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Multiclienting and why I'm against it


Apr 9, 2020
This topic would probably don't need much explanation so I'll keep it brief.

I still don't understand why multiclienting is even allowed.
I get the fact that dragonica community got considerably smaller nowadays and having an extra set of loot after each dungeon could be time saving since there are not many players to farm with in the present time (referring to adept server only, other servers excluded).

That being said, I'm just thinking long-term and try to understand that ''if'' adept dragonica gets populated in the future, how are 1 account users supposed to compete against 2 account users? Even with the low base of players that we have right now, the people who are able to use 2 accounts at the same time are already being in advantage mainly loot wise. They get the double amount of items with the passing of time and could easily run the server economy or relatively easier than 1 pc users.
Using 2 accounts at the same time could result in boost farming, using 1 character to protect your second character in difficult dungeons, creating confusion when seeing afk characters laying around in different maps with minimum to 0 engagement. Since pvp is not a thing on Adept yet, the other issues regarding multiclienting are irrelevant and I'm sure there will be rules for that anyways.

Additionally, it only ruins the game engagement, parties should be made by different people grinding together, chatting and growing as communities. By allowing multiclienting, half of a regular 4 man party is filled by the same person. Not to mention the fact that most of 2 account users farm alone with 2 or more characters.


Judging from a fair for everyone point of view, multiclienting results in 2 major aspects: less engagement with other players & economical and character progress advantages.


Oct 20, 2016
Since the launch of the DS server, we have blocked or moderated 400+ multiple account registrations. This is purely for Dragon Saga alone, and does not account for the full 2000+ reports we have had in the last year. Dealing with those reports takes quite a while as you have to do each one case by case, and it can take anywhere from 5 minutes to 20 minutes, and if I have to contact each person which then we give them several weeks before we take action on the report.

Also you are ignoring one key factor about multiclienting: account sharing. We can stop people from registering new accounts, and moderate or ban any secondary account registered but it becomes harder when they are using someone else's account. Because it is done at the game level, and not forum level, moderating and monitoring things are more difficult. It is also harder to step in and punish players for sharing accounts without being seen as excessive or overly restrictive.


This is a problem in any game, but is less an issue of account sharing and more that farming is normally done solo except for harder end game content. If someone is going to run the same dungeons for 8+ hours, they are normally not going to do it with someone else, they are going to do it solo.

For the most part, only Paris and Elga really ever had the experience you are talking about where a group of people would grind it together repeatedly; most other content was done solo, or was done with account sharing.

Character Progression & Economy

Again, account sharing played an impact here, and it is not something that can reasonably be prevented without over moderation or a lot of oversight. If anything, not allowing two accounts would have been more harmful and would have created more of an unfair advantage for people who account shared.

As far as PvP goes, we have plans for introducing some monitoring for this, as it is one of the few areas where multiclienting abuse really does have a harmful impact.

In our own content, we would look at doing mechanics that are harder to deal with when multiclienting in dungeons.


Apr 9, 2020
I understand your point of view however that in case there are numerous cases of account sharing. Those who do practice account sharing would probably know each other in real life most of the time.
The problem still remains that those who don't practice account sharing and just play by themselves have the possibilities I just previously mentioned. Then again, I'm not the one who is managing all these accounts but wouldn't be even much of a hustle if everyone could create 2 accounts to farm in the first place?

People who do farm alone and have the possibility to use 2 accounts to farm compared to those who cannot still and will remain an issue in terms of what I said above. That unless new changes in terms of obtaining loot will be applied so I'm looking forward for that.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me


Oct 20, 2016
I understand your point of view however that in case there are numerous cases of account sharing. Those who do practice account sharing would probably know each other in real life most of the time.
The problem still remains that those who don't practice account sharing and just play by themselves have the possibilities I just previously mentioned. Then again, I'm not the one who is managing all these accounts but wouldn't be even much of a hustle if everyone could create 2 accounts to farm in the first place?

People who do farm alone and have the possibility to use 2 accounts to farm compared to those who cannot still and will remain an issue in terms of what I said above. That unless new changes in terms of obtaining loot will be applied so I'm looking forward for that.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me
Every player has the option to use two accounts; we raised the account limit in December (Announcement - Account Limit Increased) and each forum account can register an additional game account for Dragon Saga.

Whether or not they choose to use both accounts or how they choose to use both accounts is up to the individual, but it equalizes the issues I raised in my original post.

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