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  1. Neoseptem

    Fast dragons

    Nope only Eseriel, Brasten Ouram and Samael. There are ingame ones you can tame/hatch: - Magical Silver - Hell Blood (egg only) - Carnelian Warden - Indigo Flame - Deep Abyss (egg only) - Golden Emperor (endgame dungeon) - Mountain Traveler (probably the easiest one to get)
  2. Neoseptem

    Hello everyone!

    Yes, Dry is one of our server server grandmas. Be nice to her.^^
  3. Neoseptem

    Bug Report Dragon speed abilities don't work

    Except the dragon skill 'Dragon Speed', that one stacks with 'Adept Dragon Trainer' or 'Field Runner'.
  4. Neoseptem

    Pumpkin Bombs in Puretia

    There should be four in total if I remember correctly: one behind some crates/stacks at Paeon Farm, one on top of a fallen tree, one next to some scrap metal and the last is at the end of a tunnel behind Dualo Driller (or whatever that mini-boss is called).
  5. Neoseptem

    Favorite dragon from eggs? (LF reccs)

    Well two of my favourites are Grimreaper and Experimental Mecha Dragon You have to hatch both but are hard to get: first is the reward for completing Laedis 102 set and for the other you have to farm blueprint and materials
  6. Neoseptem

    current prices and gold gain

    Depends on what shards you wanna sell. Magic is worth the most, 2nd place phy, then dsd, ele/nat last. As for prices, best is to look up ah and price them accordingly.
  7. Neoseptem

    double up

    Those big sales are only during Black Friday Week and anniversary. But we usually get 30%/50% sales once a month.
  8. Neoseptem

    Many questions (help pls)

    Alright, here we go again: ^^ 1) Hydra works okay as supporter due to balanced stats in dffensive stats. But for mounted combat (if that is what you are planning) it's not that good. Yes it got interesting mount skills but it's bulky and got a big hit box which you don't want, since once your...
  9. Neoseptem

    What's yer fav dye color

    I checked, the item is called 'Free Pick Refill' and can be bought for 50 Dragon Insignias, so they are easy to get.^^
  10. Neoseptem

    Many questions (help pls)

    Just some additions to Silvally's post who already explained everything very thoroughly.^^ 1. The Skill combo you want to use on a Hydra is Forbidden Roar + Mind Impact (evo skill). Forbidden Roar is an AoE defense buff for players but the evo skill adds an AoE debuff for enemies as well that...
  11. Neoseptem

    What's yer fav dye color

    it's pretty easy. In character screen and costume screen directly below your character click on the paint brush to switch to dye screen. Choose one of the three squares next to an eqiupment piece to open colour palette. You have to unlock a colour with either dias or coupons (don't remember...
  12. Neoseptem

    help for old ones

    Ingame laufen genug deutsche rum, wirst eigentlich immer einen finden, wenn shoutest. Allerdings würd ich raten, das Spiel in englisch zu spielen, da die neuen Items keine deutsche/französische Übersetzung haben.
  13. Neoseptem

    Suggestion Main story progression

    DHT as well as Nucleus of Time in Porthis are considered raid dungeons for up to 10 players. They are designed for group play and are therefore much more difficult even on 'easy'. I got stuck on DHT as well so I just skipped the quests and moved on to the next region and came back later to...
  14. Neoseptem

    Guide Wild Ancient Pathways & Information

    Tbh spawn points are fairly easy since dragons can only spawn on the ground = all walking sections of the route. Altough this excludes the spawn after maintenance for some reason, in that case the dragon only spawn at one location on their route, usually one of the end points, in german we...
  15. Neoseptem

    Bug Report Warehouse Item Retrieval Broken

    Did you try buying another plot/appartment and remove stuff that way?
  16. Neoseptem

    Suggestion Cosmetics for female characters

    I feel you.^^ Did you look through here yet? https://adeptgamer.com/media/categories/armor-sets.10/ Also don't forget you can mix and match costume pieces, doesn't matter if it's cloth or heavy armor
  17. Neoseptem

    Game Alive ?

    Jup, people are still playing the game. Though not as much as during peak DP time, but still quite a few. ^^
  18. Neoseptem

    Bug Report Nessus's skill bug

    This problem already existed in dp and never got fixed. For some reason the skills hitbox is positioned at the dragons center instead of the heads so it doesn't hit the target most of the time even with increased range due to evo skil. All Hydras got that problem.
  19. Neoseptem

    Bug Report Mounted combat bug?

    Huh, I didn't know that, so there is dragon armor with toughness. But yeah, lv98 armor doesn't help much endgame, especially since the lv105 set already got toughness on it.
  20. Neoseptem

    Bug Report Mounted combat bug?

    I don't think you can even get toughness on dragon armor, so you need it on your own armor.

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