game tip

  1. T

    Need settings to play fluently

    Hey ! I'm back on the game, played last time on Savage Hunt until it closed. I had settings that allowed me to play in windowed full screen and quite fluently and now the game is only in full screen or window and i lag more in window than full screen. I wonder if somebody have some tips to...
  2. Game Tips Guide How to Overstat

    Introduction Introduction There are already a few guides out there, but I think it would be good to have a guide where everything is put a bit together. I will mostly focus on overstatting armor and won't get into details about attributes for accessories. What is overstatting in general...
  3. Game Tips Dragon Fishing

    "What is Dragon Fishing?" Dragon fishing is a dumb term I use for having a life while hunting dragons. The concept of it involves a player AFKing a spot for a long period of time until there is a 'bite', usually indicated by you taking damage. There's not too much point in doing it, but since...
  4. Game Tips Guide LV 21-40 +JC

    ''This is the Chain quest guide to reach and unlock the last quest needed to do the Job change'' Purple quest only (hero quest needed to reach the job change lv 40 quest PS: if you can’t get the quest yet it’s because you don’t have the level requirement yet, the quest might be with a grey’’!’’...
  5. Guide Guide Lv 1 to 20- JC

    Guide LV 1 – 20 (job change) (purple quest only) (99.9% of those quest can be accepted remotely without having to run to the NPC) PS: If you skip the tutorial you will be directly in Odelia this is where the Guide start if you don't skip it then i think you already have the first quest of my...
  6. Wizard's Manual quest

    So, I got a Wizard's Manual from clearing Well of Prophecy in Winnadia. Can anyone help me with what to do with it? It appears to be for a hidden quest or something, but I can't make sense of it.
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