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Bug Report Alliance lv 5 island bug

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Jul 15, 2020
If you upgrade the alliance level to level 5, you can control 3 islands, get taxes and are able to start ally events on all of these islands. However, if you already own 2 islands, it is not possible to take over a third. Please change this.


May 13, 2020
i disagree - i dont think its a bug, i think its meant like that so its not so easy for one alliance to dominate 3 isles, and for that reason it should stay the way it is


Jul 15, 2020
Its still pretty easy. You just have to take an alt/twink with you on the island. Make a party with the alt/twink and teleport to him with a shadow scroll. You get those thrown out of the compass anyways.


Oct 20, 2016
The legal limit is 2 on this server; if you are caught purposely bugging additional islands, especially to troll, you will get a warning or worse.


May 13, 2020
tbh that sounds strange, seiichi - since in addition to what baarzukk said, you can have 3 isles without any bug, just normal game mechanics.
once you reach your alliance-level, the game allows you to have 3 isles - and if you own only one, you can send 2 different players or groups on 2 different isles at the same time to take them.
so you say that wouldnt be allowed? how should anyone know that without reading the forum?


Oct 20, 2016
tbh that sounds strange, seiichi - since in addition to what baarzukk said, you can have 3 isles without any bug, just normal game mechanics.
once you reach your alliance-level, the game allows you to have 3 isles - and if you own only one, you can send 2 different players or groups on 2 different isles at the same time to take them.
so you say that wouldnt be allowed? how should anyone know that without reading the forum?
My reply mostly dealt with the bugging of additional servers; there was an issue with a guild bugging most available islands last year.

As far as the number of islands that can be owned, I will need to see what the limit is in the data, because it may not match up what is in the string data. If you cannot have more than 2 islands in the game without bugging, that is likely the limit.


Jul 15, 2020
Seiichi, unfortunately I have to disagree with you. Why else should the alliance level be expanded? It's like you can control more than 2 islands before alliance level 5. You can't start ally events on any of the islands and you don't get tax income from any of them. But from reaching level 5, you can technically get 3 islands. You get taxes from all 3 islands and ally events are possible too, which wasn't the case before. In principle, it could be compared to unlocking the weapon mastery for reaching level 10 or unlocking the dragon god mastery at level 60. You can get both, but you don't have to.
However, the problem remains that you could not get a third island if you already own 2. So if someone has accidentally got one island too many and actually would have wanted another island 12 hours later, you can't do even that anymore. You have to wait until server reset to give up an island. For these many reasons, I see it as a bug that you cannot get a third island from alliance level 5. I would really ask you to think about it again. It shouldn't be high priority on your to-do list, just that you know it and maybe change it.


May 13, 2020
The alliance level should be expanded if you want to have 3 isles on a legal way, or if you want to reach higher limits for the payout - there is even at least one lvl 10 alliance on this server, though there is no other advantage from that.

i explained already why i dont think its a bug but was made like that on purpose - and here on this server those reasons are even more important than on eu, for 2 reasons:
1) you have less isles here, at least as long as the missing Drathgor Isles with active war zones are not activated yet
2) most active isles (Baerton) are at 3am for europeans, so there are only 4 left during daytime - you think its a good idea as soon as one european alliance is strong enough they control 3 out of that 4? i dont ... (since i know how many of them behave on isles)
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Jul 15, 2020
One should not forget that it is PvP and not I run through the area and let myself drift. If you want an island fight for it you are too weak, work on yourself and your knowledge. It's that simple. Those who don't want to work on themselves or their skills don't deserve the rewards that come with a game. Because we are not on a birthday where you only get gifts, we play an active game otherwise you wouldn't call it games. In addition, there are already way too many islands that is why the tax revenues are so tiny.


May 13, 2020
what you do and what the majority of players does seems sthg completely different. you ignore the fact that you dont have to pvp for the isle rewards - shards, shells, flutes, achievements - you get it all just by farming mobs, and thats what most players do.
since you prefer acting against each other rather than playing together for fun, i seriously wonder if youre on the right game, but thats your choice.
what i definitely dont like is the idea that only one alliance should be allowed to have isles - that way you would force players to join all the same guild/alliance or quit - that doesnt fit the idea to play a game for fun, sry.

besides the fact that you ignored my points from previous posts you also mix up isles and isles with active war zones - taxes and farming isles are different things. i dont mind taxes being low, that way ppl dont care fighting for isles and everyone can have some relaxing time on isle while farming stuff.


Jul 15, 2020
What you describe when you have to join other guilds is pure opportunity. Because they have incompetent guild leaders and vice-leaders who are not interested and cannot train their people. what I would include playing and acting together. I myself have always seen PvP only as a necessary bad thing and personally I was never interested in it, only I had the ambition not to kill everyone and I didn't cry around I can't do it. Everybody is his own happiness schmidt, but you want to be lucky if you don't even pick up the hammer.


May 13, 2020
i described what it would be if one alliance could dominate all - it is perfectly fine like it is now, every "competent" guild leader could form a guild and have an isle, even have fun.
thats the way you keep many players motivated and stay, and i guess noone would be happy if this server would have only a handful players left

but even if it would make no difference if theres players here or not, i would still be happy if the players who are here to have fun, relax and have a good time with friends, still could have an isle.
its a thing of live and let live, and as i said most players here are indeed nice and friendly.
dont get me wrong, also pvp players can be nice and friendly - IF they do pvp versus other pvp players.
few have some poor ego and need to endlessly hunt down low equipped pve players to feel better - those are not even pvp players for me, but just cowards.
i guess its quite obvious who is more competent in my eyes...


Jul 15, 2020
Look only for you thats a good PvE player
no shards no mounting no armor only 102 laedis

Look and this is how it looks when one halliance dominates everyone. You can see for yourself that everyone is having fun there. As I said, it's only up to you. They always want to mimimi what you want to belong to or who want to change something. Oh yes, and the most important thing is that everyone plays with each other, which is not the case here. Real team play is required there.
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