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Announcement Diamond Increase

I've increased the base amount of Diamonds from 250 to 300 and also gotten rid of the bonus Diamonds.

I am primarily doing this because it makes us double the price of EU Diamonds, gives me more flexibility in what packages I can offer without figuring out percentages, and also because it evens out at the higher ends, while still giving a small increase in what people were previously getting.

This has already gone live, and in the future Diamond sales will be based off of these amounts.

A Skeleton Structure

Hey everyone its Torrice here.
So I can see that the AH isn't really up and running for a lot of stuff and thought I could make and thread with a general basis for pricing armor to buy for COSTUME SETS. I think this would help jump start the AH hopefully. Granted I'm going to go in game and put up random stuff myself at these prices and people can decide if they are fair or not.
- armor
~ Grey : 15-30k (30k more for max lvl 108 gear)
~ Green: 31-50k ( " ")

~ Blue: 51- 70k (" ")
~ Purple 71k +
Thanks and Have fun all.

( As as FYI these prices are not official prices based on NA or EU servers. I made them to basically jump start the Auction House economy and encourage people to use the system since it actually is a good one.)

Buying Pale Shadow Armor

Hey everyone its Torrice here.
So Getting down to basics I'm looking for the Pale Shadow armor. It is Light armor Default orange and blue and is freaking amazing as a piece of gear. If you have any parts I would love to buy the gloves and shoes.

Thanks and Have fun all.
( Mb forgot to change Selling into Buying thread)

Selling AH pricing

hope blues arent like 5mil + like on the EU server im on when i finally get this server working..... swear its one of the reasons i wana check out private server. I sold my purples for 4-5m sometimes more but JEEZ PPL! 3x does sound nice idk if i could level 93-105 again doing almost straight RQ's lol

Guide Dragon Basics

Hi all!

So this will be my guide on some of the basics of dragons. I will touch base on skills, stats, lair, and evolution. This will not go super in depth but if requested I can do so for you.

[content]I will start off with the question most new players ask. What is a good dragon to get? Personally, I would say whatever you think looks cool. Any dragon can be made to play any role if needed. However, some dragons are better at this than others. I always go for a skytouched dragon first. They have a good amount of HP and are magic damage based so they have very nice heals. So they can withstand a bit of punishment and keep you both alive.[/content]

[content]This is Lord Bird. I have had him on all my toons since the lvl 80 was max lvl back in the day. He has changed in skills over the years but he has saved my butt on many occasions. Since I run a full charisma build he normally sits at about 55k hp + and can heal me about 9k + on his life reflux and can heal for 100k+ on his healing wind. I and still playing with this ones skills so it will change from time to time. However its not a bad set up as is.[/content]
[textheading] Charisma [/textheading]


[content]This is the main stat that boosts your dragons summon time and its stats. Most will go with no charisma in their build since dragons are not really up to par with players. With the 105 orange set gear you should sit at about a 15 minute summon time with a decent boost to their stats. Every class has a passive skill that can boost the stat as well.[/content]
[content]Keep an eye out for skills that you think you would like to use on your finished dragon. Things like hunting assault or mighty impact are nice on phys damage dragons. Obliterating impact and fiery hunting are good for magic damage dragons.[/content]
[textheading] Highly recommended skills [/textheading]

[content]Overall good heal over time. Keeps you topped off as you fight. Common skill that can be found on any dragon.[/content]

[content]Healing Wind is your main burst heal. I prefer this one over life recovery due to the lower cool down time and dragons tend to use this skill sooner as well. This one is a rare skill and tends to only be found on ancients or other more rare dragons.[/content]

[content]This is a skill that stops your dragon from being one shot. Very useful with bosses that have an auto kill skill. Can also save your dragon when they are overwhelmed. Its another rare skill that tends to show up more on ancients and other rare dragons.[/content]

[content]This is a Evolution skill for Skytouched dragons. One of my personal favorite skills in the game. This is a must have for any bird. Its a passive heal that will trigger when your bird gets hit. Also boost its other heals by 30%.[/content]
[content]I do not have many dragons built yet. I just wanted to put tree of life in for those interested in building a Skytouched dragon and will get into a little more detail with dragon evolution skills later.[/content]
Field Training and Skill Transfers​
[content]So now that you found some skills you will need to get them onto your dragon of choice. From the dragon lair you can click on the field training.[/content]

