
  1. Patch Note Completed Dragon's Prophet Weekly Maintenance 12/21/2020

    We will be having our weekly routine maintenance at 7 PM PST Monday evening. During the maintenance we will be doing the following: Added Boreas, the Artic Wanderer Added Ceresa, the Autumn Matron Added Yuletide Joy Maintenance generally lasts between 1-2 hours, though we will announce in the...
  2. Bug Report Solved Ping spikes after server maintenance?

    I started playing on Adept about 19 days ago, I didn't have any issues with DC's or ping (albeit I've seen so many complain about it) - but I started getting it myself around 2 days ago. I've heard that there was some testing going on with the servers and it started happening just around that...
  3. Announcement Pre-launch Notice

    We are working hard to get the server prepared as quickly as possible currently. We do not want to give strict ETA in-case we run into small delays/issues however the server is most likely going to launch within the next "few days" so please keep a look out for the official announcement. Beta...
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