lol This is going to drive you nuts for a while but they can be killed with god skills if you gather a whole bunch of mobs at the bottom of the stairs & let rip. Same applies to the one on the half way landing.
Also several of the of the lady npc's behind counters &/or tables will run if hit...
This happens if your DC'ed or you are switching alts - Cure >system settings> audio> sound at top of list> apply> confirm :)
This will work most times.
There are also egg spawn heavy spots in Wintertide from Serpents Watch to Torrans but most are scattered off the road ways into the side landscapes. Just a case of learning the spots. It petters out all around Lynor lake to IFF.
Same with the road quests in the area's to the cliff sides & not...
Congrats to all winners & my personnal fav Loyalty which is lovely colour combo <3
Wonderful selection of coloured dragons Thank you to all that entered :D
The option to open Lair at NPC in Sanct is old glitch, even on EU the same glitch happened. On trying to open your lair nothing happens, but if you open the egg incubation or any other section, then return to lair it can now be opened. Another of DP's strange happenings.
Work a rounds -
One work around I found, is if you leave the apartment & go find a few mobs. Kill these till you get a drop then return to apartment the dance bar will become stable again to click & dance :)
Also could try opening a few small windows on screen - the house, your backpack, these can slow the...
Congrats & huge thanks to Aiden for such a BEAUTIFUL & delicately detailed dragon. :)
Runewaker could have & should have but missed the goal posts by a great distance. One day I hope they get to see all the hard work from OUR team :cool:
Seiichi could we have a new version of the Fusion set that is able to be dyed different to Orange :) we can change the deep brown to black buts that's all. would love to be able to keep the black & turn Orange to white.
Thank you Seiichi & Haterslayer for your fast reaction to the false announcement in world chat.
So to All Our GM's are alive & active on Adept DP - :cool:
Some times a work around on non working mailboxes is go to something else that needs opening like Bank or AH - then return to mailbox. I find that works most times :)
Same thing for unresponsive lair open Incubation fully, close & return to Lair.
Re:- Sky Islands 1st visit - Quest 'Sky City'
If you are meaning the quest 'Sky City' its pick up quest from the merchant up top between the Xmas tree & Path of Elders (standing beside the Stalwart Dragon), go to any island, the NPC you need stands at the tele platform, to hand in - quest...
Thank you so much for clarification Seiichi, may the questions on how it will affect our DP, ease in the coming days.
As Spock would say ' Live long & prosper ' Way to go Adept Dragon's Prophet :D
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