
  1. 10. Calm.png

    Totally forgot to post that one yesterday, im sorry D: Yesterdays prompt was fitting to this class of dragons and it was so relaxing to draw something not that difficult.
  2. 09. Poison

    For this prompt i made Corroside :D Had to include it on the list. Its showing odd its threat display, dont step any closer!
  3. 08. Armor

    Im a bit late with this one, but i wanted to finish it. This piece features a dragon that roams around Zarland, Wynnadia. Its s shame they cant be tamed, i like their cute feathered helmet and this particular model of the Razorspines.
  4. 07. Fire

    Dailyprompt 07, Fire was hella fun (pun intended) and Samael is soooo nice to draw. I enjoyed that a lot. Again: Big Probs to Aiden for that glorious design. Its like flawless :o First i wanted to do another fabled, but for this theme Samael was just to tempting not to draw.
  5. 06. Lonnier

    The first of 4 Gods. Wanted to start with the Ranger-one. Gotten so nice and shiny ^^ i hope i do my own god justice.
  6. 05. Boulder

    After the rushed Day 4, now Day 5 with a background! Im pretty proud on this one :D If i cant do dragons, ill draw stones xD
  7. 04. Attack!

    Its not perfect, but its there. I rather post something than nothing ^^"
  8. 03. River.png

    The picture features my old Favourite Dragon in the game. Fungal Bloom. It was love on first sight and on the old server my best friend and all time companion. I always imagine it walking though the shallow waters of Wynnadia, surrounded by lilypads.
  9. 02. Swift.png

    Day two! It just had to be a Swiftfoot! Windrider Blade is also my favourite one :) I love its goofy appereance and the fact, that a childs drawing won the contest :^)
  10. 01. New Start.png

    Heres finally my first piece of Smaugust 2021! I think everybody (who ever played Puretia from the start) recognizes this dragon ^^ Its probably not sure about you yet. No one knows how an adventure is going to develop at first. Probably a nobody, or maybe an hero of some sorts, dunno~
  11. DP prompt list 2021.jpg

    Smaugust is a drawing challenge, to draw a dragon everyday. Each day has also a theme, to give some input and inspiration. Feel free to participate! You can work at your pace and only do some days if you like. Its a challenge to get better at drawing dragons, so grab your pen and have fun!
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