Ponnnnnniessssss!!! Gimme, please. Omg they are so beautiful. Definitely love how the Sky Warhammer Charger and the Royal Destrier look. Actually at first glance, the Royal reminded me of a shire with the white feathering on the legs simply for the fact I'm playing rdr2 currently and I've run...
If I remember correctly to purchase the custom plots, it was diamond based only ((if it has changed since then, I haven't been around to see it)) but it was diamonds only
C:\Users\Amber>tracert v0b.us
Tracing route to v0b.us []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 <1 ms 3 ms 4 ms dsldevice.attlocal.net []
2 20 ms 20 ms 20 ms 99-178-248-1.lightspeed.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net []
3 20 ms 20 ms 20 ms...
It's honestly well worth it. I can't say for other plot sizes, but I have the 1000x1000 and I absolutely love it. I had Seiichi put me near a waterfall. It's quite beautiful. Your rent is 100 gold per day so you don't necessarily have to worry about rent if you put in 50k, obviously the more the...
I'd be down to try... I can't solo a whole lotta things completely but I can sure as heck give a try and keep on going, so I'll toss my name into the hat
I went with the name The Black Stallion for this piece. I couldn't think up of a proper background story for him, but it's supposed to be a cursed twin to The White Stallion
I already have the one lineart colored in, would it be alright if I could just send it to you on discord to see if that is okay? I personally wasn't playing on doing any designs or anything of the sort like everyone did for the Phantom one. Mine is simply just a recolor with nothing else fancy...
Congrats to those that won!!!
Oh yay ponies!!! I already got a small headstart when there was two linearts posted in adept discord. Wasn't thinking there was going to be an event down the line and decided to just recolor them for the F of it.
I also see that everyone did this digitally...
I think even on eu it had a whole bunch. I would tend to get lucky from first entering Inartia and going all way to Cinderstone village. Then outside the first town in Alentia all way through Lunar Forest I tended to find a whole lot.
Not sure if it completely changed here but it is a common...
Ever since June 10th, roughly, I have not always been able to care for people holding their eggs. Be it they are in the circle in Laedis, down near the lair manager, or even if someone is holding an egg in my guild's sanctuary, I cannot always care for their eggs.
I was hoping like the Sabosha...
As much as it stinks for Dragon's Prophet and Savage Hunt closing down, it was to come eventually as the game started to tank harder with release of Savage Hunt.
While it's a demise for others, it's a small blessing to me. I just gotta wait for those two gift cards to arrive tomorrow or...
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