I keep seeing the term"Overstating" mentioned in game but have no idea how to do it. Can someone post a procedural guide on how to do this?
This Video is helpful to give u a general idea of how to over stat .. i can share a bit of info on this to give you an idea of what to do to get what u want ..
Here i will share some examples of an unconfirmed Tier system i have come to use ..
1st try and picture stats in tier's of 1-5 , 1 is highest tier 5 is lowest tier.
Example1: INT , STR, PHY/MAG DAM, say these are in tier 1, having 3 of these stats together each will have a 90% chance to transfer
Example2: Focus, DA , Fero, Say these are tier 2 , same thing here having these 3 stats together have 90% chance on each to transfer,
But lets say you want to get a batter chance of getting Fero
Take 2 Tier 1 stats ( INT STR ,ect) along with your Tier 2 stat (fero) now your odds are more like 50% for tier 1 and 70% for tier 2 to transfer.
So in my experience to get the stat u want ,is best to have higher tier stats on the item or same tier stats
Its been a while but i have done pretty will with my gear so far, i havn't yet made a tier graph to show what stats are what tier or official confirmation IF there is even any truth to this system but it works for me ! Hope this help someone else aswell! GL to all
this is my personal understanding of the tiers might help some might be all BS xD
Tier 1: STR, INT, MAG/PHY Dam, CHP
Tier 2: NAT/ELE/DSD/ Dam, CHC ,Focus,DA ,Fero
Tier 3:NAT/ELE/DSD/FULL Resist, Con, Char, Thoughness
Tier 4: PHY/MAG DEF, Armor/magic Penetration
Tier 5: HP stuff