Apologies for gravedigging (I tried to check if this was actually okay but couldn't find anything), but after losing access to the game for like a year I'm finally back in the saddle, both in terms of the game and the guides. I've started making changes here and there as well as updating the old guides to contain fresh information.
Some of the things I'm in the process of doing include:
1. Adjusting the changelog because Xenos' comment made me realize it's maybe not too obvious ;-; Still trying to figure out if there's a way I can make it appear on more than just the front page.
2. Updating the beginner dragon guides with pictures of skill information.
3. Updating the beginner dragon guides with Adept-relevant information, such as new dragons/dragon availability, as well as fresh higher res pictures of the dragons in question.
4. Adding optimal (or at least good) attribute priority and loadouts for dragon families, something I for some reason never did in the old days and has been requested before.
5. Planning out some more intermediate and advanced dragon guides, but these are subject to how quickly I can build and playtest them, so this one could be a little way's off.
6. May also figure out the more weird systems of the Dragon Building world, such as whatevertheheckie Dragon Companions are. We'll see.
As always progress will be slow as this is very much a side project and responsibilities are always in the way, but hopefully there will be no more complete silence. My goal is to eventually get the guides to a state where they stand the test of time and don't need much more interaction from me once finished, so here's hoping.
If you're curious about what guides have been enhanced, or if I add anything new, you can track my progress with them from the homepage's changelog:
As always feedback or suggestions would be super neat. Thank <3