Suggestion New boss idea ''hard mode Fire dragon ''lava''


Sep 16, 2019
Fire Dragon boss fight.

The field is built with hexagonal pillar for the complete map. At the beginning of the fight the fire dragon take down 9 Hexagonal pillars in the middle of the stage and make is appearance.

Ø Phase 1 > the dragon stays in the middle where he took down the pillar and attack player with.

1- Fire breath that aim at ‘’ Cone zone effect’’ 1 hexagonal zone > 3 hexagonal zone 5 Hexagonal zone and 7 hexagonal zone. if a player is touch by the flame, the player get 1 stack burn DE-buff

2- The dragon smash with is hand ‘’ left or right’’ that hit a 2x2 hexagonal zone

3- The dragon dive in to the lava and jump back up after 2 sec. By doing this some lava rock will fall at random on any hexagonal zone. if a player is touch by the lava rock, the player get 1 stack burn DE-buff

4- The Dragon use is Claws to swipe a zone of 1X6 hexagonal at random

5- Final attack of the phase. The dragon after been lower to 70% of health point The Dragon will dive in to the lava and make zone random zone fall down with him.’’ Within 10 sec’’

Ø Phase 2 > Now that more pillar have crumble the dragon will start appearing at random location Now player will need to jump from pillar to pillar to avoided the same possible attack until the boss Health point reach 30%. If a player falls down in to the lava he will get a ‘’1 stack of burn damage and lose 10% of is max health point from the fall

Ø During phase 3 pillar will start popping back up and down at random, the player will have to move in between pillar while evading pillar that is about to fall.

the pillar will start checking before going down and other will pop up without notice

Ø What is the Burn De-buff effect? Well you will lose health point every 3 sec during the effect, the more stack a player have the more damage this player will receive, after reaching 5 stack the player will get an instant death. This de-buff will last 30 sec until the effect vanish, if you get a new stack on it the timer will reset back to 30 sec.

Ø Resurrection will be impossible during Phase 3 so make sure to stay alive. If you die by falling in to the lava or if the pillar where your body was is take down your body will be out of resurrection range and you will be dead until the fight is over or the party is wipe out.

*during death* : you can still get the end loot even if you die, IF the party is able to take down the dragon before the 10 minute timer run out.
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Mar 19, 2019
Great idea but you might wanna re-make the pillar and debuff difficulty. If the pillars don't pop back up until 3rd phase I'm pretty sure there won't be enough of them (unless the map is gigantic and circular+the boss can turn around while staying in the middle) and 5debuffs is too little considering the pillars fall randomly, you would have to either have them fall pretty slowly(gotta test different speeds to not be easy nor hardcore) or push up the number of debuffs needed to kill.
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Sep 16, 2019
that's up to the map designer to see how big the map need to be, and how fast the pillar need to be pop back up to not mess player totaly xD... DOOM THEY ARE ALL DOOMED TO FALL IN TO THE LAVA lava >>>> Fire dragon win xD


Mar 19, 2019
That's not up to just the map designer actually, whoever is making maps here should at least ask the other staff members and ideally ask once the players for their general opinion(make a poll so there's no infinite debate) when making this kind of maps. Otherwise we just get the feeling of one guy who maybe has never played the game before and has no idea on how difficult his map actually is.


Sep 16, 2019
the best way to not mess player with the pillar, is, for every pillar that fall down one should go back up at random.

So the player need to think before jumping to a pillar to make sure he have a free pillar if some fall close to him. of course if a player fall, he will be teleport to a working pillar.

All boss attack should be shown with a light design that will show when the attack/action will be activated so player can decide when to move '' if they can''. Like in FF14 Boss action.

--- For pillar : the pillar will shake for like 3 sec before falling down.

--- i will think of new attack to add for phase 3 to be even more deadly, because using the same possible attack for all 3 phase can be to easy to predict.

---the burn stack can be remove with remedy? (priest spell) maybe but since the spell have a low Cool-down, i will need to think how fast player are able to get burn stack before that, and remedy have a low range so healer will need to be close to the player or player will need to run to the healer to get is DE-buff stack remove.

--- 1.0 > i will try to make the map design on paper to see how big the map need to be

--- 1.1 > how big is the boss and how many pillar place he take.

--- 1.2 > in phase 2 how many hole the boss will make and how many pillar will be left standing.

--- 1.3.0 > how fast is the boss skill animation

---1.3.1 > ??? (more to come later after thinking more about it. but that is one boss i would like to test out if it can be created to balance it.


Mar 19, 2019
Having a light design is a good and a bad idea depending on how they are made, there shouldn't be any for the obvious attacks (arm swipe) and some only(not flashing red on all your screen) for sneakier attacks, that way people have to pay attention to it.
The pillar shake for 3s is waaaay too long, you don't realize it but 3seconds is actually a lot during a boss fight, 2seconds would be more than enough in my opinion.
If the burn stack is removable with remedy it will give the priest (once again) the biggest spot and usefulness in this dungeon since it's the deadliest part of it, I still think it's better to simply push up the number of stacks needed to kill.
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