x Draconic Influence Potion (Small) (1 Hour)
1x Attribute Reset Powder
3x Dragon Re-Education Elixir
3x Standard Costume Transformation Elixir
1x Level 60 Purple Armor Set Box
10x Phantom Dolls
10x Transportation Runes
20x Dragon Shard Binding Agent
5x Attribute Removal Crystal
5x Attribute Transfer Demon Crystal
1x Underworld Merchant Flute (7 Day)

Maintenance generally lasts between 1-2 hours, though we will announce in the Discord if it will take longer. You can join our Discord by going here: Join the AdeptGamer Discord Server!

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Announcement Help select the next Dragon

As Galactic Storm is completed and pending release this week, Aiden is looking to start the next Dragon, and we decided to make the voting for it public.

You can add your vote to the poll on her Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/which-dragon-you-29529232

She will also be posting some previews and updates occasionally, though most updates relating to new models will be posted to her Patrons only.

You can also make some recommendations on the Patreon for specifics of the model you're selecting.

Sorcerer Sorcerer Lightning 1H Build

Looking for a Lightning 1H Build for my Sorcerer

I not know which skills is recommended i saw a few videos on YouTube of some players using this lightning skill where they fly up a little and start rapidly attacking with lightning effects that looks like a AoE/Crowed control attack area and what god mastery is recommended with this build

Thanks in advance

  • Suggestion
Suggestion Expansion of Dragon spawn/search methods.

After playing various games, I wanted to be able to discuss, share and perhaps hear from other people a brainstorm of potential, workable ideas with discovering new dragons in the wilderness.

Savage Hunt has an issue with its inception from a design perspective. The idea sounds good on paper, providing previously reskinned market dragons as dungeon encounter opportunities, but the execution is lacking. Upon acquiring the dragon, there is no conflict, an item containing the dragon is merely added to your inventory. It *does* encourage you to run dungeons more, making dungeon ancients less mundane - but it reintroduces what was wrong with the egg system, where rarer dragons were just given to you immediately, and it subtracted some scarcity to to the ownership of these dragons in itself.

For comparison, Dungeon Ancients on spawning, provide some kind of conflict before the dragon wis caught. There's an engagement in between, where you fight the dragon. The death of it results you having to start over of course, a mistake that you'd have to live with, but upon getting its health low and capturing it - is a participation in making the dragon your own. Think about how, when you play a pokemon game, when you go to battle and catch a legendary pokemon, the feeling is very similar. But imagine if the legendary was just added to your character? The distribution events pokemon games had that just gave you the legendary pokemon probably left you with something missing - there was a time you were able to battle these event legendaries on special islands in older pokemon games and they were far more interesting in my personal opinion.

This is why this thread comes in. Instead of offering instant gratification through an item being added into your inventory,all suggested encounters discussed here while be trying to actively encourage engagement and capture of a dragon.


Anyway, let's discuss some potential spawn methods.

Spawn Method I:- Scavenger Hunt - Region Edition

Imagine this. A dragon appears randomly in a location, in one of the multiple zones and remains there between 20 to 30 minutes. In the chat, there would be a printed announcement reading "You sense a powerful dragon nearby" if you happen to be in the zone where it appears. It doesn't have a pathway and will sit in the designated area.




Image created with assistance from Gervis.

So in this example, if you see the message in Korhala, it has spawned in Korhala somewhere, in some likely less ultilized locations on the map. It will remain there for 20 - 30 minutes before despawning and respawning in another zone in a random location again. Upon finding and capturing this dragon, it would respawn within a duration of 3-4 days.


Spawn Method II: - Savanger Hunt - Zone edition

Same scenario again, but this would be a more common dragon that would spawn in a random area, exclusive to that zone. To prevent chat spam, no message would be printed for this dragon's appearance, and it would be down to the player to seek it out on their own merit. This dragon wouldn't change location every 30 minutes, as there are finite spawn areas for one zone, and it would defeat the point if a played could sit in a location and merely wait for it to move there. So in this case, it would stay at the point until capture or despawn by other means. These could spawn once per day, like Lunar Frost.

Spawn Method III: Zone/Server Based Statistics Event
If there is a way to track internal server based stats, or zone stats (Such as dungeons ran by all players, bosses killed, monsters killed, dragons caught.) these scenarios could be used to incite either an event or spawn that leads to a dragon. Potential options could be a boss automatically spawning somewhere that requires takedown, granting players a dragon each. Or that the dragon itself is a boss.

This is mostly inspired by the Dragon War event in Sitheran. By completing so many PE's several times after each other, the event would trigger and cause bosses to appear throughout the zone. Once defeated, players with the highest scores would be granted a Hellblood Egg and other rewards.

