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Suggestion A few suggestions


Sep 16, 2019
I have a few suggestions and they are as following:
-Add a guild "inactive" member check system, so forexample if you hover mouse cursor over player name you can see the last conenct date, or do as Official and add a coloring on name depending on their activity (this is extxremly convinient for guild leaders to see what memebr that's been connected lately (if they have diffrent timezones)
-Remove the cutscenes from dungeons such as Anukus, Kundura, Verdorous, Akia cave and such so we can press ESC and get right into the boss fights
- Possible to have an Item database for all the in-game items here on the forum? so we can easily search up the items to know how to get them? (kinda like a Dragon Saga Adept exclusive item database)
-add maybe a small "discord" button near the mini map so when players click it, they get redirected to join the AdeptGamer discord (could be quite convinient)
-Add discord Rich pressence to the game (so players can highlight when they play the game, and it will display, character name, Map, channel, and maybe even if they are in a party?
-Add a new chat area to the game, diffrent from normal, party, guild and trade called "Discord" pretty much a "cross commmunication chat" where players on discord can chat to players in-game in a sepertate chat channel section on the discord.
In example of this, all the in-game characters will be dispalyed as seperate "bot's" in the channel, and ofcourse add a small cooldown to the chat there, maybe like every 30 seconds like trade chat?
like this:

it would be really nice since there's no real "World chat" in-game aside from megaphones
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Mar 19, 2019
1:That's probably possible with a forum guild part otherwise I think it's impossible to put so many details in game, maybe a color system like green=connected in last 3 days/orange=connected in last 7 days and red=connected in last 14days ?
2:I think it's already done for most of them(iirc) otherwise yeah I agree especially since we have to grind most of these dungeons and waste almost dozens of minutes in the end with those cutscenes.
3:pretty sure that would take days to do and in that case it'd be better to just make a wiki section to the forum where players can update it and ofc get punished if the infos are reported and confirmed wrong.
4:I think it's already done on the login screen but not working yet, would just need to fix it in that case.
5:Again, I think it's impossible to put so many details on discord unless you have a system of roles that you get when you are in a City/Field Map/Mission Map/PvP and lose when you leave. That would be pretty laggy if you change maps every 30seconds, especially when alot more players will come here.
6:Just have discord on and tab out ? I think the effort required for this are way too much for what we already have.

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