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  1. GoofTroop

    Suggestion Item drops from monsters Goldfarm/Soulfarm

    or increase the range of what ur pet can dropp thats why i keep my flip everntho the size smt is big issue but still better than having the bathtub/bucket as pet
  2. GoofTroop

    Suggestion Scroll Drop Chance Van Cliff + Drakos

    With most of us staying at lvl 72 to keep our loot from kyros f1+f2 ive noticed that at Van Cliff b22 onwards the droppchance/loot from bosses is minimal. So increasing the Dropprate for 70 - 80 since Bone is part of bounty would be a good thing. One day the scrolls we collected will be gone so...
  3. GoofTroop

    Steal someone’s thunder

    Steal someone’s thunder
  4. GoofTroop

    Bug Report Mist Elf Repeat Quest

    The new patched repeat quest for farming the Mist Elf Set for the played Class does not work as intended. After completing the quest once its gone eventho its marked as a repeat quest like Akanais Shadow Essence. Already told that on Discord but before that info goes down I thought I create a...
  5. GoofTroop

    Bug Report Costumes you want in the game, post your ideas!

    Angel/Devil/Lucifer Set Greek God Costumes Idol Sets Japense Sets
  6. GoofTroop

    Bug Report Setup wont launch at all

    Worked like a charm old one took around 10-15 min xD Thread can be closed btw. since the problem was already solved could just not replie cause of some unkown error
  7. GoofTroop

    Bug Report Setup wont launch at all

    The Programm freezes/goes inactiv the moment I try to launch it. Is there a workaround for it ? Got the latest game version to download so idk why the setup is freezing and wont boot at all.

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