Bug Report Another way of obtaining pink gem?


Sep 5, 2017
Adding another way other than RNG of obtaining the pink gem, maybe add it to an NPC and you could exchange it for a certain amount of white gems, red gems or even dust.


May 19, 2018
I personally believe that exchanging (like this) isn't quite the right way to obtain a rare item like this (see bottom).

The issue with those kind of items is just the pure luck that is required. Some people will drop it in 10 runs, some people won't drop it in 100.
With this you could of additive rate added per run (that you have a higher chance with each run you do). Though, that would require time to implement and since we are working on big updates at the moment, it's not a priority at the moment.

Else you could just think about the concept of "rare" items in the first place. Farming enough until you have enough mats for the weapon could be a thing, just needs to be made properly (and the way Drakos and Van Cliff work it's not that good :|)


May 19, 2018
@Fiso, don't forget people who drop it the first run they get carried, whoever that may be ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Yes true, thanks for reminding me. You hit the nail pretty hard on its head there. This is one of the issues that just dropping it brings with.
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