
  1. F

    Suggestion Rejected New ways to get a dragon

    Hello, I would like to suggest a free dragon egg for example once a month, containing a few dragon species to choose from, as a form of login rewards or in different way. In my opinion people like to have a choice and to have an element of a surprise. Or it can be a reward for login every day of...
  2. Announcement Character Transfers + Rewards (Important!)

    Now that the beta is finished i have prepared a spreadsheet listing all characters that will be eligible for class/name/gender/appearance transfer as well as all the rewards each player has gained. If you believe there to be mistakes with rewards or wish to change your name / gender / class...
  3. Announcement Event [Event] Group Screenshot event (Cash Reward) 6/10/2019 @ 19:00 CEST

    As we approach the end date of our open beta we are inviting you all to a group screenshot event on Sunday @ 19:00 CEST everyone who participates will receive a $5 cash code to use on release, anyone who tries to gain multiple rewards or cheat the system will be severely punished (perm ban from...
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