[content]This will let you have a chance to transfer a random skill from one dragon to another. You get 3 free chances a day.[/content]
[textheading] Useful Dragon Tools [/textheading]

[content]Just gives you another chance to do a transfer.[/content]

[content]As it says, 100% chance for a random skill to transfer over.[/content]

[content]These will let you transfer 1 skill as is to any other dragon. Once used it will hold the skill inside of it till it is used on the new dragon. Note this deletes the skill off the original dragon unlike the other options. They also have a soul skill version as well.[/content]

[content]As it says. Will let you delete unwanted skills off a dragon.[/content]

[content]Will let you increase the number of slots on a dragon. This maxes out at 10 slots on any given dragon. Note that you can have a max of 10 normal skills and up to 3 evolution skills in total of 13.[/content]
[content]A good way to make use these items is to make a dragon that cannot learn skills and will let the other dragon learn its skills.[/content]

[content]This guy I have set up to transfer skills to my other dragons. I will use all the skills on any dragon I build so hes a good template for transfers.[/content]
Stats and leveling​
[content]So you got all the skills you want on it. Now you need to lvl it up so it will stop dying! It will lvl with you but also has a Training Level. In order to boost this you need provisions and Laedis provisions. [/content]

[content]You can also lvl a dragon to 10 and dedicate it. You will get a Laedis provision as well as some normal provisions. Most people hatch eggs to do this. You can also lvl them up by fighting with them at your side.[/content]

[content]As you lvl the dragons up, you will get points to appoint to the stats. Each point will boost the stat by a %. Max training lvl is 100. I normally max out con and get enough fero to get 65+ % crit hit chance and put the rest into the main damage stat.[/content]

[content]These can be used to reset dragon stats. You can get these off the shell and dia shop.[/content]
[content]Remember the tree of life skill I had shown before? That was an evolution skill for a skytouched dragon. Each class of dragon has 5 evolution skills and you are allowed to have up to 3 on a dragon. Some skills have requirements in order for them to work and others are just passives that will work once they are on the dragon. You will need both dragon runes and elements in order to put on and lvl the skills. You primarily will get these from the dragon arena.[/content]

[content]To evolve your dragon start by hitting the open evolution window.[/content]

[content]This window will open you need 500 dragon runes in order to evolve the dragon. When you hit evolve you will get one of the skills at random.[/content]

[content]I just used this dragon as my helper for this guide. See how he got a random skill. Now lets see how to get another one on.[/content]

[content]First open the Dragon Compendium.[/content]

[content]Next find the dragon type you are looking to get the evo skill for. Now you will need to gather stars as shown above. You will need to capture the dragon over and over to fill the first requirement. Second requirement is wins vs them in the arena. This means you have to have other people with that dragon fighting on the other team. The 3rd requirement is to have wins in the arena with the dragon. You do not need to have them fight directly and would recommend putting a strong dragon first and the ones you need wins with in the other 2 slots.[/content]


[content]Once you get the requirements you will unlock the stars for them. Once you have the first star you can unlock and buy a training book of said skill. The last 4 require 2 stars so you would need to do a bit more farming to get them. You can also get 1 star on 2 diff dragons in the same family to get the same effect. So lets go ahead and get the Dead Angle Attack book.[/content]

[content]You will get a book in your inventory.[/content]

[content]Back in the lair go into the highlighted evolution tab and place the book in the Meditated Knowledge slot. Once in there click on an empty slot up above to put it into. Then when ready hit the Learning button.[/content]

[content]After its done it will show up in the assigned slot. To lvl the skills you need dragon elements and you will click on the up arrow next to the handle. You can also do it a very slow way and click the handle over and over to lvl it slowly. Only perk to doing the slow way is that you have a very rare chance of getting a free full lvl up on the skill. The max lvl of evo skills are 10.[/content]
[content]So that is a quick overview of the basics. Hope some of the information was helpful to you and forgive me if I missed anything important. If you have any questions please let me know and I will do my best to answer them for you.[/content]

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Patch Note Completed 4/17/2017 Maintenance

Because of mini-events run on Sunday and Monday, we will be keeping James Brown outside of NoT, DT and within Artecia by Transport Manager.

We have opened up a few more Sky Islands so that there are more 300x400, 400x400, 400x500, 500x500, 500x600, 600x600, 600x700 plots available to players.

