Bug Report Solved Channels do not exist when porting to Arteicia


Dec 15, 2020
When using the 'Port to Arteicia'-Button in the character selection you get ported to Arteicia, but no channel is applied. So the game says you are at channel X but you can see every player from every channel and everyone can see you.

1. Situation: While standing in the egg circle on channel 1, I logged in with an Alt to care the circle. The alt was on channel 3 but I was able to see the Alt and the alt was able to interact with the circle although they were on different channels.

2. Situation. I saw a player doing a duel, but I was not able to see the opponent. So the player I saw was on every channel and was fighting a player from another channel.

That's not a problem in the first place, but it can lead to some performance issues as I don't know how long this effect will last, so when a channel will actually be applied.


Oct 20, 2016
This may have been a quirk because one of the services wasn't being reached by the server temporarily.


May 13, 2020
usually you are bugged to ch 1 when you use arteicia button - you can confirm that by changing to ch 1 without cd.
this effect lasts until you port somewhere else, like sanctuary or arena fight, then you are at your displayed ch.
i never experienced the 2nd situation you described - you sure it was a duel and there was a 2nd player?
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