Announcement Character Transfers + Rewards (Important!)

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Sep 25, 2017
Now that the beta is finished i have prepared a spreadsheet listing all characters that will be eligible for class/name/gender/appearance transfer as well as all the rewards each player has gained.

If you believe there to be mistakes with rewards or wish to change your name / gender / class please post a request in this forum thread, every time a request is processed it will be deleted (do not repost your request if it is deleted)

Request: Change Class (To Warrior)
Character: Paris

Request: Didn't Receive Reward (Tier3)
Character: Bannedpex

simple and easy.
do not make false requests / time waste.

These requests can be processed even past "release" IF you have 0 playtime on the character after release , if you have more playtime than this only the character name can be changed via request (class ect will not be changed due to limitations)

Human classes can be changed to drakan classes and vice versa
if you are changing gender / race your appearance will be reset.
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Sep 25, 2017
Request: Didn't Receive Reward (Tier3)
Character:Chloee (lvl79)

The beta rewards were only achievable by playing between 16th September 2019 ~ 6th October 2019
Your account was created on the 7th October 2019
Anything after the mentioned date does not count as the beta ended.
We left the server running as a public test server and drastically increased exp and made the cash shop free, there was no incentive to reward anyone for playing on the public test server.

Sorry for the confusion.
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