
  1. Sanguine Specter

  2. Halcyon Gaze

  3. Primeval Jade

  4. Corroside, the Tropical Terror

  5. Amarok, the Revenant

  6. Zuo Ran, the Lover's String

  7. Yan Yu, the Cosmic Emperor

  8. Bug Report Solved HELP!! Dragon just disappeared from my stable

    I just leveled my Flaming Fin to lvl 100 and was about to evolve it. When I opened the Evolution window the dragon just disappeared from my stable. Now, it's gone. All that work for nothing. Please, help!
  9. DragonsProphet

  10. Sale Completed 50% Dragon Saga Cash Bonus Weekend 5/21-5/23

    We are having another 50% Cash Bonus weekend starting tonight and ending Monday at 11:59 AM CET. You can purchase Cash here.
  11. G

    Suggestion Planned Ghostpowder Using, why so many mouse clicks?

    If you put a dragon egg in a nest, you can use ghost powder to limit which dragons you want to hatch. But every time you have to click and confirm the spirit powder again. This is pretty annoying. Can't you leave the mark on the spirit powder, so you only have to confirm it several times...
  12. Yan Yu, the Cosmic Emperor

  13. Suggestion Guild Technology - Dragon for Hire

    Hey, if you start a dragon process in the dragon lair, you can use only the highest level of your guild technology for flute- or napo- extraction, which makes sense. But for the gold search (dragon for hire) as well as the dragon training you need to scroll down all levels beginning with 1 -...
  14. Sale Completed 30% Dragon Saga Cash Bonus Weekend 5/7-5/9

    We are having another 30% Cash Bonus weekend starting tonight and ending Monday at 11:59 AM CET. You can purchase Cash here.
  15. how many points to spawn dragon in dungeon

    i need a help i am in 52 points of vibrant thunder how match i need again to spown it in the dungeon pls
  16. Sale Completed 30% Dragon Saga Cash Bonus Weekend 4/23-4/25

    We are having another 30% Cash Bonus weekend starting tonight and ending Monday at 11:59 AM CET. You can purchase Cash here.
  17. Wishmoon, Lunatus and Syvaenir

    don't wake the sleeping dragon
  18. Darkmoon

  19. Lunatus and Syvaenir

  20. Whirlmoon and Darkmoon

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