Final list of bugs i found from the beta:
-Upon changing from channel 100 back to ch1 you would sometimes lose the visual look for urself for the guild icon: IE:
Switching maps does not fix this issue, only relogging.
- Certain low lvl f5's are still not giivng iss/aiss (i heard its multiple of them)
- The Ninja rings of feint does not have a propper name (missing translation at the end)
-Sometimes the left quest UI window bugs out and doesnt propertyl show the full quest log in preview, IE:
- The monster count still shows in spectres tower in paris
-the hp/mp bar preview of the new potions still dont show hp/mp regain bar upon using
- not sure if bug or intended, but it would be nice if there was a "please click to login" feature in the beginning when u login to the game
- Also while entering settings in the login screen by pressing "ok" the menu doesnt close, only on "cancel"
-Item skills right under "Job skills" is missing an english translation on the button + no vissible hotkey for it
-Ranking in-game is missing/not added (might be intentional, but im reporting it anyway)
-Bulletin Board having wrong name for what its used for, so is the "Jewel exhange" button, its wrong name for bounty items, it should be re-named to "Bounty exhange" and have a small description/explination of "Bounty tokens" instead of "jewels"
-Cosmetic lady Catherine in port of winds doesnt do anything yet, so shes not very useful in the game as of right now
-Item exhange at Gacha vending machine isnt working (could be due to the npc not having any items to exhange or bug, not sure)
-Hunter G quests are not giving any "good" exp rewards or item rewards as of now
-Fayel Town #2, Beach town #2, Windia Town #2 gives error upon entering, it says "Wrong adress"
- Map names of community dungeons are in russian (possible due to the db) would be nice to see these in english, aswell as the event entry map coin put at the potion merchant for the original price, to test the community event dungeons aswell as the windia race one