What's new

Guardian Even though the Guardian is no longer the brute of the game

i rather enjoy playing up close battle's.That being said u must make sure u r putting up attribute points in the correct place's like ferocity and focus for very 3 points there should be 2 to ferocity and 1 to focus. This will help get the crithit percentage and crithit power percentage up much higher for max damage. Please feel free to ask or comment would love to have a discussion about it.

  • Locked
Developer Update 6 Month Anniversary Update & Celebration Announcement

I am proud to announce that we are celebrating our six month anniversary today for Dragon's Prophet. Not only has the server been active for six months, but it has been active with a 99.7% uptime with the only unscheduled downtime coming from an unavoidable server failure which we remedied in a record breaking 12 hours. Not only did we quickly fix the issue and have a new server provisioned, we did so with minimal data loss and almost no rollback.

Over the last six months our team has been hard at work either documenting the game, brainstorming ways to overhaul mechanics and systems to make it better, or working on our soon-to-come update which will be our first step to expanding the game and bringing life back to Dragon's Prophet. We are currently in the end stages of our beta testing, with a few issues left to fix until we can pin down an actual ETA. I would like to thank @Faleah for our extensive testing, going as far to login every night to the test server and test everything from dungeons to the most basics of mechanics.

Current Plans
Our current plans after we release our update is to immediately begin working on fixing bugs based on severity and number of related bugs. For example fixing Laedis 102 and also fixing Treasure Hunter as they are both related to a level cap issue. We all of our medium or higher severity bugs are fixed we will begin looking at suggestions, focusing on ones that are enhancements of existing functionality or are easier to implement. Larger suggestions will probably be grouped with related suggestions so that they can be done simultaneously, cutting down on development time as much as possible.

During the time that bugs are being fixed and suggestions are being implemented the rest of the Dragon's Prophet team will be working on creating new content, primarily higher level zones, populating the unreleased dungeon and making more dungeons. We have also been talking with @22RII, @Vipera and @heminyx to get concept work done for new dragons, new costumes and possibly new zones and dungeons later on. The new concepts will probably not be in the game immediately as it will take time to create the models, develop them and in some cases overhaul systems to make them viable for implementation.


Falcor the Wish Dragon (inspired by Neverending Story) by @22RII


Pegasus-style Model by @Vipera

Anniversary Celebration
Now, for what is most important to our player base... How are we going to celebrate?

To start off with we will be having a 50% Diamond sale from August 18th at Midnight until August 21st at Midnight. We will also be adding some of the more favored dragons back to the Marketplace for this period of time (RuneWake, Skardis, Elaris (even though she was on a few days ago, I know a few people missed her), Metron, Whirlmoon, Obsidian Spectre and Brightmoon).

We will also be spawning everyones favorite NPC James Brown for the weekend, and he will last until Maintenance on Monday.

Ending Note
To end this post I want to once again thank @Light for all he has done as our primary developer. While everyone on our team is a hard-worker, Light goes above and beyond by matching hours with a chronic insomniac like myself. If it were not for him we would not be nearly as far along with progress as we are, and we would definitely not be able to fulfill many of the suggestions and features dreamed up by our players. Light is very much the unsung hero of the server as he doesn't often interact with the players, but he is almost always working or listening to feedback and planning things behind the scenes with the rest of us.


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  • Suggestion
Suggestion Rejected Level Limitter

Hey there :)

I would like to see, if someone else want a Level Limitter.
Maybe someone else know this from other games, like me.

It would be able to stay on specific Levels, which allows you to farm like:
- Costume/Skins
- Gear (overstatting/105 gear/..)
- Dragon Skill leveling -> Transfer to Main
- Dragon Stuff: Dragon Runes and Dragon Elements (Twink Lv 60-90 Gifts from Dungeonbosses >> Bodyguard Title)
I know there are different ways to farm items by a raid, but it's not everytime possible and not so comportable.

How it could work:
It could be an item which:
1. Remove the collected experiene from your Character
2. Create a buff. And with the activated buff u won't get experience.

These are just a few examples, im pretty sure there could be more stuff to do.
What do u guys think about it ?

There Needs to be a Guild Guide

There is a lot of questions not answered nor addressed regarding creating and maintaining a guild...

