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Suggestion Rejected Events, Time Changing for Pvp

Hey Guys,
i have a Question and some suggestions for Events or some like that.
Cause the last time more and more ppl loose the Fun for Dp and leave :(

First my Question is it possible to change the Time for Isle Wars? cause for German ppl like me its into middle of the night at 3:00 in the morning or at 6:00 whats not really better :/

and than some suggestion to get the fun more back.
its cool that u guys doing some events at the weekend for us but only the killing mob event bores. and some more events will be nice too maybe then some more ppl will join again DP.
Maybe a Hide and Seek event, or Jumping event or some other kind of events will be more fun than only killing the bosses and so on.
And it would be nice if u can do it earlier cause same problem like Pvp its really late for some ppl.
For me for example its not possible to join cause i have to work at the weekends also and then 12:00 in the night is really to late for joining :/
Greez Lady

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Suggestion Rejected Time extender for eggs

It would be nice if there were an item that would extend time when hatching eggs. I can max most eggs that have at least one dragon that can be removed. I can't, however, max an egg that only has one dragon in it. I hate the idea of having to stand in the egg circle to max an egg when I have the nests at home.

  • Question
Bug Report Road Quest Bugs

Not sure if there is a thread on road quests out in Porthis and Theadra but i noticed that some 'pop' but i search and do not see the road quest or they mobs for the quest pop up but the quest doesn't auto accept and even after killing there there is no quest.

I have also noticed that some with 'accept' and immediately start flashing as if they are being abandoned and then fall off.

Ranger Personal Ranger Build

Hey guys, just sharing the build i have for my ranger that works pretty well for PVE.

so for my attributes ever level i put

2 Ferocity

i did spare 20 points though for my charisma so my dragon has time to help fight.

my talents are:

10/10 Master of suvival
10/10 Dragonic Convergence
5/10 Gryphons rake
5/10 Scorpion Sting
5/10 Crushing Blow
5/10 strength Training

10/10 Bow
10/10 Annihilation sphere
10/10 Piercing Thunder
10/10 Dexterity
10/10 Apocalypse Sphere
8/10 Aesthetics of Violence

God Masteries
1/1 Lonnier
5/10 Dragon Gnaw
10/10 Wings Of Fury
10/10 Violent Sanction

I hope if anyone tries this build they enjoy it!

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Patch Note Completed Weekly Maintenance 7/11/2018

We will be having our weekly routine maintenance at 6 PM PST Wednesday evening. During the maintenance we will be doing the following:
  • Enabling the Ancient Shadow Festival
Maintenance generally lasts between 1-2 hours, though we will announce in the Discord if it will take longer. You can join our Discord by going here: Discord - Free voice and text chat for gamers

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Suggestion Rejected Sanctuary Timer

I believe that it would be beneficial if when doing flutes in the dragon Sanc that after popping a flute there is a timer on the screen for everyone for the 5 minuets that someone has to tame the flute dragon.

its just like the timer that goes off when doing a guild boss in the sanc. I believe it would be very beneficial.

Dragon Preferred Dragon Builds for Guardians?

Hey guys!

I am looking for Preferred Dragon Builds for Guardians and i not know how to build them correctly on the EU i built my dragons stupidly and they're weren't very effective in battles for PvE and Dragon Arena regardless on they're levels, If someone got a kind heart to share please respond to this thread i would appreciate you're help the type of dragons i am looking for are Listed below

Healer (Skytouch or any other type of healing support dragon)
Fighter (Fable or a Balge damage dealer dragon)
Support (Buffs owner)
Tank (Mainly tanks damage for owner)

Thank you for posting you're recommendations very appreciate it


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