Hey there
I would like to see, if someone else want a Level Limitter.
Maybe someone else know this from other games, like me.
It would be able to stay on specific Levels, which allows you to farm like:
- Costume/Skins
- Gear (overstatting/105 gear/..)
- Dragon Skill leveling -> Transfer to Main
- Dragon Stuff: Dragon Runes and Dragon Elements (Twink Lv 60-90 Gifts from Dungeonbosses >> Bodyguard Title)
I know there are different ways to farm items by a raid, but it's not everytime possible and not so comportable.
How it could work:
It could be an item which:
1. Remove the collected experiene from your Character
2. Create a buff. And with the activated buff u won't get experience.
These are just a few examples, im pretty sure there could be more stuff to do.
What do u guys think about it ?