
  1. Bug Report Sorcerer Stat Conversion . According to mentioned Patch Notes above, the Stat Conversion for Sorcerer SHOULD be this: . (only listing stats that are incorrect) INT to MATK: 15 INT to MDEF: 5 DEX to CRATE: 3.5 What the stats...
  2. K

    Suggestion Sorcerer buffs

    Make mana shield scale bonus with INT, like 2% or 1.5% per 100 INT. Make the electric ball can crit and lower animation time. This class was supposed to be the equivalent of overlord, slow, clunky but high dps and durable. The dps part is a joke, as everyone knows. Slow and clunky, true, to the...
  3. Bug Report Solved Frost Bolt Combo not working at all

    Hello! So I was testing the different spells I have access to (at lvl 40) in the frost branch skills. I tried to use the Frost Bolt Combo line (first spell in the branch) but it seems the combo is not available at all. Casting Frost Bolt should transform Arcane Missile into Ice Crystal Strike...
  4. M

    Sorcerer Wand Guide

    Hey There! Is there any kind of guide in which i might find the different kind of wands (one handed), how they look and in which task you have a chance of getting them?
  5. T

    Bug Report Solved sorcerer skill instant jump bugging

    The Skill every sorcerer gets at the very beginning to jump forward (teleport) is sometimes bugging: I often get resetted to the place i started jumping forward, often when pressing it more than once.
  6. Sorcerer Build

    I came from old dragon and I had Guardian there, here I choose sorcerer and I need help to build sorcerer in nice way for PvP and PvE both. Can anyone help with Attribute points setting and good mastery setting including god masteries.
  7. Bug Report Sorcerer Skill Cancel

    EDIT 2: It seems the cause is dying. My skills didn't cancel until I died, then it started! There seems to be a bug in Elga that cancels skills, to be more: precise blizzard, fire emblem and rockets of sorcerer (maybe more). You can see in the video () that about 25% of the mentioned skills...
  8. Sorcerer Sorcerer Lightning 1H Build

    Looking for a Lightning 1H Build for my Sorcerer I not know which skills is recommended i saw a few videos on YouTube of some players using this lightning skill where they fly up a little and start rapidly attacking with lightning effects that looks like a AoE/Crowed control attack area and...
  9. Sorcerer 1H Riemist PvE (Glacial Guru)

    I know it has been a while since my last post but you can chill out now, because I am back with a cool support build ready to command and conquer! ATTRIBUTE POINTS: Full Charisma OR 200 Charisma (This build is not for fighting, you need this for strong dragons.) 121 Dragon Affinity (This is a...
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