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Boreas, the Artic Wanderer
Boreas, the Artic Wanderer is a dragon birthed with feathers of a fern-like quality. They are known for their cool and quiet demeanor - operating as solitary creatures that hunt for prey twice their size. Their nests - usually in caverns close to the bitter cold - are littered with the soft, furry hides pillaged from the backs of Relic Hunters.

The Artic Wanderer is aloof with humanity – preferring seclusion from the din of towns and cities. Mass dragon hunting may have inspired such a fear, but the reality is that Boreas have learned from the witness of other examples. Seeing exotic life succumb to eventual extinction, Boreas employs caution as it traverses the world around it. Numbers are thought to be many, but tracking them is agreed by the Laedis Academy to be the most difficult part.

For if a Boreas were to stand on their forelegs, as they tend to try, they can make themselves appear as a pine among many. While being a dragon of a frosty habitat, a little known fact is that they can also store large amount of heat in their bodies and expel it slightly in their feet. This is thought to melt the snow beneath them ever so slightly as they make their steps – concealing the fact a creature of their kind walked there. Some can even manipulate their prints in the snow to resemble that of a completely different creature altogether. Cunning is definitely a word to describe these creatures – but it appears to play a big part in their strategies of hunting as well.

A very select few that were sleuthed out in the wild are being held at the Laedis Academy to be provisioned by worthy Osira.

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