1) how many guild points and what is the guild level is needed to make an alliance?(edited)
2) how many alliance points is needed for creating an alliance?
3) at what level does each guild have to be to accomplish this?
4) does each guild need alliance points to be in alliance, or just one?
5) At what levels do the amount Islands taken increases in war?
6) at what level does each guild in an alliance have to be to be able to go to war and take a strong hold?
I would love to see someone write a guide tutorial for those starting out, there is a basic one on wiki but it is very vague and not very informative....
if you have the information, would you please post it here for those to see? Thank you in advance...

  • Poll
Which dragon family do you prefer? Part 1

What is your preferred dragon family? Part 1

  • Ancient

    Votes: 5 11.1%
  • Assault

    Votes: 5 11.1%
  • Aqua

    Votes: 2 4.4%
  • Dunestalker

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Duskreaver

    Votes: 4 8.9%
  • Fabled ancient

    Votes: 9 20.0%
  • Hydra

    Votes: 3 6.7%
  • Ironhide

    Votes: 7 15.6%
  • Mythical

    Votes: 2 4.4%
  • Oriental

    Votes: 8 17.8%

Thread title says it all!
Mine for example is the swiftfoot family cause I adore the idea of small-sized fast vicious creatures :)

Reason for part 1 is that poll only has 10 choices and there are more than 10 draon families

  • Locked
  • Suggestion
Suggestion Rejected Tournament times

i have been farming for the Leadis 94 over the past few weeks, i have been able to get 3 pieces so far. But I wont be able to ever get all 6 of them because the time on both of the tournaments hit at 2pm PST in the middle of the work week. So i was wondering if changing one of the Tournaments to a weekend might be possible? that would give me and quite a few other the ability to make it for them.

Sale Completed 30% Diamond Bonus Weekend

We are having another 30% Diamond Bonus weekend starting tonight and ending Sunday at 11:59 PST.

You can purchase Diamonds here.

Be aware that you have to have a Dragon's Prophet account registered to checkout properly. For information on how to register an account or purchase Diamonds look at this page: Dragon's Prophet - http://community.adeptgamer.com/link-forums/dragons-prophet-starter-guide.139/

Game Tips Armor Sets - Images and Drop Info (almost complete)

While talking with another player in game about the drop location of a set he was looking for, I was reminded of a thread I used to work with back in the NA/EU days with images of all the sets and their drop locations. Here is that thread: Armor Skins - Professions & Gear - http://www.dragonspropheteurope.com/forum/topic/17977-armor-skins/

It is not entirely complete but is still very comprehensive and helpful if you're looking for a specific set!

The images from the Dragon's Prophet EU server have been uploaded here: Armor Sets

Announcement August Dragons of the Month

Here are the Dragons of the Month for the first half of August.

Redwing Dragon
Character Bound for 2100 Diamonds​


Steel Demon
Character Bound for 2100 Diamonds


Elaris the Enchantress
Character Bound for 3600 Diamonds
Account Bound for 4500 Diamonds (Cannot be re-egged)


Brasten Ouram
Available as "Infernum Dragon Gacha" for 6000 Diamonds
1x Unhatched Egg of Valor (Brasten Ouram)
50x Laedis Dragon Provisions
10000x Dragon Provisions
5x Academy Training Whips
3x Academy Skill Crystal
2x Dragon Soul Crystal


The above dragons will be available until August 16th where all of them except Brasten Ouram will be replaced with the next batch of dragons.

  • Locked
  • Suggestion
Suggestion Rejected Feeding a dragon dragon shards

Whenever one owns a dragon we know he can train his skills, get dragon training levels, distribute dragon attributes and equip it with dragon items. Now in addition to that I propose feeding dragons dragon shards to increase the respective attribute even further to a certain limit for a limited period. For example feeding your dragon a magic damage shard would increase it's magic damage for 1 hour. You can feed it up to a certain amount of energy every hour. It would be able to buff dragons a bit more.
On the other hands maybe dragon cybergenetic engineering would be more viable. One can use dragon shards to increase his dragon physique up to a certain amount of energy or shards. Maybe one could even take it a step further and infuse certain parts of his dragon with shards. For example infuse his claws with magic resistance which one could add an extra effect to it.

