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  1. Fisolino

    Announcement Patch Note [Patch 1.0.53] New Drop system + Account quest changes last big patch

    Hello AdeptGamers, The patch isn't out yet and there yet has to be maintenance. I don't know whether it will happen today or tomorrow (or in the next few days), but I wanted to write the patch notes already and post them in advance which I usually don't do (but may make it normal). This is...
  2. EvaLinn

    Quest Vulture Excavator's Map

    Hello! I have a big problem. I dig out the chest and its just dissapeared and this quest is completed. I couldn't loot it. What do I have to do?
  3. HalKal

    Wizard's Manual quest

    So, I got a Wizard's Manual from clearing Well of Prophecy in Winnadia. Can anyone help me with what to do with it? It appears to be for a hidden quest or something, but I can't make sense of it.
  4. L

    Bug Report Dony's Guild Quest's get some wrong description's

    So i wanted to lv. my char and my Guild a bit ... but hey ! it will not be that easy as i thought xD Well first day i got the 1024th quest and it says: Clear Verglas Ridge with S Rank [Chaos F2]. And i did it ... i did also Verglas chaos with 1-3 maps and tried S-SSS rank and Chaos ridge also...
  5. E

    Bug Report Solved Stories of the Past, Power of the Future

    I have went through all three books tried relogging making a new character to redo everything. Nothing is letting me complete the quest. It is still white and I read all three books.
  6. Silkshoes

    Help with Breeders Diary

    I have collected the 1st set of pages to form the Breeders Diary & handed it in to Dissembler Kenny on the roadside out of Oraville Porthis. There is a further quest to collect more pages to make a complete diary - * Check map no markers for this quest just a widened area. * Check net, only...
  7. I don't wanna die!

    I don't wanna die!

    Also apparently I'm a general now.

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