I understand statistics are quite broad but this in turn can offer quite a bit of flexiblity.

Spawn Method IV: Super hidden Dragons

Image by Yuuyake.

Borrowing from Hazul and Phantom Stone, Some dragons could merely be completely out of sight until a certain condition can be met. Taking a note from Final Fantasy XIV and how it deals with the weird ways S Ranks can spawn, there are two cases where S Ranks can spawn by simply walking over the spawn point with a pet out. I don't know how viable this is on Dragon's Prophet, but the game can probably at least compare player X, Y and Z with the target X, Y and Z, so the player alone walking over the location might be enough.

There could be some kind of sign that the dragon exists in the world (as opposed to FFXIV's "your guess is as good as mine" approach.) like how Hazul announces his presence in the chat, or how Phantom Stone leaves piles of excrement in his wake.


Methods to make Dragon Encounters more challenging.

When I talk about this, note this is only for newly added dragons and not pre-existing ones. I don't think it would do any favours to modify old ones when their capture methods are ingrained and it wouldn't be fair to new players trying to capture them.

Challenge Method I - Run 'n Gun

Image by Yuuyake.

This isn't really a new idea. In fact it's completely borrowed from the Anniversary and Christmas events, meaning it might not be worth looking into. But the concept in itself does open up some interesting options for us. To explain the concept for those who are out of the loop, these dragons would run very fast/slow to begin with, and as they were hit more by select items, they would go faster/slower. Introducing a concept like this into the world opens up some options for us:-

The big one is flying dragon races. This would *only* work on sky islands as mounted abilities are activated in the air there, but there could be select roamers that move quite quickly. They would have to be just fast enough that a fully leveled to 100 dragon could catch up to it without marketplace P2W suppliments and could use the concept of slowing down as the health of the dragon gets lower and lower. HP pools would have to be smaller on these dragons due to how little damage mounted abilities deal, but so long as they are entirely airbourne enough, no ranger or sorceror should be able to shoot them down. They would also have to be in a location where customized housing cannot be abused to gain extra altitude. The only issue with this method is providing a method of capture, as your skillbar is disabled for the mount bar will on your dragon, so something would have to be worked out that you could capture airbourne dragons. If it does mean that they have to be closer to the ground and in range of 'rangers' they would need a bigger health pool to compensate. However, if there was a script to get the dragon to land when its health is low, this would probably bypass all capture issues in the first place.

Land dragons could also exist as well as normal, requiring them to be damaged to slow down/speed up as opposed to being hit by event items.

Challenge Method II - Nightmare Dragons

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It's a dragon but it's... level 114!? It is quite possible with enough dragon influence to capture a dragon 6 levels higher than you. This is just a simple concept. Extra hard, extra challenging to capture dragons. And no, you do not need a dragon drive potion to do so. Enough influence stat should get you right on the money. Why do I suggest this? This is mostly because you can already capture dragons 5 levels higher than you very easily with a lower level of DI, and these harder ones might encourage people to create builds into Dragon Influence specifically. The extra level might make them a bit tougher to fight too.

Challenge Method III - Not quite "Haterslayer" Tier debuffs.

If you've ever (or never) run Miroth Fortress, Shax Hybrids do this horrid thing to you. They give you a debuff called "Tick-Tock!" that lasts 5 seconds, and when the counter reaches 0, you explode. You can iframe out of it, but it's tricky to do. Of course you won't die, but it's an annoying CC to be aware of.


Image by Yuuyake.

But then Death Phantom exists. Death Phantom is like that one guy in a DnD session where he tries to make a mary sue of a character. Lots of health? Check. Lots of damage? Check. Instant cast spells? Check. And if he hits you, you not only get reversed controls, but you get zeroed on Dragon Soul and Action points pretty quickly. This ain't as fun. Pick *one* to instantly remove. Reversed controls are fine to deal with too, so long as it's not coupled with some of this nonsense. Twinhead was never this rude.

But giving dragons interesting debuffs besides "Your AP and DS is 0 now" might sprinkle some flavour into the fights themselves. Make them do a mechanic where they switch from reflecting magical and physical damage. Make it so that they have a magic shield that absorbs damage before they can be hit. Heck, take the idea from the Ironfang Fortress last boss where you can only damage a dragon with *spears*. Give him a buff that makes him super immune to conventional damage, and put lots of respawning spears next to him. That'd be crazy.


These are all I can come up with for now. If you feel like contributing to the thread, now is a good time. As I think of more things to add, I'll continue to update the thread.

