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Patch Note Completed Weekly Maintenance 12/5/2018

We will be having our weekly routine maintenance at 10 PM PST Wednesday evening. During the maintenance we will be doing the following:
  • Enabling the Silver Dragon Festival
Maintenance generally lasts between 1-2 hours, though we will announce in the Discord if it will take longer. You can join our Discord by going here: Discord - Free voice and text chat for gamers

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Patch Note Completed Weekly Maintenance 11/21/2018

We will be having our weekly routine maintenance at 10 PM PST Wednesday evening. During the maintenance we will be doing the following:
  • Disabling the Halloween Event
Maintenance generally lasts between 1-2 hours, though we will announce in the Discord if it will take longer. You can join our Discord by going here: Discord - Free voice and text chat for gamers

Guide *Incomplete* Crafting guide with actual numbers.

Dear community.

I will present you a guide on getting your crafting skills up in a straightforward way.

As there is a tutorial already on how to acquire resources to craft with, I will skip it entirely.
In case you want to have a look, feel free to check it. Guide - Leveling all Crafting Skills to Max

Now as I started this tutorial quite late. I'll start at crafting lvl 61.
This guide is intended to be completed as I level up my own skills.
EDIT Still needs pictures.

First things first.

In-game the term crafting material is used for every item that can be used an ingredient in a crafting recipe.
One doesn't receive crafting xp for recipe lvls more than 10 levels lower than a players own crafting skill.
I will be talking about basic resources. These can be aqcuired from dragon lair, skinned from mobs or harvested in the world.

There are 6 categories of basic crafting material to craft with.
These are cloth, wood, ore, leather, herbs and meat.
Resources of the same category are further divided by levels.
Every 10 levels we get a different item to work with.

For example
We have coarse rag, which is a cloth type resource that can be acquired by skinning monsters of lvl 1-10 or dragon lair process and can be used to craft items from lvl 1 to 10.
We can also have linen rag, which is also a cloth type resource that can be acquired by skinning monsters of lvl 11-20 or dragon lair process and can be used to craft items from lvl 11 to 20.

As the current lvl cap is 108, we have 11 different crafting materials for each category.

The idea.
The easiest way to train crafting is to get a certain amount of material from dragon lair process and use them all in 1 recipe to gain 10 levels in a crafting discipline.
The slightly more complex but less resource intensive way is get 2 different resource to make a processed product for both and combine them for a higher crafting exp per resource used.

The numbers for easiest way.
For all 6 categories get X amount of resources and use it in the starter recipe of that level range.
For weaponsmith, armoursmith, carpenter, and tinkerer this can be either wood, cloth, leather or ore.
For alchemy and chef this can be either meat or herbs.
Keep in mind most people get a small bonus crafting exp. So the chances of you needing slightly less resources can happen but it shouldn't differ by much.
Minimums are
X amount of resources for levels 1-10
X amount of resources for levels 11-20
X amount of resources for levels 21-30
X amount of resources for levels 31-40
X amount of resources for levels 41-50
X amount of resources for levels 51-60
909 amount of resources for levels 61-70
867 amount of resources for levels 71-80
849 amount of resources for levels 81-90
831 amount of resources for levels 91-100
507 amount of resources for levels 101-108

The numbers for the less resource intensive one.
Here we use a combination of 3 recipes.
The starter recipe for the first category, the starter recipe for the second category and the X3 (13, 23, 33, 43, etc) level recipes.
Here the kind of resource to use does matter.
For weaponsmith the combinations are wood/ore and cloth/wood
For armoursmith the combinations are ore/cloth, ore/leather, leather/wood, leather/cloth.
For tinkerer the combinations are ore/cloth, ore/leather, leather/wood, leather/cloth.
For carpenter, we cannot use this method.
For alchemy the only combination is herb/meat.
For chef the only ombination is meat/herb.
Before we continue the order of combination is important because of the ratio 3/1 required in the X3 level recipe.
Same as above, I didn't take bonus crafting xp into consideration so the the minimum amounts are as follows.
X amount of resource 1 and X amount of resource 2 for lvls 1-10
X amount of resource 1 and X amount of resource 2 for lvls 11-20
X amount of resource 1 and X amount of resource 2 for lvls 21-30
X amount of resource 1 and X amount of resource 2 for lvls 31-40
X amount of resource 1 and X amount of resource 2 for lvls 41-50
X amount of resource 1 and X amount of resource 2 for lvls 51-60
531 amount of resource 1 and 177 amount of resource 2 for lvls 61-70
504 amount of resource 1 and 168 amount of resource 2 for lvls 71-80
495 amount of resource 1 and 165 amount of resource 2 for lvls 81-90
477 amount of resource 1 and 159 amount of resource 2 for lvls 91-100
297 amount of resource 1 and 99 amount of resource 2 for lvls 101-108

Dragon Dragon arena builds

Dear community

Please share your builds for dragon arena here.

For example I have a mildly underpowered Swiftfoot
Ferocity attribute bonus and ferocity enhancement to get that crit out there.
Souleater impact for Agile souleater evolution bonus = immortal if not 1 hit Ko
Hunting assault so it will close in fast, cause swiftfoot have small hitbox.
Mighty impact to reduce spirit shield.
Cyclone assault for evolution skill, it gives the next attack a +100% attack damage boost.
Paralyzing current so it paralyses enemy for few precious seconds. Although it's magic damage, the added effect is what is most important. Also it evolution effect makes next attacks have more damage.
Healing wind is emergency heal.
Dragon spell summon for that 275 damage increase.
Will to live for that extra life.
Dragon scythe for some strange reason.

What can be better is the Dragons scythe skill. Idk what to us eyet in place.

Sincerely Lalolalo9

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Patch Note Completed Weekly Maintenance 10/3/2018

We will be having our weekly routine maintenance at 10 PM PST Wednesday evening. During the maintenance we will be doing the following:
  • Disabling the Ancient Shadow Event
  • Enabling the Halloween Event
Maintenance generally lasts between 1-2 hours, though we will announce in the Discord if it will take longer. You can join our Discord by going here: Discord - Free voice and text chat for gamers

Guide Hidden Quests - Alentia

These are the hidden quests that I have found so far :-

1: Kill Corrupted Grimspike Dragon with a yellow aura next to the PE event outside Svarth city gates for a Dog Tag, this open quest inside city next to Windella.
2: Windella quest should pop up after completing above.
3: Kill Blackclaw Wolfmen past the rock overhead pathway ( beyond Kalernine) for the 2nd of 3 required keys to quest lines in Alentia.
4: Find a barrel with green aura to right of the mini boss within Waverider village to open a new quest chain.
5: Flying along the river gully from Svarth towards Giants Outpost, look on the right hand side for a grave. talk to grave - find the 3 pieces of the Skeleton to bury. Once completed the ghost skeleton will walk forward, keep talking until another quest is given.
6: Hidden in the river to the right of the bridge, beyond Svarth to Giants Outpost are 3 hidden chests - each is below a hollow huge log. hand in to Buck Ross.
7: Behind the waterfall facing the above bridge, there is a man praying at a shrine talk to him till he gives quest.
8: Along the river from the above waterfall is a sunken altar that can be found in a deeper area among ruins, find the Pearl. This starts a new quest chain.
9: Find the Mysterious woman in the crevice along the back cliff wall nr the PE under Bloodstone Mountain Pass.

Hope you have fun finding & completing these as I did :)

Silk <3


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