We have also implemented the following changes:
  • Isle of Lost Souls is available
    • World Bosses are now available
  • Battlegrounds are open (needs testing)
  • VIP levels now give the proper rewards
  • Abuse of HTML bug is now remedied
  • Removed gold ticket from login rewards due to player abuse

Guide Guide to hatching dragons with max stats

Ever tried to hatch a dragon and it came out with stats lower than you thought it should have had?
Then this is the guide for you!

This guide will outline what you need to know to have the highest possible chance of getting maxed stats on your hatched dragons, it is not however a guide on how to acquire or start incubation of eggs.
If you do not know how to start incubation of a dragon egg, this link will tell you what you need to know:

Dragons Prophet Wiki Egg Incubation

Now on to the guide!

First off this guide applies to both hatching eggs held by your character as well as eggs hatched in your apartment or house.
As you should know by now, when incubating an egg it has a "stat bar" on the second tab of the incubation window which tells you what the current stat bonus is.
And as you or other people care for or dance for the egg, this bar will grow a little.
And to get high stats on your dragon when it hatches, you want this bar to be as high as possible.
What a lot of people do not know though is that the remaining time left on the incubation of the egg actually affects how much this stat bar grows when the egg is cared for(or danced for)
The less time it has left, the bigger the effect of each care will be.
So the big "rule" is to never ever use a dragon remover(normal ingame ones) at the start of the incubation, but rather you want to wait until the egg gets closer to hatching.

If you do use a remover at the start of incubation, you add more time to the egg and therefore lower the effect of each care it recieves, as well as remove the ability to extend it's incubation time if it needs just a little bit more time and a few more cares to max before hatching.
Most people tend to wait until it is below 24 hours, how long you want to wait before using your first remover(s) is up to you, as only you can know whether or not you will be at your computer when the time comes.
And no one wants their egg to hatch while they are gone and possibly ruining the dragon.

When using removers, you'll also want to know how much time using them will add to your egg, as the goal here is to keep the remaining time as low as possible for as long as possible to maximize the effect of the cares it recieves and with that giving you a much better chance of having your dragon hatch with maxed stats.

So the times added by each remover are as follows:

Green - 3,5 hours (Not 100% sure on the exact time for green, but it's somewhere around there)
Blue - 12 hours
Purple - 24 hours

When using spirit powders however, the items that changes the hatch % of the different rarities, the remining time on the egg does not matter, as using them has no effect on cares recieved.
So you can use them whenever you want.

And if you use the (Enhanced) dragon removers, which can be bought in the marketplace or are sometimes VIP rewards, the remining time does not matter.
As the Enhanced removers remove dragons without adding time to the incubation.

Another thing that is very good to know is that not all dragons require their stat bar to be completely filled in order for the dragon to hatch with max stats.
Dragons generally come in 2 categories: Common and Rare.
Common dragons include ones such as Horned Specklewing Dragon, Savage Wolfwing Dragon, Verdant Predator Dragon and Gelid Sawtooth Dragon.
Generally if it has the word "dragon" in it's name it is a common dragon, there are exceptions though (Crimson Blackblood Dragon King being one of the exceptions)
Rare dragons in general include almost all of the named dragons, such as Crow Bone, Hookwing, Skitter and Blackblade.
The dragon families Fabled Ancient, Ancient, Assault, Hydra, Mythical, Ironhide, Oriental, Duskreaver and Phantom are ALL in the rare category.
As in all dragons from these families are in the rare category.
And back to the point, dragons from the rare category only need their stat bar to be filled to the second to last "pip" or dot, as dragons in the rare category recieve a bonus to their stats when hatched.
Common category dragons do not recieve this bonus, so they need a completely filled bar to max their stats.

One last thing that I want to mention in this guide is that not all dragons can be hatched with max stats(6.00/10.44)
Some common type dragons will not recieve the max stats even if their stat bar is completely filled prior to hatching.
Jade Predator Dragon being an example (from Unhatched egg of Rolling Down)
This may or may not be the case here, but on the EU server this dragon can not be hatched with max stats, and there are others as well.
Sadly I never got around to making a list of which ones that can't be maxed, but keep in mind that some common dragons can not be maxed when hatched from their default eggs.
They might be able to max if turned into an egg using an Unhatched egg restoration luquid however, but I never tested this. (Read edit section at the bottom)

Best of luck and happy hatching!

PS. This guide is based on my knowledge from the EU server, it should still be applicable here but it is no guarantee as there are some differences between the servers.

