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  • Users: Kanon
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  1. Kanon

    Bug Report Solved Oracle skill

    Ravaging Affliction not working good, the additional information tell: Reduces target's Constitution by "x %" when a target is hit." But is not working, i've tried with a friend and mobs and not work in both, my friend tried use his skill on me too and had the same problem. 1. Skill info. =...
  2. Kanon

    Sale Completed Black Friday Sale & Christmas Event

    i'm glad to know, i really love this event :D hope you can repair all bugs in time :D
  3. Kanon

    Sale Completed Black Friday Sale & Christmas Event

    that's great, just to know... will be possible put to work the event with the oriental dragons? ^ ^
  4. Kanon

    Green Screen

    well, ok then, i'll put back the old version driver ty anyway
  5. Kanon

    Green Screen

    I wondering why all the time when i try upgrade my video card driver, inside the game become green. To play normal (without green screen) i have to use a driver from january/2016, is there any way (idea) that i can do the upgrade and play with no green screen. need some help >.< i dont want...
  6. Kanon

    Suggestion 'Sort' button in backpack

    would be a great idea, that button make me crazy :mad:
  7. Kanon

    Announcement Commissioned Artwork Ideas

    nice pics Liquid Silver, Balge, Tonapah's Shadow. one of these would be great
  8. Kanon

    Event Event Times

    i can play normally between BRT (Brazil): 12:00 PM = EST : 10:00AM until BRT 23:30 = EST :21:30. Time zone is UTC -3 / Brazil Standard Time (BRT) "2 hours ahead EST, and 5 hours ahead PST"

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