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  1. Eggshell

    Bug Report CotP Leaderboard points glitch

    Hello Dryadia, the leaderboard shows the number of levels that you played, not the amount of dragonscale seals. There are more than one seal for each level you solve the higher you get in CotP. Boss levels and mini games provide higher amounts of seals as well. f.e you do the first ten levels...
  2. Eggshell

    Patch Note Dragon's Prophet Weekly Maintenance 11/14/2022

    Is the reason maybe because the one in the Dracolyth gacha was an accountwide version, whereas the one in the twinhead gacha is just a single version?
  3. Eggshell

    Suggestion Ingame Events

    in the cycle of the yearly repeated ingame events I am missing the cooking event, which is located in Artecia near the pub and the library, during the event you have different chefs that change every 3 or 4 hours and sell you recipes for the diffent items you have to cook to fulfil the...
  4. Eggshell

    Suggestion Main story progression

    Hello Nymbil, it might say 5 or 10 players, but it can be done solo
  5. Eggshell

    Bug Report it is not possible to create items using purple recipes

    Hello Aesone, at the time you learned the recipe, had you crafted all the neccessary mats already or did you you craft these after having learned the recipe? and is there a (1/1) behind the recipe of the item or is it just empty?
  6. Eggshell

    Bug Report Solved RG, Dragon did not appear

    Did the boss respawn after you had received the message that the dragon had appeared? If so, the dragon automatically despawns as this is counted as another run.
  7. Eggshell

    Bug Report Solved increased Dragon texture quality

    Hello all, just started laauncher and installed the fix, nice results, brilliant full colours of the dragons now as well im arena where they were just somehow flickering before. Loadimg times very good. @Seiichi thanks for good job and immeduate solution.
  8. Eggshell

    Bug Report Solved increased Dragon texture quality

    well sorry but have to say that that though my hardware has about the same standards than Thargors in arena fights I get attacked from opponents dragons before I even see them. Thats quite annoying to be honest. So I will have to blind play at the beginning of a fight not knowing unfortunately...
  9. Eggshell

    Marketplace Requests

    and please don't forget the three Halloween skeletton dragons^^
  10. Eggshell

    Announcement Potential Server Move Feedback

    Routenverfolgung zu v0b.us [] über maximal 30 Hops: 1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms fritz.box [] 2 18 ms 19 ms 16 ms p3e9bf3c3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de [] 3 24 ms 23 ms 23 ms 4 22 ms 22 ms 23 ms...
  11. Eggshell

    Dragon Tournament: Selection of home advantage Dragon family

    Hello everybody^^ after more than a years time on this server and having watched or taken part in most of the tournaments I would like to start a little discussion an/or get an explanation for the selection process or datafile base which influences the selection of the advances family. On the...
  12. Eggshell

    server can't connect

    the weekly maintenance started 6 hours later than usual, in about 2 hours game should be back. you can always look on the discord for ther notice whether its finished
  13. Eggshell

    Easter Event

    Thanks to Seiichi for activating this year's Easter Event. Have had a first look there and tried to collect the 26 eggs. I gave up after waisting half an hour on getting 5 of them.^^ Dear Seiichi please help us and implement 4 chanels there as it is in the other parts of the game as well...
  14. Eggshell

    Bug Report Solved Names of exclusive dragons

    Hello GMs and hello all, it is very annoying for players that don't use the English language that there are the following problems with the missing names of the exclusive dragons: 1. No names on gacha in diamond store, so you always have to shut down game, change language rstart launcher, buy...
  15. Eggshell

    Bug Report Solved Missing Dragon family description at Tournament manager

    Thanks a lot for quick response. So it looks like we will all get surprised tomorrow XDD
  16. Eggshell

    Bug Report Solved Missing Dragon family description at Tournament manager

    Looking at todays info at tournament manager displays family as follows "DRAGONBOOK_TYPE_00". Is it for the quick possible to get an answer which family is meant and for future fill proper description please. Thanks a lot in advance

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