Patch Note Completed Extended Maintenance to fix Sky Islands on Monday (8/5/2019)

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Oct 20, 2016
We've not been able to track down an easy way to resolve the issue with the server that can be done without potentially re-doing the whole Sky Island system (and even then we do not know where we'd start), so we'll be doing the next best thing, and be doing an OS re-install for the server hardware.

The only difference between the new server and the old server is that we had to choose to use Windows Server 2016, instead of 2012 which is end of life. This should hopefully resolve the weird issues we are having.

Currently the plan is late Sunday Night/Early Monday morning to turn off the server for maintenance and do a backup and then have our new hosting company perform an OS re-install of Windows for us. We will then re-provision and setup the server and turn it back on once that is completed.

This does mean that the server will be down for the majority of Monday as we cannot schedule an exact time for the OS re-install, and can only get a tentative time frame, and we cannot guarantee how long it'll take to re-provision the server.

Again sorry for the inconvenience, we were hoping there would be no issues with the migration, but apparently not even the Dragon's Prophet server can run on a better operating system without having issues .


Oct 20, 2016
The game server is currently offline, and we have scheduled a OS reinstall with the data center for 8AM to 12PM, though it may run a bit behind schedule. We do not have a full estimate on when the server will be back online tomorrow, but we will work to get it done as quickly as possible.


Oct 20, 2016
The OS reinstall was completed at 11:30, and we did the necessary updates and are now working on re-provisioning the server and ensuring that everything is setup.

We also may include a new patch to include a few things.


Oct 20, 2016
The server is back online now, and have verified that the bugs have been fixed.

From what we can tell the issue is due to an odd issue with Dragon's Prophet on the version of Windows we were running.
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