Announcement Recruiting Wiki Editors and Lore Writers

I've been working on the wiki off and on for a few months now, and it should be be ready for people to begin submitting content. As such I am looking for a few people who are interested in helping us edit, maintain and verify submissions. Below is what we are going to be looking for for wiki editors.

Wiki Editors
  • Experience playing Dragons Prophet
  • Strong grasp of English (does not need to be primary language)
  • Willing to help edit and maintain pages
  • Willing to help organize and optimize the wiki
  • Active in game and on the forum (or willing to be more active)
Currently we will want to focus on getting dragons added to the wiki as that is the template that I have already completed (examples below). As new templates are needed I can develop them and add them to the wiki, though that can take up to a week or longer developing on my time availability.

Template: DragonTemplate - http://community.adeptgamer.com/wiki/DragonTemplate
Example: Dragons Prophet:Runewake Dragon - http://community.adeptgamer.com/wiki/Dragons_Prophet:Runewake_Dragon
Example: Dragons Prophet:Mountain Traveler - http://community.adeptgamer.com/wiki/Dragons_Prophet:Mountain_Traveler
Example: Dragons Prophet:Opal Fortune - http://community.adeptgamer.com/wiki/Dragons_Prophet:Opal_Fortune
Example: Dragons Prophet:Liquid Silver - http://community.adeptgamer.com/wiki/Dragons_Prophet:Liquid_Silver
Example: Dragons Prophet:Cobalt Lightning - http://community.adeptgamer.com/wiki/Dragons_Prophet:Cobalt_Lightning

Every example above is autmomatically generated by filling out the variables and conditionals within the DragonTemplate template. Eventually the majority of pages will have templates to minimize the amount of work needed or partial templates to include blocks or other elements to the page.

Lore Writers

As mentioned in the State of the Network announcement a while back we are now making the move to source code soon, and we're going to need to start expanding and revising some of the lore for Dragon's Prophet. We are going to be looking for people who have an interest in it to work with others so that we can come up with the new lore and changes to the existing lore.
  • Experienced with Dragons Prophet
  • Strong grasp of English (does not need to be primary language)
  • Familiarity with existing lore
  • Creative
  • Willing to work in a group
Lore will need to meet approval of the Dragon's Prophet team, and will not be guaranteed to put into the game immediately.

If you would like to apply for either or both positions respond here; not everyone is guaranteed to be chosen.

  • Poll
August Dragon Poll

Which dragons should be on the Marketplace for August?

  • White Stallion

  • Magmaron (and unhatched egg)

  • Sylvaran (with buffs and unhatched egg)

  • Elaris the Enchantress (and unhatched egg)

  • Utyon (with buffs and unhatched egg)

  • Steel Demon

  • Gnarlhorn

  • Ebon Shadowfang

  • Sadras the Bone-Eater (and unhatched egg)

  • Brasten Ouram [Duskreaver] (and unhatched egg)

Results are only viewable after voting.

Going to let the community decide on which dragons we'll add to the Marketplace for August; everyone has three votes, so pick the dragons that you like the most.

I am including one Brasten to see if people would like to see it on the Market; this does not mean it will be added unless there is a lot of support for it.


Elaris the Enchantress




Steel Demon


Sadras the Bone-Eater


Brasten Ouram






Ebon Shadowfang


White Stallion


  • Locked
Multiple Forum Accounts

This only applies to forum accounts, not game accounts.
Because of the way our registration works, we are going to start enforcing a single account per person. We were letting it slide a little but to potentially prevent any issues with abuse of the credit system we are going to begin merging and deleting multiple accounts. If you need to create additional accounts for family members (spouse, significant other, family member or room mate) you will need to notify staff so that an exemption is made for your accounts.

I will be contacting people with multiple accounts alerting them prior to merging them or deleting them.

Housing, Furniture Sets, Housing Buffs and Dragon Incubation

Housing has never really gotten much love from Runewake, and there really isn't much good furniture in the game (or at least useful furniture). There is also the whole issue with encouraging people to dance for your nests.

To help remedy or fix the above we thought to add Furniture Sets that add incremental buffs (Experience Increase, Drop Increase, Green/Blue/Purple Increase, Crafting Success, Extraction Success, Charisma, Dragon Influence and other buffs that do not give a bonus to PvP). The way the concept of this would work is that for every item of the set you own, your buff would go up by 1-2% or by a solid integer, with a maximum dependent on the item set itself.

