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Viperas very, very late introduction.

For some reason I never even noticed there was an introduction threat here. Might be ebcause when I stray throught he forums it's always only the DP section. <.<
Either way I want to catch up on this, one part in order to get those nice lil credits, and one part because unless you talk to me regularly you might not know much about me.

Anyway, my name is Vipera, Vip or... if you really, really need to call me that, Hofni. In game you can find me on my ranger Vipera or more rarely, my oracle toon Kroan. I'm currently leading the guild Systematic and generally welcome everyone who needs help or has a question to message me in Game, or on discord. c:

My main interests in-game is generally getting stronger and maybe getting a stable group of people into PVP along the way. For that reason I'm also working on a PVP guide as I learn and together with a few other people.
Out of game I like drawing, writing and reading, as well as some other games, working with animals and in general anything involving Cosplay and in the near future possibly Larp.

Apart from that I'm also doing concept art for the servers development, some of which can already be seen on the forums. ^^

Greetings! I'm Rayda!

Oh dear, to be honest, I feel a lil awkward since i'm usually not much into introduction stuff, but I really wanna get those sweet sweet slots back which I already owned on the EU server xD.

Aaaalright. Guess we can start with some Basic stuff:

Real Life:

Name: Lisa
Date of birth: 26th of April, 1996
Country: Germany
Hobbys: Drawing and gaming
Other Informations:
- Is friends with Vipera since the end of 2010
- Had been an open Beta Player on the EU server in 2013
- Bought just for Dragon's Prophet a better Laptop xD
- Is currently that busy that comming online will be only possible on weekends, but will become more active ingame in 2018, but certainly will write a bit here in the Forum.
- Is also a total nerd for Pokémon, Monster Hunter, Ark and other games
- Also a Cosplayer
- Dragons are love, Dragons are life.


Privat Server Main: Rayda
Class: Oracle

EU Server Main: Rayda
Class: Oracle
Level: 105
Guild: Asgardsguardian
Rank: Leader - former leader was Kagenaifu
Started in: Satuma - but didn't get far because of older Laptop being not able to handle the Graphics xD
Other Informations:
- Has way too many dragons
- Balge (Vysk) is Bae
- And so is (F*ck I forgot the name of the mechanical dragon Mike Sass created for Dragon's Prophet, but I named it Mettaton xD)
- Is known on the EU server for having an Orgasm during the Calculus tame for a total amount of 30 minutes. R.I.P those who witnessed this on Teamspeak.
- Made a weapon-skin thread on the Forums of the EU-server, but it still isn't even near to being finished (because i'm a lazy shit xD)
- Has invested WAY TOO MUCH money into that game, but certainly won't regret the obtained dragons.
- Comeback is a work in progress, but certainly will get started again as soon as a new and better laptop for PVP is obtained (Damn those laggs).

And with that I hope you enjoyed that little introduction xD. Hope to see ya ingame soon ^_^. I might post some Screenshots from my character on the EU server here soon =).

Theluji's old desings

Hello, on my old deviantart Sta.sh i found some desings of dragons that I planned to do when EU announced Desing a Dragon contest. However when I find out that you have to be 18 years old to partcitipe, I simply stopped doing anything forward them, and just let them be, as I was 17 back then, so couldn't join anyway. Now when I refound them I decided to share, I'm pretty sure I had more, if I'm not wrong I desinged at least one for each family, maybe I will be able to dig them up. Descriptions are in Polish, but they don't say anything important to translate, there were just cluses i written for myself.

1. Oriental dragon, based a lot on Rayquaza.

2. Mythical

3. Fabled Ancient(based on Harpy eagle)

Please keep in mind, that they are not finished at all, those are just rough sketches of my ideas that I had back then.

Green Screen

I wondering why all the time when i try upgrade my video card driver, inside the game become green.
To play normal (without green screen) i have to use a driver from january/2016, is there any way (idea) that i can do the upgrade and play with no green screen.

need some help >.< i dont want play forever with a old driver.


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Cooling Impact Combo skill?

Hey all Torrice here and I've always wondered what skill do you need to use cooling impacts stun effect?
For those who don't know this is what the skill says:

Launches a water energy offensive, inflicting X magic damage.
When the target has Rising Heat effect, it will Stun them and cause
additional damage.

So yeah Its a fun skill in theory I'm just wondering what other skill do you need for the stun?

Announcement Halloween GM Event Schedule

We will be having a Halloween inspired GM event for the next two week, painstakingly crafted by @Haterslayer. The events will be on the easier side (so he says) but will be a combination of our usual variety: Jumping, Maze and Fighting event.

The first event will be this weekend during the morning at 11AM-12PM PST (Dragon's Prophet GM Event (Morning) | Adeptgamer).

Next week the event will be in the afternoon at 4-5PM PST (Dragon's Prophet GM Event (Afternoon) | Adeptgamer).

You can view all maintenance and event times on our calendar (hover over the time in an event to see the time in your own timezone): October 2017 | Adeptgamer

Or you can look at the upcoming events on the forum homepage: Adeptgamer

Announcement Additional GM Event This Sunday

We will be having an additional GM event tomorrow at 11AM PST (it will be added to the calendar so you can use the event block on the portal to view it in your own time).

This is to make up for the event people missed during the beta test weekend.

The GM event this afternoon will be done as normal, and will happen at 4PM PST. For the time in your own timezone you can check the portal.

Announcement *Important* Planned Rollback Completed (10-9-2017)

Now that the live test weekend is completed, the server has been rolled back to the backup taken on Friday, and players can play as normal.

We found a few more issues that were passed over during the closed testing that we did, and discovered that the patching system used by Dragon's Prophet is absolutely terrible (we are still having issues with it, and will need to look into fixing it).

Because we are still going to have to fix the patching system, we are releasing a temporary hotfix that needs to be manually downloaded and applied. You will need to download the link below, and then copy it over your Dragon's Prophet folder. Continue using x86 or x64 client, and do not use launcher.


  • Question
Bug Report Ethric's bugs!

#1:dragons attack while on "stay" command. moderate bug.
#2 some enemies don't move when in combat unless you are very close to them. minor bug.
#3 "may be lag related" Some enemies such as the raptors in omati gorge have bugged animations and teleport around. minor bug.
#4 Mage skill "teleport" will rubber band VERY frequently, mostly in combat. serious bug.
#5 I sometimes when entering a dungeon, the invincibility buff you get for being mounted does not work and you take damage instead of your dragon. Seems rare. moderate bug.
#6 Squelch, the rare in seething cave always seems to die on hard mode. could be my fault but it always seems to happen instantly. moderate bug.


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