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  • Suggestion
Suggestion Rejected Suggestion

So i've seen ragebart idea for inventory and saw that it couldn't be done .

I've had another idea for a while .

You add an option when you're in a shop that allows you to select 1 item to start the sellings then a second item where the sellings will end . Then you press a special button on the shop to sell every item inbetween . With this kind of thing no one should make a mistake and sell their stuff that way and people will sell quickly all the things they just farmed and don't need .

And another thing i don't know if it's possible but reducing extraction time would be pretty good imo , like half the actual time .

Recruiting Looking for Guild

Hi, I'm new on the server and wanted to ask if there are still active guilds.
A little company could not hurt. ;)

The best thing would be if there was even a european guild.

If this is not the case, of course, I'm still happy about connecting with a nice NA group.


Dragon Preview Introducing: Galactic Storm


As has been previewed in the past without the fixed emissive maps, here is the finished and final version of Galactic Storm, the first custom dragon that will be released for our server.

This dragon has been handpainted by @Aiden and took quite a long period of time to create due to all the detail work on the wings, the base texture and coloring, and especially on the chest to balance out the rest of the design.

Galactic Storm will launch on the Marketplace September 2nd until September 8th at Midnight.

We will be doing a different scheduling for our own custom Dragons, where they will only be available for a week at a time once a month.

What is coming next?

While Galactic Storm is just a recolor, we are using recolors as an important foundation step to overhauling the textures on Dragons. Currently these are the plans we have for doing recolors, retextures, and eventually our own custom models:
  1. Choose a Dragon model, and create a base texture, with separated paint layers.
  2. Recolor dragon, and work out a workflow, and figure out what elements are most important to that specific model (Runewake is the wings, the spikes on the head, the chest, and then the tailfins and spikes on the tail for example).
  3. Rework the base texture, swapping out scale pattern and details as needed, and use that to update the base of recolored dragons.
  4. Recolor existing dragons based on the new texture, releasing to update existing model colorations as needed.
The above steps will allow us to setup a foundation for creating textures for our own models when we get to that step.

Currently we are going to aim to have a new dragon done every 2 months, but that is dependent on the time that @Aiden has.

As far as prioritizing models, @Aiden will have a poll to decide on her Patreon soon to decide which model she will do next (AdeptGamer_Aiden is creating game assets | Patreon). She will also be previewing some teaser's of what she is working on, and also doing a pre-announcement before models are officially announced here (usually 1-2 weeks before we announce on our site).

Buying WTB shards

WTB Magic shard, Dragon Spell Damage shard
COD (mail item to me-Cash on Delivery )me: IGN: NanoTech
FYI- i dont know what the regular price so if im off let me know

Reason i forge them different way dont know if price is right
Buy magic regular (198 energy) = 10,000 gold? (302 energy) = 300,000 gold?
DsD regular (198 energy) = 10,000 gold? ( 302 energy) = 250,000 gold?

Trade with other shard
2 natural or elemental shard = 1 magic shard
1 natural or elemental = 1 DsD shard
1 physical shard = 1 magic shard
1 physical shard = 2 DsD shard

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  • Poll
Aurora Logo

Which one is the best logo for Aurora?

  • 1

    Votes: 3 42.9%
  • 2

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 3

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • 4

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • 5

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 6

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 7

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 8

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 9

    Votes: 4 57.1%
  • 10

    Votes: 2 28.6%

Vote for Logo.

You can vote on 3 logos if you want or just pick one.
The most voted one will be selected as Aurora's logo.



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Announcement Custom Guild Logo/Emblems

While you are all waiting for the open beta to release you can put your "too much free time" to use and have a go at creating your own custom guild emblems using the templates provided or creating one from scratch.

the only requirements are that it is submitted in a .png format and is 32 x 32 (it does not have to take up the full space however)

Not all emblems submitted will be selected to be implemented in-game.

There is no prize or competition this is purely for players to have a chance of having their own guild emblems added to the game.

Emblems should be uploaded to the media section of this site and then linked in a reply to this thread.
Media can be uploaded here: Media

Guild emblems should not be explicit or vulgar / nsfw.
No racist or general hate symbolism.
No profanity.

Failure to follow these guidelines will have your post deleted.

It is recommended to use the .psd template as it provides easy to use layers to work with.
but i have provided .png templates for those who want to use other programs.

These logo's and templates are property of AdeptGamer and are not to be used elsewhere without direct consent/permission to do so.

Transparent Shape Example:

Box/Border Shape Example:

Template With Highlight:

Template Without Highlight:

Full PSD Template: Download


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