How does this effect incubation? We would make these buffs effect friends that care for your nests, giving them a portion of what you as an owner would get. An example would be having a full Drop Buff furniture set, which gives you as an owner 10%; if a room mate came to care for your nests they would earn 2% of that, with a maximum of 10% for caring at other houses. This will hopefully encourage more cares.

We will also be trying to do away with the requirement of being a room mate to care for eggs, allowing anyone to care for them but only room mates able to earn the buffs (items would still be rewarded for cares). This will hopefully help get cares from people who are not on at the same time, or people who just come across a house with eggs to care for them.

Something that may be more difficult as it requires doing a new UI which is not easy to do on Dragons Prophet, is to create a "Care Board" where we would list the number of eggs and the possible buffs people could receive for caring. This may not be possible, but it's something we could at the very least do through a thread on the forum.

Wanted Egg Dancers for Housing or Apartment

Anyone that needs egg Dancers please enter Island, Character name, and how many eggs . Please also indicate H for house and A for Apartment. This way a dancer can PM you to be added to your room mates list. Thank you .

Starguard - B11
Seiichi .......... 104 eggs/nests.......H

Hearthwarm - D03
Catspaw............... 30 .........H
Onemanermey..... 32 .........H
Yaris..................... 34 ........ H
Stonecliff - B08
Tafranger / Tafora..... 16

Ridgecrest - B16
Gunmaul /FoolSmasher/Congur........106

Dusklight - B12

Murkmire - B15

Snowdrift - B13

Firestorm - B04

Tallpeak - B02

Darkshroud - B03
Faleah ... ................60

Mossfen - B01
Dreamwalker ... ....15

Windroot - B05
DustyRose............. 25

Gustwalker - B06

Stormreach - B10

Skygrasp - B25

Earthforge - B22

Crystalwake - B27

Lightfire - D05

Sunglow - D10
Kitalia ................25......A

Tailswipe - G10

Splinterspike - G05

  • Locked
  • Suggestion
Suggestion Rejected Possible MP Item (Loot Pet Idea)

This is a long shot from ever being implemented, I know, but some other players and I thought it would be a cool idea while talking in game the other day if there was a Marketplace Item you could buy that would temporarily allow you to use the Capture Dragon function on any non-NPC, non-boss mob one time to "capture" it and make the model smaller, then it would use the loot pet code and become a loot pet. For example, I'd purchase the item for say 999 dias then go out and see something like an ostriack, use the item and it temporarily disables the "this is not a dragon" response from the game and then lets me use the capture hotkey on the ostriack. The ostriack is then a part of my loot pets inventory (its item picture could be one of the generic eggs used for loot pets) and I can take it out and a mini model of it will follow me around and loot. This function could also work for wild dragons to become loot pets.

We just thought this would be a fun idea and something a lot of players might opt to purchase, since it's somewhat like a "custom" loot pet :D

Sale Completed 30% Diamond Bonus Weekend

We're going to have a Diamond Bonus sale until Sunday at 12:00 AM PST. This is going to be our first sale on the new system, so if you haven't already make sure that you've associated your account here so that you can redeem your Diamonds.

With the new system purchases will give you VIP Points at a 1:1 ratio, so 3900 Diamonds will equal 3900 VIP Points. Because we now are able to reward VIP points, we will be ending the VIP Coupons for every $10 spent when this sale ends, so this is the last chance players have to get VIP Coupons.

Lets Talk Brastens

Here is a list of every Brasten, with the top 5 bolded ones being the ones currently implemented in game:
Of those 17 dragons, the following weren't meant to be implemented as Battleground rewards and if I can find the page it was available for purchase on TW at one point.
Getting to the point, we are going to implement missing Brastens, but we have yet decided what to do with the Brastens that weren't meant for the Battleground.

My personal opinion would be to put them on the Marketplace, but then to also use them as rewards for official Dragon's Prophet tournaments once our population is large enough to support it. This allows people who do not want to PvP to get a limited selection, and people who do enjoy PvPing to win them by pariticipating in tournaments that offer large rewards.

Feel free to voice your opinions, and share any thoughts you may have.


Upcoming Events
