
  1. Buying Buying platinum

    Drop off how much you sell plat for, not dias i want platinum or hit me up in the game with your prices, ign: Rusted
  2. Selling Magic shards

    Hello, I am wanting to sell magic shards 1k, 1.2k, and 1.4k for irl money. Whisper me in game Bloodygenesis or Chandy.
  3. V

    Buying League's Trade Corner

    Willing To Buy Generic Items - Aram Belt of Perseverance - Aram Ring of Perseverance - 4* Lava Ring - Hydron Templar Shoes Pathfinder - Bone Drag Helm - Secmathian Chest - Secmathian Bottom Dragoon - Bone Drag Helm - Bone Drag Bottom Invoker - Any Secmathian Parts If you happen to...
  4. Buying WTB Phy shards

    Want to Buy Phy dmg Shards whisper me ingame: SaintBeast or message me here to talk about prices.
  5. Selling WTT Sophani egg

    I have a Sophani egg (Unhatched egg of Colorfulness) I want to trade for either a Kondrazi egg, Nadricura egg or Savarkin egg.
  6. Announcement Platinum Trading has been fixed

    For a few weeks the trade system that is part of our shop has been broken due to a problem when updating. The developer got back to me yesterday and has fixed the problem, so it is now possible to trade Platinum again. I have also disabled the ability to trade Credits, as that was not suppose to...
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