2017-06-20 Edit:
After playing on this server for a while and collecting some more knowledge here I decided to update this guide with a little more information regarding common dragons and their ability to hatch with max stats.
A lot of dragons from the common category can not achieve 10.44/6.00 stats on this server, and using an Unhatched Egg Restoration Liquid and maxing the egg will not give them the maxed stats either.

Guide Equipment sets and quick change

Hello! Making here a guide of how to make sets of equipment and change them quickly, during combat or not. This is as a pre-guide to the ones i'm about to do for some basic mastery builds for some classes that require fast switching your weapon or maybe use it to switch your normal jewelry with DI jewelry when capturing harder dragons.

Firstly, you want to open your character window ( basic "C"). In that window ,at the top right corner there are 3 small buttons. One to close the window, one to lock/unlock it so it can be dragged across your UI and the third one is "Activate Quick Change" button. You want to press the third one,and it will open a new window where you can save up to 6 sets of clothes.

Click on any slot there and " Add New Set". Then with the "Assign" button you can assign your current gear to a set. At the top of the newly opened window you can also change the name of the set. All that's left is to save the changes.

After doing this, you can drag the icon of the set you just saved and put it on your skill bar. Whenever you press that button, your clothes will be switched to the saved set, provided that you got those same items in your bag at the time.

This is how you can quickly switch your gear, and as Dragon's Prophet doesn't require you to be out of combat to change gear, it is really useful. If you have more question about this, don't hesitate to ask.

Hope this helps^^ Good luck and good hunting!


  • DragonsProphet_20170417_125343.jpg
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Game Tips Dragons

Finding out there is an input of new players with little knowledge about the game, I thought I'd make this post to help them get started a bit.

This guide will be about dragons. I won't go in depth with it, as with building a good dragon or roles. That will take too much time and i think it should be a guide by itself. What I will be explaining here is how dragons can take on the healing role, and help the player survive in dungeons or while hunting, thus making the use of potions useless.
Firstly, dragons can have heal skills (healing wind, Life recovery, Life reflux). This ones are heals that the dragon uses while summoned. So if you fight with the dragon by your side, it can heal you or itself or both, depending on the heal.
Secondly, there are Dragon Soul Skills (they are still dragon skills, but they have a purple border and always are first skills in the list of a dragon). This skills are not used by the dragon, the player having to put them on their skill bar and use them consuming their own dragon soul.( found in "K"- skills window , Dragon Soul skills). This ones are very useful for the classes that don't have their own healing skills from mastery. Also the strength of this heals is based on the attributes of the player using it and mostly scales with magic power. As a side note. Having this skills on your bar will reduce your dragon soul to 0 if changing mastery. So using mastery switch during combat will become really hard as you will loose all dragon soul each time you do.
And at last, there is mounted combat heals. This is dominated by classes as Skytouched, that has heals which scale on the magic attributes of the player ( intelligence/ dragon affinity) and aqua dragons which scale based on the physical attributes of the player (strength/ focus). This are skills that any dragon can get. All you have to do is be over level 30 and visit the Dragon Riding Skill Manager in Laedis. There you can learn the first level of the dragons skills for PvE/ PvP for free.
Using all or any of this type of heals will give players an edge in combat, and help them survive for longer.

Hope this helps^^ Good luck and good hunting

If You Have Low FPS Try This

If you got same problems as many others do in DP with low FPS and in other games your getting 30+ FPS with everything on High or even Ultra.

Then you might wanna try this.

Go to your Dragon's Prophet folder and open that, now find a file called "config.ini", open that and scroll down to where it says "[Graphics]"

Now try use these settings:

DoodadDensity = 0
LockedFps = 180
ObjVisibilityFactor = 0.500000
LightingQuality = 0
SSAO = 0
DoodadDistance = 0.000000
ShadowDistance = 1
ShadowDetail = 0
UnderWater = 0.000000
WorlObjDetail = 1
SkinFX = 0
SelectionQuality = 0
Glow = 0
Bloom = 0
CloudQuality = 1
FXAA = 0
LightingDistance = 2
ViewDistanceFactor = 0.250000
VisualQuality = 3
TemporalAA = 0
WorldObjDetail = 1
SkeletonDistanceFactor = 0.000000
Anisotropy = 0
MaxTextureLOD = 0
FXQuality = 0
DoodadShaderQuality = 1
OptimalDisplayArea = 2073600.000000
DOF = 0
VSync = 0
GraphicsQuality = 7
ShaderQuality = 1
ShadowQuality = 1
TerrainShaderQuality = 1
VolumeLightQuality = 0

It might give you a boost of FPS ingame, it sure did to me

If you dont like to edit any of your files, you can also do this ingame, by setting everything down to 0 or 1, then slowly increase settings to what best for you.

