Announcement Indefinite Hiatus

  • Staff
Due to some recent events in Fisolino's life as well as his upcoming University schedule we have decided that it is best to officially put our Dragon Saga server on indefinite hiatus. There have also been some changes to team structure over the last year, and we have had to re-assess some of the plans we had originally had in place as it was either too much for a smaller team, or we wanted to approach things differently. We are hoping within the time the server is on hiatus Fisolino will be able to deal with the things he needs to deal with, as well as allow us to re-assess and re-organize how we wish to do things. It should also give us some time to train or recruit some new people to help spread the workload more than it had been before.

Our current plans are to leave the server up, and do restarts when things begin to get buggy (basically what we have been doing); Cash purchases will be disabled though we will look at doing something about how to get Market items. Eventually we will shut down the server, however that will be when we've got a better foundation and plan available and will start the server over then.
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