
  1. Gunblade

    Never played gunblade pve/pvp before, any ranger willing to share his masteries? Can't find anything to my liking on the forum
  2. Class help

    After reading some threads in the Guides and tips and Class & dragons, it seems people need help around guardian builds, dragons, and dragon armor etc. If anyone needs help Regarding any of this, for any class, they can message me in-game at Bloodygenesis or GodsBlade. You can even message me on...
  3. Announcement Patch Note [Patch 1.0.9] Character Creation Update

    Hello AdeptGamers, Here are the current patch notes: Character Creation Update 1.0.9 has been released. This is just a small update to quality of life for character creation and many more changes are planned for future updates. Please report any bugs or issues on the forums so they can be...
  4. Suggestion Gear Rework / Discussion

    As I've heard the sets will be reworked again, I'd like to present my idea (that I had a long time ago) to everyone and get your opinion. Keep in mind, that this is not perfect of course. Problems and possible "solutions" are listed below as well as my opinion of the current system. PLEASE READ...
  5. Oracle Ideas on the Oracle class!!!

    Hey everyone. I welcome any tips or ideas on playing the Oracle class. I've heard some builds that involve the class being aimed more towards a crit play style, I'm curious what you guys think? I know it's a safe bet to go the INT route, to increase damage and what not. But again, this is a...
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