I hope this will help your ingame FPS and makes you enjoy the game more.

Dragon Armor designs

Hey ya guys!

I wanted to ask, if anyone here would happen to have any pictures of their dragons with any of the store armor on. I'm curious as to what set I want to get or what pieces I want to mix up, but can't seem to find pictures with all of them.

So if you want to show case that smexy armor that is on your dragon, here's where ya can do it :D

Thank you duders!

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Guide What kinds of guides are you looking for?

Hi all!

I have been getting questions from time to time asking about one thing or another. I know we are working to get more guides on the forums for people to use and help them get a better understanding of the game. As most of you know this game has so many things that are not explained as well as they should. So I just want to ask you what kind of guides are you looking for? I got some in the works, and have been working on getting the screen shots necessary to put them together.

Some that I plan on making.

Guild Guide: Just basics on how to find, start, and lvl a guild. Will also give some basic information on how to utilize the guild sanctuary and do guild bosses.

Dragon build Guide: Overall good skills to look out for on dragons. How to transfer skills from one dragon to another and what dragons are good for new players to start out with. Might combine this with dragon compendium and arena guides. Not sure yet.

Gold/Insignia Farming Guide: Easy to farm daily (blue !) quests to make the most out of the shell shop. Some options on how to get gold based on your lvl of play.

Exp/Lvling Guide: I had some easy to start out with quests in my other guide that will get you to about lvl 40. This will be my mindset on how I lvled up as well as some other options to mix things up.

Stat Transferring Guide: How to make use of the stat stones you find and how to transfer the stat from one item to another to make gear more custom to your needs.

Egg Guide: How to get and make eggs and use the ones you have. Go over the items that alter the egg and the dragons inside.

I am willing to go more in depth some some guides if anyone has a request. If you think of anything you would personally like a guide on let me know and I can see what I can do. Its also always a good idea to check the WIKI as well. Tons of information on it.


Guide New to Dragon's Prophet

As there might be new players, first time playing DP, i thought i'd drop few words as to how they can get started.

Firstly, as this server has good packages for xp orbs, with the chance to breeze trough levels 1-90 in a minute, most will be tempted to do it. But for one, i'd say not to do that. Use your first character to level up slower, pass through the story quests, do all side quests and map events. Besides offering A good way of experience and givin you more time to get used with the class you chose, at the end of it you will get few little critters you can use as pets and titles.

Make sure you get yourself at least 2 dragons. A flyer and a runner for dungeons where you can't fly in. Try capping more, makig sure they have healing skills if your class doesn't have self heals. ( dragons have skills that they use, but they also can have skills that players have to put in their bar and use by consuming their dragon soul -yellow bar under HP/ AP). This dragons can be even the ones feom starting area until you can get better.

Secondly, try joining a guild, there's an awesome comunity on this server. I'm sure anyone can find people to play with here, condidering tgere are guilds ranging in all time zones. Also, as most games, it's always more fun to play with others.

Hope this helps getting you started. More guides incoming for building dragons, attributes and gearing up.

Recruiting Guild Systematic - PVE&PVP

Knowledge - Dedication - Teamplay


Systematic is a guild with a focus on endcontent PVE and PVP. Our main memberbase consists of players with knowledge on all classes and areas of the game. This knowledge will be passed down to newer members with the mentoring from more experienced players.

To join, you must be at least level 60 and speaking either english or german. Teamspeak is highly encouraged, but not neccessary to be accepted. For any questions concerning the guild, please message Vegito, Poseidon, Kaido or Vipera in game, alternatively you can reply to this post.


We'll meet on the battlefield, be it as friends or as foes.

Oracle Ideas on the Oracle class!!!

Hey everyone. I welcome any tips or ideas on playing the Oracle class.

I've heard some builds that involve the class being aimed more towards a crit play style, I'm curious what you guys think? I know it's a safe bet to go the INT route, to increase damage and what not.

But again, this is a discussion on some possible class builds that yall have come up with.

This is much appreciated! Thank you guys! :D


Upcoming Events
