Hello Team,
Event 2/10/18,
Due to unfortunate circumstances I am unable to attend the AM event tomorrow. But do not fear! I will be running both the AM and PM event next week (2/17) to make up for it!
I did however spawn stuff at doom castle for those of you who are up for the challenge!
Valentines Day Event! (2/17)
Next week will be the Valentines day event!
The rewards will be dangerous or delicious?
I ran a poll for about 2.5 seconds on what the Valentines day event should be about. Only one player (Me) participated. Here are the results.
Q: How should the Valentines day event be laid out for 2018?
1. Love an affection (0 Votes, 0%)
2. Romance and care (0 Votes, 0%)
3. Netflix and Kill (1 Vote, 100%)
It appears that through the poll we have reached an uncontested decision to rejoice in the wonderful relationship between Life and Death! Because Life sends countless gifts to Death. And Death in turn, keeps them forever.
Netflix and Kill is exactly how it sounds! I will watch you guys kill (or be killed)! How exciting!
That is why your deaths are always appreciated in any and all events! And you get rewarded for it! Its a win win situation for us all!