
  1. Exclusive AdeptGamer Dragons

    Syvaenir, Devourer of the Void Viridias, the Sky Painter Lunatus, the Vine Weaver Tiagara, the Rogue Huntress
  2. Obsidian Thunder

  3. Scuber Whin

  4. Galactic Storm

  5. Whirlmoon

  6. Dragon's Prophet

  7. Sale Completed 30% Dragon Saga Cash Bonus Weekend 4/9-4/11

    We are having another 30% Cash Bonus weekend starting tonight and ending Monday at 11:59 AM CET. You can purchase Cash here.
  8. Game Tips Dragon Fishing

    "What is Dragon Fishing?" Dragon fishing is a dumb term I use for having a life while hunting dragons. The concept of it involves a player AFKing a spot for a long period of time until there is a 'bite', usually indicated by you taking damage. There's not too much point in doing it, but since...
  9. Boreas, the Artic Wanderer

  10. Ceresa, the Autumn Matron

  11. Suggestion Black dragon accessory set

    and the ring since i don't have it wont be shown in the image the effect of all those item should be change / buff /effect change atm those item are not counted has any good since they have lower bonus then other item like , aram belt , kyros ring/ earring /kazura necklaces and many other...
  12. Sale Completed 50% Dragon Saga Cash Bonus Weekend 3/26-3/28

    We are having another 50% Cash Bonus weekend starting tonight and ending Monday at 11:59 AM CET. You can purchase Cash here.
  13. Flaming Fin

  14. Question about the dragon nest

    Hello everyone, I have an account with 3 different characters and maybe can someone tell me why I can only collect gold from one in the dragon's nest. All 3 characters are level 60. Is there a limitation that you can only do this once per account, or do I have to activate something? I would...
  15. Sale Completed 30% Dragon Saga Cash Bonus Weekend 3/12-3/14

    We are having another 30% Cash Bonus weekend starting tonight and ending Monday at 11:59 AM CET. You can purchase Cash here.
  16. Bug Report Solved Dragon Championship NPC shows wrong Information

    Hi there, I noticed that the championship NPC does not show the correct time for the registration of the Dragon championship in Arteica. As an example, the NPC yesterday indicated the time for Wednesday 2 p.m., but yesterday was Thursday and in Germany it was 11 p.m. when the registration...
  17. Bug Report Solved Missing Dragon family description at Tournament manager

    Looking at todays info at tournament manager displays family as follows "DRAGONBOOK_TYPE_00". Is it for the quick possible to get an answer which family is meant and for future fill proper description please. Thanks a lot in advance
  18. Sale Completed 50% Dragon Saga Cash Bonus Weekend 2/26-2/28

    We are having another 50% Cash Bonus weekend starting tonight and ending Monday at 11:59 AM CET. You can purchase Cash here.
  19. Tiagara, Viridias, Syvaenir.

  20. Lunatus, the Vine Weaver

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