Now that the beta test is over and I've gone over the information so I know what we need to work on I figured I would report back to the players.
The biggest issue, which we're still partially dealing with, is learning just how bad the patching/update system for Dragon's Prophet is.
@Light has some ideas to fix it, or to replace it entirely so as to not have to deal with this problem again in the future.
The known issue with Sitheran has a bit more headway into a fix, as it has something to do with the mobs themselves, and not something to do with the zone as originally thought.
@Haterslayer did some extensive testing to find out what may be the issue, and it's provided some valuable information into finding a fix.
The largest issue in game that was discovered was that Dragon Evolution is currently broken, and that we will need to fix that before we can start working towards updates.
Some minor issues that will also be looked into were found, but for the most part the major issues are the ones above.
We will begin researching the known issues, and then looking into fix them soon and will see how it effects the update schedule I posted previously.