bone dragon

  1. Bug Report Fix Bone Dragons Attacks

    Since everyone is already used to how the fight goes I thought I'd offer some fresh insight as someone that literally killed the guy for the first time today. Overall I'd say the encounter is fairly balanced but most of his physical attacks are insanely broken , since they apply Damage BEFORE...
  2. Bug Report Bone Dragon Set [Mirage] Recipes (Top and Bottom) wrong names

    The recipes for Mirage Bone Dragon Armor Top and Bottom have wrong names. Top Armor is called called just "Armor Recipe" and Bottom Armor is called "Top Armor Recipe"
  3. Bug Report Jumeaux Bone Dragon Set missing additional effects

    As title says the Jumeaux Bone Dragon Set pieces are missing their additional effects: Picture of Shoulderguards which are missing hp or mp recovery can't recall what stat it was as example:
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